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  1. #171
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by phobun
    Quote Originally Posted by ef9hatchman
    BAN FOR NICCOLO. Dumbass Nutswinger....your what we call a dickrider no not Literally. Dickrider is like a brown noser who is one to an extreme.
    Btw Kaiti if you hate people on the fact of being MUSLIM you might as well hate the whole world or at least those who arent atheist.
    This thread is catnip for stupid hissing felines.
    PHOBUN worst poster ever...

  2. #172
    5 Star Poster
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    Jun 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Quote Originally Posted by yosi
    just to remind you : the palestinians in Gaza had a great celebration on the 9/11.

    if Los Angeles was bombed on a daily basis from accross the border in Mexico for the last 8 years , do you think that the american army won't hit back ?

    and after all of that the American army will be accused for attacking inocent Mexicans , how will you react than?
    Yes, but put in special police squads instead, not an entire army, for God's sake. Izrael have to deal with a group of terrorists in Gaza, not a "real" army. What we see right now is quite an unproportional reaction and seems to be ment to target civilians as much as possible. Children, schools, entire families, etc..
    Al Quaida of Bin Laden is also a terorist organization , not an army......

    the goal of these terorist Islamic groups is "Jihad" - holy war , to make the whole world muslim , doing it by killing innocent poeple like the 9/11 in America , or like the latest attack in Mumbay India.

    these terorists in Gaza, hide in schools , in Shifa hospital in Gaza , forcing innocent palestinians at gunpoint to shoot missiles on Israeli teritory for the last 8 years , and you are talking about inhumanity on the Israeli side.........

  3. #173
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Quote Originally Posted by yosi
    just to remind you : the palestinians in Gaza had a great celebration on the 9/11.

    if Los Angeles was bombed on a daily basis from accross the border in Mexico for the last 8 years , do you think that the american army won't hit back ?

    and after all of that the American army will be accused for attacking inocent Mexicans , how will you react than?
    Yes, but put in special police squads instead, not an entire army, for God's sake. Izrael have to deal with a group of terrorists in Gaza, not a "real" army. What we see right now is quite an unproportional reaction and seems to be ment to target civilians as much as possible. Children, schools, entire families, etc..
    Please define what a "proportional reaction" in a war is?? ..and while you're at it - please explain to me how you can completely avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy hides , and yes, shoots at you from their midst. Has it ever occured to any of you that if Israel just wanted to wipe out or "target" as many civilians as possible..there would be a helluva lot more casualties than there already are.

    Perhaps..some of you could also tell me what Israel's reaction should be after Hamas first violates ..and then refuses to extend a cease fire...(and please don't answer with "they should react proportionally"without defining what that should be) ??

  4. #174
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niccolo
    Quote Originally Posted by fred41
    Quote Originally Posted by Niccolo
    I'd really like all those people who insulted kittyKaiti when she spoke about Islam to reveal what they know about Islam. Because there were precious little comments addressing what she actually said about Islam. Who's actually done any serious study here? Anybody? As for the comments about kittyKaiti's likening Islam to a virus, well that's an old, old idea. Surely someone here has read Richard Dawkins?,10...ns---Channel-4
    They probably know precious little. They should read Robert Spencer's books: "The Truth About Muhammad" and "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)". they are very eyeopening. Seems a lot of what the young lady said was true. But if it doesn't mesh with people's idea of -"we're all the same and if we could just talk..all our problems would be solved"..views of the world..then it's automatically hate speech and can't be listened to even if it's factual. Ask all the people who have death decrees put on their heads because the good people of Islam didn't like what they said or wrote or drew or acted improperly, etc. These things weren't done by a "small meaningless, Muslim minority..they were declared by Islamic religious leaders of "whole countries" Iran.
    I love people who like to say Christianity and Islam are the same (or the Bible versus the Koran)..I can't remember someone in modern times who was threatened to be put to death for criticizing christianity or the bible. try that with the Koran....and NO I'm not religious at all.
    There are some strange characters using this board, that's for sure. I see no attempt being made to actually defend Islamic teachings; to say (for example) that the Islamic prophet did not marry Aisha when she was six, and initiate sexual relations with her when she was nine years old. Nor does anyone attempt to explain how this event can be reconciled with the Islamic belief that their prophet is the "ideal man" whose behaviour is something to be emulated by all good Muslims everywhere. And there has been no mention at all of any of the atrocities committed by Islamic forces throughout history, not least by Mohammad, who unquestionably had a ruthless streak about him. (To put it mildly!)

    What happens is that people are attacked personally if they say anything critical of Islam. It's a very curious phenomenon.

    I don't know if you have ever read Bruce Bawer's book, "While Europe Slept," or any of his articles on Islam. He's written a lot of good stuff on this topic, and if you're already familiar with Robert Spencer's work, then I think you might enjoy Bruce Bawer too.
    Thanks, I'll give it a read. I find it interesting how a member here even wants to ban you and calls you "brown noser" just because he has no actual answers to your statements (or doesn't like what you have to say). You therefore must be a brownnoser because the person you're defending (or her statements) happens to be a TS...and therefore that must logically be the only reason you would possibly defend her.

    So lets ban you and everyone else we don't like the answers of ..until we only have people here that agree completely with each other . You must be a right wing nut you have to go. .......of course,..little to no criticism of the conspiracy theory, left wing nut bags that are allowed to run unchecked.......yeah that's fair.[/i][/b]

  5. #175
    Rookie Poster
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    Why did everyone immediately start talking about how awful it was for Israel to do this? Doesn't the description say that Hamas was parading the weapons and they went off? Maybe I'm reading it wrong but I took it as an accident. (And for the record, I think both sides are wrong).

  6. #176
    Professional Poster alyssats's Avatar
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    cum and get me ;)


    Goshhh I wasnt able to finish the video I cant take it anymore

    I think this thread should be locked or should be in the pit

    Salaam/Shalom to all!

  7. #177
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    The United Fuckin' States of America


    Hamas, once a religiously inspired terrorist organization, is now also an elected political party. Palestinian elections are coming up again soon. Could it be that Hamas’s renewed provocation of Israel’s wrath is a political ploy to stir up hatred for Israel and votes for the party?

    This morning NPR aired a brief discussion touching on the military definition of the phrase “acceptable civilian losses.” It seems the losses are acceptable if their sum doesn’t outweigh the benefits of military action. Which accountants are to be hired to make the assessment wasn’t mentioned. I’m sure military and political minds can easily weigh civilian deaths against troop advancements and other sorts of strategic or political gains. Hamas, for example, fires their mortars from within Palestinian schools and hospitals gambling that the children and patients will function as a kind of repellant against retaliation. Not only is this odious practice itself repellant, it’s paradoxical. By Hamas’s own reckoning, a school full of Palestinian children is worth only the one or two Israeli’s their entire mortar barrage is likely to injure. Of course Israel is inclined to agree with such an assessment and take out the school. Big tit for little tat has been Israel’s modus operandi for decades. It’s predicable.

    Personally, I don’t think Israel has a right to exist and neither does Palestine nor Iran nor any other religious form of government. Israeli’s and Palestinians living together with equal citizenship under a secular government would be another story. If Israel could transform itself into a modern, 21st century, secular government and grant equal citizenship and uniform rights to Israeli’s and Palestinians alike, then it might be able to establish its right to exist in the Middle East.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  8. #178


    Al Quaida of Bin Laden is also a terorist organization , not an army......
    True. I could not agree more.

    the goal of these terorist Islamic groups is "Jihad" - holy war , to make the whole world muslim , doing it by killing innocent poeple like the 9/11 in America , or like the latest attack in Mumbay India.
    Is it? How do you know that? Have you talked to them? To me, "making whole world muslim" is a pretty optimistic goal to achieve from a sieged little shit hole called Gaza. Sounds like an eutopia to me. But now again, could you please explain to me, how Gaza became a sieged little shit hole?
    How came that all those innocent people managed to put more than 1.5 milion other people in the shit hole called Gaza? Oh, well, it does not matter, i guess. The most important thing is that they are - like you said - innocent.

    these terorists in Gaza, hide in schools , in Shifa hospital in Gaza , forcing innocent palestinians at gunpoint to shoot missiles on Israeli teritory for the last 8 years , and you are talking about inhumanity on the Israeli side.........
    Ok, and that is a perfect excuse to you for killing all those civilians. I think that Izrael's military force also is supposed to defend even those innocent palestinians held as hostages, but not kill them as well along with terrorists. That is definitely the wrong way of defeating terrorism, don't you think so? It gives me a totaly wrong picture of that "human" side of Izrael.

  9. #179


    Quote Originally Posted by fred41
    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Quote Originally Posted by yosi
    just to remind you : the palestinians in Gaza had a great celebration on the 9/11.

    if Los Angeles was bombed on a daily basis from accross the border in Mexico for the last 8 years , do you think that the american army won't hit back ?

    and after all of that the American army will be accused for attacking inocent Mexicans , how will you react than?
    Yes, but put in special police squads instead, not an entire army, for God's sake. Izrael have to deal with a group of terrorists in Gaza, not a "real" army. What we see right now is quite an unproportional reaction and seems to be ment to target civilians as much as possible. Children, schools, entire families, etc..
    Please define what a "proportional reaction" in a war is?? ..and while you're at it - please explain to me how you can completely avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy hides , and yes, shoots at you from their midst. Has it ever occured to any of you that if Israel just wanted to wipe out or "target" as many civilians as possible..there would be a helluva lot more casualties than there already are.

    Perhaps..some of you could also tell me what Israel's reaction should be after Hamas first violates ..and then refuses to extend a cease fire...(and please don't answer with "they should react proportionally"without defining what that should be) ??
    With all the technology that Izrael's army posess, I consider it to be a shame not being able to spot all those terrorists inside so small area as Gaza is. Believe me or not, but this reaction is more than unproportional.

  10. #180
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Quote Originally Posted by fred41
    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Quote Originally Posted by yosi
    just to remind you : the palestinians in Gaza had a great celebration on the 9/11.

    if Los Angeles was bombed on a daily basis from accross the border in Mexico for the last 8 years , do you think that the american army won't hit back ?

    and after all of that the American army will be accused for attacking inocent Mexicans , how will you react than?
    Yes, but put in special police squads instead, not an entire army, for God's sake. Izrael have to deal with a group of terrorists in Gaza, not a "real" army. What we see right now is quite an unproportional reaction and seems to be ment to target civilians as much as possible. Children, schools, entire families, etc..
    Please define what a "proportional reaction" in a war is?? ..and while you're at it - please explain to me how you can completely avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy hides , and yes, shoots at you from their midst. Has it ever occured to any of you that if Israel just wanted to wipe out or "target" as many civilians as possible..there would be a helluva lot more casualties than there already are.

    Perhaps..some of you could also tell me what Israel's reaction should be after Hamas first violates ..and then refuses to extend a cease fire...(and please don't answer with "they should react proportionally"without defining what that should be) ??
    With all the technology that Izrael's army posess, I consider it to be a shame not being able to spot all those terrorists inside so small area as Gaza is. Believe me or not, but this reaction is more than unproportional.
    What kind of technology does that. We don't have it . If a Hamas terrorist takes off that silly ski mask he always seems to wear in photos...then he's just a Palestinian civilian....terrorists don't glow in the dark..or have a floating "T" over their heads.

    You can't expect a military to use weapons that don't exist yet..and if they don't ..claim they should.

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