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  1. #41
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  2. #42
    Junior Poster NadiaUSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wendy48088

    Just curious - Do you know this first hand or have it on good authority from several people you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by strawberry

    Just to chime in with some info on the side here... this guy exists and is legit. Sometimes he rubs people the wrong way. I've heard different girls call him flirty, arrogant, and creepy (but no one reports all three). Some girls like him because he's totally into patient choice and is more likely to encourage higher doses than constantly put the breaks on. The unambiguously cool thing about him is basically that you can get "subdermal pellets" from him so you can stop taking pills every single day... and only think about hormones a couple times a year.

    Another thing, if you're flying into LA for pellets, there's two options. Another guy in LA who also does subdermal estradiol pellets is called Dr. Horowitz who is "more legit" in that he doesn't really advertise online, he's cheaper, and (according to the grape vine) he requires letters from a therapist.

    Dr. Richard Horowitz
    8635 West 3rd Street, Suite 885
    Los Angeles, CA
    Dr Oday is for TS that want reults. The other doctors in LA are not going to give as an agressive regimin.

    Nadia Valentine site: New and Improved in 2011

  3. #43
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee
    Having now read a description of how Premarin is formulated, may impact my future HRT regimen. I of course knew that it came from pregnant mare urine, but didn't really fathom the barbarous conditions under which it was done.

    I am not a big fan of injectables, I have had more than my fair share of sub-cutaneous Estradiol injections to the buttucks, and I don't think I would be too fond of sub dermal pellets either.

    Thus for me, a happy medium is the use of Premarin cream ...

    Now given the concerns that have been outlined about Premarin, what
    do you see as a downside to vaginal creams such 17beta-estradiol as
    a route of administration.
    Basically, I have no clue. I hear about so much variation in results and preferences that my attitidue is basically that anyone pushing a one true way is likely to be acting on something other than certified true beliefs and nothing but deep and genuine concern for my personal well being :-P

    Try it. If you think it's cool, yay! If you don't... try something else.

    The thing I use the research for is to add in a bit of side info to let me know that "how I feel" isn't the *only* major concern. Like I don't think osteo is something you "feel" until your bones are already so weakened that they get hurt when they shouldn't and then you're already in a really bad place. So it's a legitmate worry if you're post-op and aren't taking *some* kind of hormones... so stay on some kind of hormones... it's a warning that "just because it feels OK right now doesn't mean it necessarily is in the long run".

    Anything you don't swallow won't go through your liver first. But I always heard that creams were sorta a ripoff if you're trying to get your blood levels up. There are cheaper ways... but they involve pills or needles or something :-(

    Like I said, it's really about getting a balance you're personally comfy with.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Hormones and moods

    Quote Originally Posted by Alison Faraday

    Please may I request personal accounts of how your hormones affect your moods, if at all? On the whole I'm ok, but there are times of the day (usually late at night) where I can get really down. And I don't like it. I'm guessing it's due to my oestrogen levels dropping, and am just interested to hear what others have to say.

    My hormone regime is;

    Cycled between; Premarin 5mg (8 * .625mg) daily. OR. Estradiol 8mg (4 * 2mg daily)
    Progesterone 200mg

    I'm just interested to hear how you get on and what you're taking.

    Warm thanks,

    Are you aware that creatine is a steroid and is dangerous to you health, take my friend for example, he was a fit and healthy guy but got sucked into the world of bodybuilding and his friend big Ron suggested dat dere cell-tech. Needless to say my friend being the gullible POS he was trusted ronnies advice whilst in awe at his bulging guns.
    He started off with 2 scoops a day, he was really excited about dat celltech. well his downfall started with the first scoop he consumed.

    He literally started to grow in about a day, this was unbelieveable. As an all natural bodybuilder i was a bit pissed with what i was seeing. Well a week went by and i popped round his house. OMFG i didnt believe it, his guy put on easily 50lbs of LBM, he was now consuming 3 tubs a week and a gallon of water an hour.

    A few months on I confronted him about his celltech abuse he just growled and continued to flex in the mirror. The guy was beyond help i just didnt know what to do so i called 911, the police came round, it was big Ron. I forgot he was a cop.
    Anyways big Ron told me, if you say anything about dat dere celltech to my superiors he'd snap my neck. At this point i was shitting bricks, i was literally on my own, me and the cell tech boy and a tub of celltech.

    i thought the only people i could contact was the guys back on the misc section, these guys were about as usefull as an ashtray for a motorbike.

    my last port of call was muscletech head office, they asked me to leave cell-tech boy and he'd be in safe hands. i left that office worrying about celltech boy and what dat dere cell tech was doing to him inside.
    i never did see celltech boy again, i really miss that musclehead.
    guys when you mess with cell-tech, your messing with a substance that really is beyond our comprehension, if my story has swayed a few opinions then i can sleep easy tonight.

  5. #45
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    I am comfortable with the efficacy of vaginal administration of
    HRT. I am pleased with my endocrine levels and overall health.
    That the cream aids in making my vaginal walls soft and pliable,
    and that the cream acts as a lubricant is a bonus.

    As you have pointed out, I am very dis-pleased with the
    barbarous conditions under which Premarin is formulated.

    In the mare, the period of gestation lasts an average of 11 -
    11.5 months (330-350 days). Thus a mare could conceivabley be
    engaged in Premarin production for that entire period.

    At foaling, a mare’s daily nutrient requirements increase
    significantly. The mares protein and energy requirements almost
    double from early gestation to lactation, as do requirements for
    calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A.

    If these need are not met, the mare’s ability to raise her
    new foal and become pregnant again may be negatively
    impacted. A mare will lactate for the fourth, fifth, and sixth

    Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
    and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.

    What is known is that I will be looking at other vaginal
    cream HRT options forthwith.

  6. #46
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    My regimen is 400mg spiro and 4mg progynova, which usually leaves me crying my eyes out by the time 10pm rolls around.
    It's probably not the best dose for me, but it's all I can afford right now.

  7. #47
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


  8. #48
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee
    Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
    and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.
    My understanding is that a few foals are sold for entertainment. The majority get turned into glue or dog food.

    It's similar to dairy farms where only a couple males are saved and the rest get sold as veal. With factory egg farming, they get a bunch of eggs in to hatch and then the male chicks are turned into fertilizer because they're not considered good as fryers and obviously can't make eggs. With cattle, they ground up dead cows to feed them to the other ones... apparently that's bad because now we have Mad Cow Disease.

    Factory farming is bad.

  9. #49
    Veteran Poster
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    Claire: I didn't know you were taking so much spiro. Don't you constantly have to pee? ^-^

    I'm taking 200mg spiro, 4mg estradiol, 2.5mg medoxyprogesterone. When I have money burning a hole in my pocket, I pick up extra E off of Inhouse and go to 6mg or 8mg. I tried 5mg progesterone for a while but that played with my anxiety and such too much but I like that it gives me more energy. I know micronized is better but it's what I can afford.

    I'm going to look at switching to shots soon (which I've been saying for two years now...). I can't wait to get an orchi, hopefully next year (2009) unless something comes up.

  10. #50
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by tgirlzoe
    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee
    Whether the mares foal may be aborted so as to maximize profit,
    and to allow her to beome pregnant again is not known by me.
    My understanding is that a few foals are sold for entertainment. The majority get turned into glue or dog food.

    It's similar to dairy farms where only a couple males are saved and the rest get sold as veal. With factory egg farming, they get a bunch of eggs in to hatch and then the male chicks are turned into fertilizer because they're not considered good as fryers and obviously can't make eggs. With cattle, they ground up dead cows to feed them to the other ones... apparently that's bad because now we have Mad Cow Disease.

    Factory farming is bad.
    I truly had no idea that was the final fate
    of those animals.

    I may have to become a PETA member.

    After I become a vegetarian again.

    But it is truly barbaric.

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