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  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Default I've all but given up on women

    Dammit. It seems that whenever I try, I always get shot down. Oh wait, it doesn't seem that way. It IS that way. The more that I get involved, or rather, the more that I get attracted to a woman, it seems that when I either get shot down or she goes with someone else that the (emotional) pain just cuts through me like a knife. They say that it gets better as you live on, right? That with each rejection you learn to not take things so personally? Not in my case. It seems that with each and every time I lose, it hurts more and more.

    I just really don't know what to do anymore.

    While if I could go back in time and change things, God knows I would, I also realize that such a thing is impossible. So I just have to move on with my life and make sure that I come out the other side a better person. That’s all there is too it.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I've all but given up on women

    Quote Originally Posted by Somedude21
    Dammit. It seems that whenever I try, I always get shot down. Oh wait, it doesn't seem that way. It IS that way. The more that I get involved, or rather, the more that I get attracted to a woman, it seems that when I either get shot down or she goes with someone else that the (emotional) pain just cuts through me like a knife. They say that it gets better as you live on, right? That with each rejection you learn to not take things so personally? Not in my case. It seems that with each and every time I lose, it hurts more and more.

    I just really don't know what to do anymore.

    Well........noone likes a whiner. So suck it up

    In all seriousness buddy.......Seems you may be wearing your heart on your sleeve. So youve been rejected. The key is to not dwell on that. You have to keep trying. Any rejection is painful. Here is something that has helped me. You ask someone for their number/to get drinks/to go out sometime, etc. They shoot you down. Whats the worst that happened? Ill never see the person that was never interested in me again? And if I do see that person I wont have to interact with them? Not that bad of an experience as far as Im concerned.

    The more attempts you make at something the more chances you have for success. The more you second guess yourself and the more reluctant you are to make those attempts you will never find out if it could have happened. Meaning you will never know if that one girl would say "Sure let's do something." As far as Im concerned it is better knowing then always wondering what could have been.

    Just my take on Don't know if it helped.

    The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

  3. #3
    Platinum Poster JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel's Avatar
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    dude pm me
    all is not lost, you just need to be educated on game

    snɯıʇdo snʇoʇ soʌ oloʌ

  4. #4
    Professional Poster
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    Default Re: I've all but given up on women

    Quote Originally Posted by Somedude21
    Dammit. It seems that whenever I try, I always get shot down. Oh wait, it doesn't seem that way. It IS that way. The more that I get involved, or rather, the more that I get attracted to a woman, it seems that when I either get shot down or she goes with someone else that the (emotional) pain just cuts through me like a knife. They say that it gets better as you live on, right? That with each rejection you learn to not take things so personally? Not in my case. It seems that with each and every time I lose, it hurts more and more.

    I just really don't know what to do anymore.

    Could be the type of women you're trying to get with. If you sit down and think about all of the things they all did to show you this was coming, you'll notice a pattern. Then think about all of the things you did when they started showing you they weren't interested, you'll notice a pattern.

    Then it's time to break both patterns. To do that, think about all the women you kept on a string (I hope you've had that experience), time to do more of that and less of what you were doing to get hurt.

    Keep trying, change is good.

    Shush girl, shut your lips
    Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  5. #5
    Professional Poster
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    In your dreams....





    "99.98% of people on HA are not worth the time."

    Lmao You're such a cunt TrueBeauty TS! I love it!! - HTG


  6. #6
    Junior Poster
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    Somewhere, bein' somebody.


    Could be the type of women you're trying to get with. If you sit down and think about all of the things they all did to show you this was coming, you'll notice a pattern. Then think about all of the things you did when they started showing you they weren't interested, you'll notice a pattern.

    Then it's time to break both patterns. To do that, think about all the women you kept on a string (I hope you've had that experience), time to do more of that and less of what you were doing to get hurt.

    Keep trying, change is good.
    Nope, never been in the situation to have a girl "on a string". Dunno why. Guess that I'm SOL in that regard? All I can think of as to what I did to get hurt...I dunno. Maybe I wasn't confident enough? I always didn't beat around the bush and asked them straight out. It was always with women who I was at least friends with first. Maybe that has something to do with it?

    Well........noone likes a whiner. So suck it up

    In all seriousness buddy.......Seems you may be wearing your heart on your sleeve. So youve been rejected. The key is to not dwell on that. You have to keep trying. Any rejection is painful. Here is something that has helped me. You ask someone for their number/to get drinks/to go out sometime, etc. They shoot you down. Whats the worst that happened? Ill never see the person that was never interested in me again? And if I do see that person I wont have to interact with them? Not that bad of an experience as far as Im concerned.

    The more attempts you make at something the more chances you have for success. The more you second guess yourself and the more reluctant you are to make those attempts you will never find out if it could have happened. Meaning you will never know if that one girl would say "Sure let's do something." As far as Im concerned it is better knowing then always wondering what could have been.

    Just my take on Don't know if it helped.
    That's my biggest problem: I just can't seem to let go of certain things in the past, no matter how hard I try (yeah, I know my sig says otherwise...I try to keep that mantra going in my head, but it just doesn't seem to work most of the time).

    But yeah, those words did kinda help. I know that I need to keep's just hard to do, you know? Sometimes I just feel like giving up all together, like I do now.

    Women ain't something you can just "give up on".
    Dunno. Seems they've given up on me. :P

    While if I could go back in time and change things, God knows I would, I also realize that such a thing is impossible. So I just have to move on with my life and make sure that I come out the other side a better person. That’s all there is too it.

  7. #7
    Professional Poster
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    Dirtee Jerz


    Quote Originally Posted by Somedude21

    Nope, never been in the situation to have a girl "on a string". Dunno why. Guess that I'm SOL in that regard? All I can think of as to what I did to get hurt...I dunno. Maybe I wasn't confident enough? I always didn't beat around the bush and asked them straight out. It was always with women who I was at least friends with first. Maybe that has something to do with it?
    Ok, let me put it another way. Has someone ever had a crush on you that you didn't like? God I hope so. Well, that's kinda you, but on the other end. I meant to put this in my first post, but it might be time to take a serious look at the type of women you're interested in. I don't mean that in a 'look for the girl next door' kind of way either. I mean, are the type of women you like whiny? Do they like to do things that you like to do? Do they only call you when something fucked up happens? Start looking for women that aren't like the one's you've been going for, because that isn't working for you.

    It sounds like to me, you're trying to be friends first and then work your way into a relationship. That usually isn't a good plan. 1) You're being deceptive 2) You're not going for what you really want. For some reason a lot of guys try to do this and don't understand why it usually doesn't work. I'm not saying it doesn't work, it's just not working for you. You have to go in guns blazing and if it doesn't work out, well it won't hurt as bad because you tried.

    Don't worry, I'm going to hook you up.

    Shush girl, shut your lips
    Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  8. #8
    Junior Poster
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    That is the best avatar ever haha

  9. #9
    5 Star Poster
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    Just date TS escorts honey - no strings, we don't get pregnant so no child support, and you can pay in installments instead of after the divorce...

    TS Jamie

    I feel your pain honey - I gave up on women too - and now I get them to PAY me, sometimes.

  10. #10
    Junior Poster
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    Give up, don't give up, ultimately only you can make that decision. Are they shooting you down on asking for dates or when you ask them for a relationship? If it's the first, maybe you need to drop the friends-first and just ask them out on dates. If it's the second, maybe you're moving too fast for them. I've discovered that if you're friends with a woman first, it is nearly impossible to move into a romantic relationship with them. Women cherish their friends in a way that men don't equal. Two guys can be friends and get into a knock-down drag out fist fight and once it's over, they can brush themselves off and go get a beer together (been there, done that) like nothing happened. If two women are friends and get in a fight of any sort, it takes for-freaking-EVER for them to get over it. And even then, they don't ever forget it. Ever.

    Do yourself a favor and list yourself on Hotmatch, Adult friend finder, Fling, Hornymatches, any dating site you can find. And when you write your profile, be honest about what you want and what you're looking for. Make sure you have good, current pics of yourself on the profile. And when you set up your searches, make it local for you and make sure you expand your options as far as age is concerned. Don't limit yourself to just someone your own age. If you're 25, run the searches from 18 to 40. Also be certain that you look for women that have the build that you like. If you like slim girls, make sure you look for that. If you like curvy, look for that. I don't care for slim, and I was only dating curvy or BB women. Above all, have fun and keep your mind open. I wasn't looking for anything in particular when I was dating and now I'm engaged to a wonderful woman.

    Good luck!

    No, what you've got are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty of them I will no longer be standing, because if I am then you will all be dead before you can reload.

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