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  1. #1
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    I agree, those are the same girls I'm into - natural looking ones, in real girls also I'm more into the girl next door look.
    Some information on Ana (the image above from the - absolute sweet girl, she's had her nose done and some silicone in her chin in this pic. She then had full SRS in a Chinese hospital in Bangkok (the cheap version as opposite to a Thai hospital like Bumrungrad which is awesome). They take her genitals off and then put them in a jar next to her bed because "a person need to be all together when they die".
    A few months later she had some extra silicone pumped into her chest, which found it's way into her blood stream and eventually her lungs. Doctors tried to get it out but to no avail and she slowly suffocated in hospital. A spoke to a girl I was seeing who was visiting Ana at the time and Ana's words just stuck; "I just don't want to die yet, I'm not ready."
    A sad ending for a beautiful girl.

    This isn't an attempt to get started any debate like we had last month, I just think it's an interesting piece to let you guys know more about the lives of some of the girls.

  2. #2
    5 Star Poster
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    I think it is great that all the girls Mega likes are like 18. :P

    Cradle robber!

  3. #3
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    The lovely Nancy.
    First shot her years ago - she's now post-op and I believe living with a guy outside China (within Asia).
    Nice girl but after she got a lot of guys going over looking specifically for her she got a bit of an attitude.

  4. #4
    Rookie Poster
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    excellent post mega, I agree with the whole natural looking thing. The first girl is pretty (teeth kinda fucked up but eh). Sorry to hear about the death of Ana though.

  5. #5
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Man, that's a sad story. I'll never understand what drives them to SRS.

  6. #6
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    There are a lot of places to find out why many transgenders needs SRS online, so I won't bore you all with it here apart from to say, you're view is that as a chick with a dick - they're good - they fulfill your fantasy and sexual turn-on.
    To be your sexual turn-on is not that individuals only desire, she needs to be a female completely. Too take that step of SRS is what she NEEDS to do to live what she would consider a normal life.


  7. #7
    Rookie Poster
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    Not *knowing* became unbearable, then flabbybody wrote: "I'll never understand what drives them to SRS. "

    For the most part it may be genetic, studies have suggested prenatal exposure to estrongenic or progestational agents reduce the expression of boy-type behaviors. Also neuroendocrine and neuroanatomical differences contribute to sexual orientation, particularly in men.

    "Atypical" levels of sex-typed hormones before birth and the attendant effects on specific sex-typed behaviors substantially modify a persons early social experiences. Boys who don't want to play rough or who play with dolls have different father-son and mother-son relationships, and different peer group experience than conventionally masculine boys. This inevitably leads to cross-gender identity issues which, as seanachi alluded, cause distress to the individual, and consequently lead to sex-reassignment surgery (srs).

    "I lie at rest, not bathed with the dews of night visited by dreams of my accusers, for in the place of sleep I have refuge from their persuasive words. When I awake, the force of my eloquence is my guard." - 2003 Ryden

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