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  1. #11
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    Paris, France



    first- my fees with GDE are none of your concern-

    how does a pedophile, child moslester- compare to two consenting adults having sex? i think that is the WORST anology i have ever heard.
    how can u even compare being sexually open minded to the abuse of children?

    are you always this irrational?

    and i have no idea how rhis topic jumped from buck
    to unprotected sex-transsexuals who have stds, and my knowledge of ttranssexuals who have std's having sex without condoms?


    and who said everything transsexuals do is correct-?

    oh so now it is incorrect that i had sex with buck-

    you know what dear, it is pointless to even try to converse with you because your postings dont make any sense and are jumping all over the place.

    i have a funny story to tell that reminds me of this topic-

    a few years ago i was at spa on a thursday night- which was a gay night-but kinda mixed. i was in the bathroom and over heard these two girls saying 'we had no idea this was a fag night- dont touch anything they all have aids'- i was outraged and when i left the stall i confronted them and they were equally as ignorant. that kind of shit should not be toleroated- so i went and told kenny kenny the promoter- and someone else about the incident. the other person i told when up to the girls and tried to "educate them". kennny felt otherwise- he kicked them out and sais something to the order of "some ignorant people you just cant change their mind, and who gives a fuck- let them stay ignorant- but not on my time"

    we established you think buck is freak and u wont see the movie.

    good for you-that is the power of choice and consumerism.

    i will cease from participating in this discussion further- as i see it is quite poitnless

    2008 AVN Transsexual Performer Of The Year

  2. #12


    i am not making money off of buck dear

    I am under contract with Gia Darling Entertainment as a performer and associate producer of the series

    first- my fees with GDE are none of your concern

    all your words hun, so yes u dont get extra money from the video, other than performance fee?????? don't answer that cause i would hate for u to prove me wrong.

    i respect your view on not wanting to see it- but i do noot respect your idea of free speech means being intolerant to another transsexual when you are on a transsexual site-enjoying an alternative lifestyle.

    and i have no idea how rhis topic jumped from buck
    to unprotected sex-transsexuals who have stds, and my knowledge of ttranssexuals who have std's having sex without condoms?

    your words again....i ask is it ok to accept everything a transexual does just cause they are one of your own?

    you cliamed to be "open minded" but , think again, because after reading everything you wrote you are not as open minded as you might like to think

    your ms allanah do u enjoy being someones personal slave? or better yet their toilet? since i'm not as open minded as u are please enlighten me on what it takes these days cause from what you're saying i'm not allowed to disagree with anything posted on this board.

    i do noot respect your idea of free speech means being intolerant to another transsexual when you are on a transsexual site- YOUR WORDS

    a few years ago i was at spa on a thursday night- which was a gay night-but kinda mixed. i was in the bathroom and over heard these two girls saying 'we had no idea this was a fag night- dont touch anything they all have aids'- i was outraged and when i left the stall i confronted them and they were equally as ignorant. that kind of shit should not be toleroated- so i went and told kenny kenny the promoter- and someone else about the incident. the other person i told when up to the girls and tried to "educate them". kennny felt otherwise- he kicked them out and sais something to the order of "some ignorant people you just cant change their mind, and who gives a fuck- let them stay ignorant- but not on my time

    nice little story but how does a matter of OPINION and an INCORRECT FACT end up being the same thing?

    my original post --i consider myself pretty open-minded, but i know i can't be the only one that get really frickin freaked out by BUCK (the F to M transexual). i just saw allanah's post with the box cover of the movie she did with him. i'm sorry to say this is one of allanah's movies that i have no desire to see. sorry babe

    i dont say any thing about "dont go see the movie", "lets stone buck to death" , or even as u claimed --"so now it is incorrect that i had sex with buck"

    see its all well and good when people express their opinions on politics, sports, etc but NNOOOOOOO lets not go against one of our precious transexuals on their home turf.

    see everything i've said has all been a matter of opinion, like it or not its how i feel. how does my opinion remind u of an incorrect fact such as all fags have aids?

    u want facts
    1 as much as u try to cover it up , u made more money off the movie than buck, and will continue to make more as it sells...good luck i wish u all the best cause like i said ITS A HUSTLE
    2 u never responded to me talkin bout your coked up, aids ridden homeys...but then again its ok for them to come to your party, just dont step foot on your video shoots
    3 just cause all these ass kissing tranny lovers cant be honest and speak out against one of hungangels golden girls cause they're to scared they'll ruin their chances of one day gettin a freebie doesnt make everything u say right

  3. #13
    Professional Poster
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    Dirtee Jerz


    Has anyone seen Buck's pictures when he was a girl? He was a pretty fuckin' hot girl!!!

    Shush girl, shut your lips
    Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  4. #14
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    He was a hot girl, I couldn't believe it. I first met Buck a few years ago and hung out with him and Saigon Lee all evening before he told me he used to be a chick, I had no idea.

    Now to's funny the people who are the biggest arses are the ones who've been on this forum for the shortest amount of time?
    He's went from complaining about freaks to pretty much losing his temper and showing his true colours by slagging off all things transsexual?
    Series issues for somebody who claims to be openminded and is on a TS board?
    Chill out or piss off, man.

  5. #15
    Professional Poster
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    New York


    I have always wanted to see miget tranny porn , does it exist?

  6. #16
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    A midget tranny or a tranny doing a midget?

    I've seen Gia Darling set with Bridget (the midget).


  7. #17
    Platinum Poster
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    The United States of kiss-my-ass


    I saw a photo set of Foxy Angel and a midget...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  8. #18
    Rookie Poster
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    I'm usually very low key on this sight, but I had to jump in on this. Allanah, I like your style and the way you get down, and especially the way you usually handle yourself (especially with all of the Vicki "hating on you" stuff")>LOL>>
    But I have to honestly say that it seems like you could've just taken this guys original comments as feedback, or "one potential consumer response" and that's it. It's a fact that you are doing big things, and will be doing even more. You are pushing the envelope as you are growing. As you grow, expand and continue to push that envelope, you have to expect a wide range of responses, views, disagreements, "shock values" etc. It comes with the territory. It doesn't seem worth your time to spar back and forth with someone who shares openly about a video or scene or production that you are proud of and have engaged in. You have to see yourself as much much more bigger than that. I'm not even saying he's wrong, because that is his opinion, but to you he should be only one person among the masses of people that you know are going to be buying and/or viewing this video. All with thier own views, thoughts and likes/dislikes.
    Again, you have to see yourself bigger than that. Even Evil Angel or Grooby, etc gets a bad review or response occasionally I'm sure, but I would think that they just see it as feedback to take or not take into consideration for other productions. I'm sure one persons point of view doesn't warrant an in-depth response.
    So, keep doing your thing, and just brush some things off your shoulders as nothing to worry about.

    The thought of seeing the uniqueness of a beautiful girl with tits and a buldge just drives me crazy

  9. #19
    Rookie Poster
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    I agree with the topic creator,this is one i desire not too see that buck sorta freaks me out!

  10. #20
    Silver Poster ptyseminole's Avatar
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    Changing a bit the course of the post, Allanah: how did it feel to fuck Buck? I mean those it feel like a "normal" pussy? I appreciate your comments.

    I think it's great to see movies that "push the envelop" and show shocking and impacting scenes. I must admit that maybe is not my thing, but nonetheless, I'm interested in seen it!

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