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  1. #41
    Professional Poster
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    Sep 2006

    Default Re: something REALLY HORRIBLE is going to go down this year

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    I dont know what it is but I know our government will be behind it.
    There are clues here and there.
    The patriot act.
    Our countries financial meltdown.
    We are broke....our country has no money and cant borrow any.
    Think about it.....All of those people on wall street lost their jobs......Trillions lost....literally.
    Obama is going to be tested ALMOST immediately.
    FEMA has ALL these CAMPS around the country....
    And BUSH brought property in Paraguay.
    Why would a Texas cracker want land in Paraguay particularly one who had NEVER traveled out of the U.S.A before being selected as president?
    Something really sinister is going to go down....and soon.
    Im very nervous about the whole thing.
    All of our troops are overseas fighting so we are vulnerable.
    I believe all this stuff has been planed by the powers that be and the NEW WORLD ORDER is about to reveal itself for ALL to see.

    I hope I am wrong but I know Im not.
    All this stuff is being orchaestrated by people ABOVE Obama.
    They always promote a black man to a position to use him.......think about how Collin Powell was used to sell the attack on Iraq.
    Something really really really evil is behind all of this and I am scared for my country.

    LOL, that is kind of funny. I am sure that something will go down this year, but I doubt that it will be some kind of conspiracy. When you look at the state of out country right now with the banks on the verge of disaster, US car makers begging for money and home owners losing thier homes every day. It is inevitalble that there will be disaster sometime soon, and since all of corporate america is lookg to the government to bail them out, you can be sure that the governemet will have something to do with it. But to say that it will be some kind of consiracy is a little crazy.

    It almost sounds like you might be saying George Bush may be planning a a terrorist attack on the U.S. Tell me I am wrong.

    An amature does it till they get it right,
    A professional does it till they can't get it wrong.

  2. #42
    Rookie Poster
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    Nov 2007


    Paranoid delusions are a common sign of schizophrenia. I'd see a psychiatrist if I were you.

  3. #43
    Rookie Poster
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    Oct 2008

    Default Solitary Bro is right!

    Unluckily, Solitary Brother is right. There is compelling evidence, well substantiated from a plethora of sources, that some powerful individual are about to change the way we know the world, both socially, economically and, possibly, morally and legally. The Patriot act, the war on terror, the financial meltdown, etc,. are all there to push the people to relinquish their rights. The middle class is disappearing, and with it goes that part of society that is creative and thinking, and who is able to individuate and rebuff injustices. The blue collar worker that comes home tired at night is not in the position to object to any circumstance; he doesn’t have the time nor the will, and is easily brainwashed.

    If you people, that like to dismiss Solitary Brother’s concerns so quickly, would take time to research our economic structure and the corporate world, you would find a lot to rise up about. From the inception of the Federal Reserve, a central banking system privately owned by international banks, the American people have lived in a country of debt. Every penny created is a debt to the FED. If you go on and study how loans and financing takes place, you will find out it is an outright fraud, unequivocally leading to financial collapse of the people and the taking over of their property (collateral) by the banks. You will also learn that banks, when giving you a loan, create the money out of thin air (FIAT money), and would therefore have little to loose and no contractual consideration. Also, you would learn that, because in the lending process only 100% of the money is available in circulation, it would be impossible for the people to repay 100% of the loan plus interests%. At one point, after years of always growing loans, there comes a time, NOW, that the system collapse; just like that game with the music and the chairs, some people remain standing; those who won’t be able to repay the loan would loose their collateral (properties); in fact there are many people left standing and very few chairs, and the only ones that knew about the game where the banks (FED, Treasury, high ranking politicians…all of them), all along. You have just been subdued to modern slavery, by not informing yourselves and acting to resolve this, you slowly will become poorer.

    It is all happening very fast, and the US is loosing its role of superpower. But this too was orchestrated, the US is not important to those powerful people behind the scenes. They use nations as puppets: They control the US, and all its politicians; in turn the US controls the Saudi Royal Family in S. Arabia (keeping them in check, since the majority of the Saudis are against the royals), Mubarak in Egypt (they placed this absolute dictator in power, so much for democracy), Colombia (where many suspect the CIA of capitalizing on cocaine), Panama, Ecuador, and many other. They gain control of these countries using a “hitman”, someone that goes to corrupt the government official to accept loans (creating debt for the people, virtually enslaving them to repay it) and the presence of foreign companies to extract natural resources. If the hitman fails, the “jackal” comes in, an infiltrate who would destabilize the government, replacing it with a complacent party. If hitman and jackal fail, then the government is terminated, either by direct killing or open war. Saddam Hussein, was an ally of the US, and received funding and armaments from the US, to fight Iran. With time, the US lost grip of Saddam, and wasn’t able to overthrow him pacifically. The story goes that Saddam, still from his point of view in good relations with the US, asked Bush Senior permission to attack Kuwait, in reprisal to a oil field dispute….and secretly Bush said that the US would stay out of the affair. Well, good Bush senior was setting Saddam (not a saint and probably closer to a barbarian, but that kept stability in the area) to what now became modern history.

    It is true that FEMA has created some (many) “concentration camps” in the US, that are now empty (they say they have a good reason for , but read about it and shiver); that part of the army is training to side with the police in the wake of expected civil unrest in US cities (due to unemployment and the understanding that something is wrong with the picture); it is foreseeable that in 2009 many businesses would go bankrupt and unemployment will skyrocket; it is foreseeable that criminality will increase due to economic conditions (poor people without jobs, and no funds for police dept.); it is true that the US has more people in Jail, Prison and on Probation than all the other countries in the world combined (from: ); it is foreseeable that the dollar will collapse, due to the massive stimulus and bailouts, devolved thanks to the printing of new money and to the creation of new national and foreign debt (this would make existing money worth less, and at a critical point, when some strategic countries would replace the dollar with the euro for commerce, it would result in the Argentina style collapse of the dollar); jobs will pay less, and businesses will require more from their workers (oversupply of man labor); after an initial period of deflation (lower prices on consumer goods) due to excessive inventory, an adjustment will bring prices far up, almost prohibitively to households… I can go on and on.

    You see, Solitary Brother has a point, and you people need to start asking questions instead of “LOL” all the time, because at the end, I doubt anyone of you will LYAO anymore.

    Who owns corporations?
    Who are the big asset holders?
    Some CEOs of big Corps, are at the same time on the board of directors of many other big Corps and also banks. Who do they work for?
    Who owns the media?

    I have learned a lot listening to Ron Paul’s (presidential candidate) speeches on youtube.

    Also, visit this website to learn about banks and how you get screwed:


  4. #44
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    The United Fuckin' States of America


    I have learned a lot listening to Ron Paul’s (presidential candidate) speeches on youtube.
    there's nothing like a good old fashion, medieval appeal to authority with a few "it is foreseeable"s thrown in to connect the gaps and few revelations of what Bush said "secretly". a nice mix of everything that makes an agreeable brain wash. be sure to rinse and repeat.


    a plethora of sources

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by trish
    I have learned a lot listening to Ron Paul’s (presidential candidate) speeches on youtube.
    there's nothing like a good old fashion, medieval appeal to authority with a few "it is foreseeable"s thrown in to connect the gaps and few revelations of what Bush said "secretly". a nice mix of everything that makes an agreeable brain wash. be sure to rinse and repeat.


    a plethora of sources
    Ron Paul is a very smart individual that exhibits Founding Father type qualities. He understands economic principals far better than anyone of the wall St. criminals that "Obama" has picked to be on "his" staff. Knocking Dr. Paul is ridiculous

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  6. #46
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Solitary Bro is right!

    Quote Originally Posted by porcazio
    Unluckily, Solitary Brother is right. There is compelling evidence, well substantiated from a plethora of sources, that some powerful individual are about to change the way we know the world, both socially, economically and, possibly, morally and legally. The Patriot act, the war on terror, the financial meltdown, etc,. are all there to push the people to relinquish their rights. The middle class is disappearing, and with it goes that part of society that is creative and thinking, and who is able to individuate and rebuff injustices. The blue collar worker that comes home tired at night is not in the position to object to any circumstance; he doesn’t have the time nor the will, and is easily brainwashed.

    If you people, that like to dismiss Solitary Brother’s concerns so quickly, would take time to research our economic structure and the corporate world, you would find a lot to rise up about. From the inception of the Federal Reserve, a central banking system privately owned by international banks, the American people have lived in a country of debt. Every penny created is a debt to the FED. If you go on and study how loans and financing takes place, you will find out it is an outright fraud, unequivocally leading to financial collapse of the people and the taking over of their property (collateral) by the banks. You will also learn that banks, when giving you a loan, create the money out of thin air (FIAT money), and would therefore have little to loose and no contractual consideration. Also, you would learn that, because in the lending process only 100% of the money is available in circulation, it would be impossible for the people to repay 100% of the loan plus interests%. At one point, after years of always growing loans, there comes a time, NOW, that the system collapse; just like that game with the music and the chairs, some people remain standing; those who won’t be able to repay the loan would loose their collateral (properties); in fact there are many people left standing and very few chairs, and the only ones that knew about the game where the banks (FED, Treasury, high ranking politicians…all of them), all along. You have just been subdued to modern slavery, by not informing yourselves and acting to resolve this, you slowly will become poorer.

    It is all happening very fast, and the US is loosing its role of superpower. But this too was orchestrated, the US is not important to those powerful people behind the scenes. They use nations as puppets: They control the US, and all its politicians; in turn the US controls the Saudi Royal Family in S. Arabia (keeping them in check, since the majority of the Saudis are against the royals), Mubarak in Egypt (they placed this absolute dictator in power, so much for democracy), Colombia (where many suspect the CIA of capitalizing on cocaine), Panama, Ecuador, and many other. They gain control of these countries using a “hitman”, someone that goes to corrupt the government official to accept loans (creating debt for the people, virtually enslaving them to repay it) and the presence of foreign companies to extract natural resources. If the hitman fails, the “jackal” comes in, an infiltrate who would destabilize the government, replacing it with a complacent party. If hitman and jackal fail, then the government is terminated, either by direct killing or open war. Saddam Hussein, was an ally of the US, and received funding and armaments from the US, to fight Iran. With time, the US lost grip of Saddam, and wasn’t able to overthrow him pacifically. The story goes that Saddam, still from his point of view in good relations with the US, asked Bush Senior permission to attack Kuwait, in reprisal to a oil field dispute….and secretly Bush said that the US would stay out of the affair. Well, good Bush senior was setting Saddam (not a saint and probably closer to a barbarian, but that kept stability in the area) to what now became modern history.

    It is true that FEMA has created some (many) “concentration camps” in the US, that are now empty (they say they have a good reason for , but read about it and shiver); that part of the army is training to side with the police in the wake of expected civil unrest in US cities (due to unemployment and the understanding that something is wrong with the picture); it is foreseeable that in 2009 many businesses would go bankrupt and unemployment will skyrocket; it is foreseeable that criminality will increase due to economic conditions (poor people without jobs, and no funds for police dept.); it is true that the US has more people in Jail, Prison and on Probation than all the other countries in the world combined (from: ); it is foreseeable that the dollar will collapse, due to the massive stimulus and bailouts, devolved thanks to the printing of new money and to the creation of new national and foreign debt (this would make existing money worth less, and at a critical point, when some strategic countries would replace the dollar with the euro for commerce, it would result in the Argentina style collapse of the dollar); jobs will pay less, and businesses will require more from their workers (oversupply of man labor); after an initial period of deflation (lower prices on consumer goods) due to excessive inventory, an adjustment will bring prices far up, almost prohibitively to households… I can go on and on.

    You see, Solitary Brother has a point, and you people need to start asking questions instead of “LOL” all the time, because at the end, I doubt anyone of you will LYAO anymore.

    Who owns corporations?
    Who are the big asset holders?
    Some CEOs of big Corps, are at the same time on the board of directors of many other big Corps and also banks. Who do they work for?
    Who owns the media?

    I have learned a lot listening to Ron Paul’s (presidential candidate) speeches on youtube.

    Also, visit this website to learn about banks and how you get screwed:

    I'm wondering where the Jews fit into all of this...?

  7. #47
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by wankmaster
    Paranoid delusions are a common sign of schizophrenia. I'd see a psychiatrist if I were you.
    He won't listen.
    Crazy people usually don't have the insight to know that it is them, and not everyone else, who is nuts.

  8. #48
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    Quote Originally Posted by trish
    I have learned a lot listening to Ron Paul’s (presidential candidate) speeches on youtube.
    there's nothing like a good old fashion, medieval appeal to authority with a few "it is foreseeable"s thrown in to connect the gaps and few revelations of what Bush said "secretly". a nice mix of everything that makes an agreeable brain wash. be sure to rinse and repeat.


    a plethora of sources
    Ron Paul is a very smart individual that exhibits Founding Father type qualities. He understands economic principals far better than anyone of the wall St. criminals that "Obama" has picked to be on "his" staff. Knocking Dr. Paul is ridiculous
    Well to see a paranoid truther of your caliber still sporting wood for Paul, that says it all for me. Why don't you, David Icke, Alex Jones and Rosie O'Donnell get together and have a big paranoid circle jerk?

    I'd rather vote for RuPaul than Ron Paul, because Ron's followers are batshit crazy.

  9. #49
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thx1138
    more here, check it out...

  10. #50
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The United Fuckin' States of America


    Ron Paul is a very smart individual that exhibits Founding Father type qualities. He understands economic principals far better than anyone of the wall St. criminals that "Obama" has picked to be on "his" staff. Knocking Dr. Paul is ridiculous
    i'm knocking argument by authority. argument by invocation of an authority without citation of source or logic isn't worth its weight in words. example: Ron Paul is very smart because Obama tells me so.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

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