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  1. #61


    she does. but y u make it so big. now i see her earring is stuck in the wig n her eyelashes are peeling off on the inside. lmaooooooooooo.. das my gurl tho she is lovely.

  2. #62
    Junior Poster
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    Manhattan, NYC


    Yup, I dyed it! I need to get a touch up sometime this weekedn cause my original hair color (Dark Brown/Black) is peeking out a little ..



  3. #63
    Junior Poster
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    Manhattan, NYC


    LoL! Thanks ... BRB Later! Im going outside!



  4. #64
    Platinum Poster
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    if the pic was smaller we wouldnt be able to point and laugh at it... thnx

  5. #65
    Veteran Poster
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    Wash. D.C.


    Quote Originally Posted by tsntx
    if the pic was smaller we wouldnt be able to point and laugh at it... thnx
    lol, that's f*cked up. but yea, thanks for the pic. i had no idea about all of this stuff unitl I read this thread. Guess you really do learn something new everyday.

    And Kiely, your pic gives me lots of....ideas.... :P

    If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.

    *Out of respect for the women here I've officially retired the 2nd half of my signature*

  6. #66
    Rookie Poster
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    Sep 2005


    That's fucked up. She didn't need the wig. She's beautiful without it. And she can dance and sing. I'm never her fan anyway this proves my opion of her - not enough depth. IMO, no girl, TG or GG, needs a wig or anything cosmetic unless being without it makes her feeling not her usual self. Girls need to realize that cosmetics, surgeries, photoshop-ing are fine when used in moderation to enhance who they are including their physical beauty or social images they try to project. But you can't really change who you are only by changing the appearances. There is much more to you than just the appearances. A girl who cultivates both appearances (but not obessively) ANd inner depth is irresistable anywhere any time.

    Personally I prefer a little bit imperfection that makes a confident girl cute and different. I beg you girls, don't go out of your way with airbrushing, excessive make-ups or surgdedries. But if you feel a need to do it, do it as if it were natural, make it an integrated part of you.

  7. #67
    Silver Poster slinky's Avatar
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    What's the opposite of "admirer"?


    I really don't like most of those touched up pics. They are almost all way too red, and way too soft. They almost look like spray painted instead of photos.... there's no detail. I don't know what this aversioj is with any "defects"... it's reality, not cartoons.

    We do a little touch up on the stuff we put on the web, but it's mostly for lighting correction and maybe a little color balancing. But not that extreme.

    Although much more is done with makeup than retouching. We've shot some girls who when they arrived I've thought to myself "We're shooting that????????" and then when she came out of the dressing room, everything was alright.

    Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist:

  8. #68
    Platinum Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianna
    Quote Originally Posted by aTsLiKeN0oThEr
    And mixed pretty boi u r the last person to judge anyone cuz I approved every last private message u sent on . and I saw the beasts u talk to. Don't have me go back in my database n post pix of them ho's. N even though u said I'm cute u r racist as hell and for a boi who claims to be so picky even the black chicks u fucked with weren't on point. Dragqueens at best. Finally didn't I read a thread where u said u would like to see Nelly's buff ass and Justin Timberlake in drag?

    damn only 2 posts n i'm on a roll already. i gotta get out of here.... lolzzzz
    You can see everything we do there, can fix votes, etc? That is fucked up, .. Why you gotta be that way? WTF? No respect for privacy, and rattin' on people's personal shit? And everyone seems to get those mysterious low votes from some nameless, faceless member. Hmmm. I wonder who might be doing that? Maybe her name starts w/ an "M"? It's like, why bother even having a rating, if there's one person who's competing that can cheat? It's meaningless.

    not to mention how fucked up is it that she reads the msgs and is threating to post PRIVATE pics of her members to make another member look bad on another site??? if anyone is still on this site seriously you should consider deleting your account...

  9. #69
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    Paris, France


    whats wrong with her wearing a wig? hunny, basically every big star in the business is wearing a wig, extensions, etc.

    first of all- to go on stage, perform, telivision, etc - u need make up
    alot of it to look like u are not wearing much. that is the trick of a good make up artist.

    fashion is all about playing with different looks, make up, hair, etc.

    really, if every woman was to base her looks on what a man would find attractive- it would be a sad world.

    beyonce's look today is extremely polished and well put together

    shes young, rich, beautiful, and talented- and if the 7,000 wig makes her look good then so be it

    beauty is not often about what you NEED- but about what you WANT
    today you can taylor your hair, face, body, make up, fashion to fit you as a person and your wants.

    and i think that is the greatest form of indivual style and expression

    2008 AVN Transsexual Performer Of The Year

  10. #70
    Platinum Poster
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    The United States of kiss-my-ass


    Quote Originally Posted by Arianna
    Quote Originally Posted by aTsLiKeN0oThEr
    And mixed pretty boi u r the last person to judge anyone cuz I approved every last private message u sent on . and I saw the beasts u talk to. Don't have me go back in my database n post pix of them ho's. N even though u said I'm cute u r racist as hell and for a boi who claims to be so picky even the black chicks u fucked with weren't on point. Dragqueens at best. Finally didn't I read a thread where u said u would like to see Nelly's buff ass and Justin Timberlake in drag?

    damn only 2 posts n i'm on a roll already. i gotta get out of here.... lolzzzz
    You can see everything we do there, can fix votes, etc? That is fucked up, .. Why you gotta be that way? WTF? No respect for privacy, and rattin' on people's personal shit? And everyone seems to get those mysterious low votes from some nameless, faceless member. Hmmm. I wonder who might be doing that? Maybe her name starts w/ an "M"? It's like, why bother even having a rating, if there's one person who's competing that can cheat? It's meaningless.
    LMAO...there have been many occasions on this site under her past and present identities when these new, mysterious posters have appeared to cheer for her...did I hear her say 25,000 members in another thread?....yeah...rumour has it she also has a yacht in Cannes...seems like a lot of former members are gettin hip to the "queen of the damned "and her delusions...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

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