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  1. #71
    Junior Poster Suckerpunch's Avatar
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    is this some kind of fucking wind up? we (as humans) are meant to be intelligent species, people get off watching this? - you need to your fucking heads read... Im as broadminded as everyone when it comes to consenting adults. Animals? come on like Allanah said is up their with child porn no level headed person would even consider this, & i stick to my comments I would those C***** in a room with lion or tiger and see how far they would get.

    Animals especially dogs are loyal pets, that why years & years of cruelty they are willing to trust us humans again. I know my dog came from a pound where if i hadnt have took her she would have been destroyed.

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  2. #72
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    You equate a horse fucking a girl on video with a child being raped?
    Who needs there head read?

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  3. #73
    5 Star Poster brickcitybrother's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    Wow, what's next? Probably something like this: one legged Aboriginal Australian midgets fucking albino gophers.


    Wow - You got that movie too? lol

  4. #74
    5 Star Poster brickcitybrother's Avatar
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    But honestly - that is truly beyond appropriate behavior as well as down right dangerous

  5. #75
    Professional Poster
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    Your talking about appropriate behavoir here??? lol..get real.

    Appropriate for who? Im not into animal porn, but from what ive seen, those animals arent being abused......You animal rights people really need to stop believing animals are people....we kill them for sport...we kill them for food....we even kill them out of hand and run ghastly experiments on them and were certainly responsible for causing some to go into extinction....All extremely reprehensible, but I assure you having sex with them certainly is not hurting them in any way that could possible matter to the animal...There just doing what they would do naturally.

    Got stand with Seanchai on this one....judge not lest you be judged. Some cultures still accept cannibalizm, /shrug.

  6. #76
    5 Star Poster
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    This is great stuff. So controversial. I found an article which is pretty interesting.

    Attached Article Summary: For you guys 8/100 of you are cow fuckers. For TS, 3.5 out of 100 are dog pleasurers. Fess up!

    I guess it may not be natural, but I'm not seeing the abuse. A guy doing a cow is (I am going to steal someone elses term here) like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, and I'm sure dogs like boinking women more than getting castrated...

    On another note, I have always been for sending our stray cats and dogs (only the ones who would be "put to sleep" anyway) to third world countries for food. We are killing millions of dogs and cats a year. For countries where the alternative is starving, it seems a more noble death than the gas chamber.


    "It's hard to get a handle on how many people actually follow through these days with acts of bestiality. Dr. Alfred Kinsey asked Americans in the 1940s. Eight percent of males and 3.5 percent of females reported interspecies congress, as did half of men living in rural areas, according to Kinsey's widely cited, but disputed data. As to partners of choice, Kinsey found that women tended toward pleasuring dogs. Austrian court records of the last century reveal that rural men prosecuted for bestiality were far more likely to have had intercourse with a cow than with whatever else was available in the barnyard. "


    Final word on eating beef products: What happens when cows, through evolutions, become sentient? Would we still eat them or hide the fact to preserve our way of life?

  7. #77
    Still Here 5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vicki Richter
    like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
    Great image.

  8. #78
    5 Star Poster
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    I forgot that the Kinsey report said HALF of men living in rural areas have had relations with animals. Is that like Kansas or Indiana?

  9. #79
    Professional Poster
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    Default heh...

    Rural is anywhere where a pickup is the most common form of transportation

  10. #80
    5 Star Poster
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    OK... Who drives a pickup?

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