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  1. #101
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    Last edited by jmt; 04-24-2010 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #102
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter if the dogs involved were like Lassie, or like Cerebrus, the threeheaded hound guarding the entrance to Hades, if they were made to fight for blood sport for the perverse pleasure of some thugs, and tortured and killed if they weren't vicious or bloodthirsty enough, they were victims. Michael Vick isn't being prosecuted by PETA, but by the DOJ. Its a crime, not a political social issue. PETA condemns all forms of animal cruelty, and to suggest that Vick did not cruelly victimize these animals is just wrong.


  3. #103
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felicia Katt
    It doesn't matter if the dogs involved were like Lassie, or like Cerebrus, the threeheaded hound guarding the entrance to Hades, if they were made to fight for blood sport for the perverse pleasure of some thugs, and tortured and killed if they weren't vicious or bloodthirsty enough, they were victims. Michael Vick isn't being prosecuted by PETA, but by the DOJ. Its a crime, not a political social issue. PETA condemns all forms of animal cruelty, and to suggest that Vick did not cruelly victimize these animals is just wrong.

    Finally, some clarity of thought regarding this whole matter. IMO, the extraordinary degree to which a number people have gone to make excuses for Vick's cretinous behavior or obfuscate the issue is beyond ridiculous.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  4. #104
    Junior Poster tetsuo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollywoodbuckstrap
    i love all the other athletes is just further proof that they think they are above anyone else...these days they start the silver spoon treatment at like 12 years old if some school spots them for having talent in a particular sport.. lol @ their ignorance....
    yes most are idiots who get payed to play kids games, and my theory is that most people don't enjoy watching sports, they were just brain washed as kids (like they do with religion) to watch sports. People also watch sports so that they have something to talk about or so it makes them feel like a man, but lets face it sure sports are fun to play but watching is boring as shit, i mean come on, all the fucking rules, football yeah some one throws the ball someone catches it and runs while a bunch of men try and jump on the guy. Yeah thats entertainment, fucking same shit, same stupid assholes.

  5. #105
    Junior Poster tetsuo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelenaCD
    i have no sympathy for pit bulls , sorry , and anyone that owns one i think is crazy , many animals are born predators , PETA wants to support natural born predators and make believe they are victims !
    All dogs are natural born predators, cats as well, and people too! Yeah!!! I learned something new today!!! Wow WEEE Cool!!!

  6. #106
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    I think one can safely say that the callous remarks by mystique, jelena, and all the other sickvick apologists are the epitome of ignorance.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  7. #107
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    There is Fury in the Canine Nation
    Peggy Drexler

    I was sitting around with my husband and teenage daughter - and our ever-present golden lab Stuart - when I happened to remark that I didn't think Stuart was all that bright.

    Retribution came swiftly.

    My husband demanded to know why I would say such a thing about a dog that - with the proper training - could almost certainly master long division. My daughter rattled off his encyclopedic knowledge of commands - sit, shake hands, stay and, well, it kind of drops off after that - unless you count: "Stuart, sit there and look happy."

    And Stuart took it all in with his normal hanging-tongue and love-struck gaze, until he was interrupted by some pressing business in his lower regions.

    As I listened to their defense of Stuart's intellect, it occurred to me that Michael Vick will never play professional football again.

    He has messed with the wrong crowd.

    According to the Humane Society, there are 73 million owned dog in the United States. Although owned and owner are probably misnomers. How about: inter-species cohabitaters?

    Almost 40 percent of US household share their home with at least one dog. Of those, 25 percent have two dogs, and 14 percent have three or more.

    Yes, the canine nation is mighty. But numbers are only the dimension of Michael Vick's problems.

    There is also the depth. Ask any dog lover, and they will tell you that these animals who share our lives are not property. They are all members of an extended family. Visit your local dog park on a Saturday morning, and listen to conversation strikingly similar to a play-date - with parents discussing the best day care while keeping a close eye on the bullies.

    Michael Vick crept into this family under the cover of the deep Virginia woods, and did evil things inside pitch black buildings behind the house on Moonlight Road. He has admitted to brutalizing, torturing and killing not the most cuddly members of the clan, but members just the same.

    Just to get a sense of what he is up against, consider some recent trends.

    The outside dog house is a relic of our less-enlightened past. Recent statistics say that 80 percent of dogs live indoors.

    An American Pet Products Manufacturer's Association survey found that these house dwellers often enjoy their own private space - often their own room. Confirmation of that came Friday in a USA Today story that interior designers have a hot new niche in designing dog rooms - often including DVD players looped with animal shows and separate canopied outdoor entrances with their own address.

    The APPMA says we'll be spending $50 billion on pets by the end of the decade. A lot of that is for food. A lot of it is not.

    A quick scan of a site called turns up Kate Spade dog bowls, fruit-scented cleanser for "dirty little fur faces", raised and grassed indoor potty areas, designer dining tables and a 60s retro-print designer dog coat. Other sites offer Swarovski-encrusted collars, dog strollers and flowery spring party dresses.

    There are books for planning the perfect dog birthday party, and helpful advice for dog weddings. I found a group advocating -- and offering to facilitate -- marriages between people and dogs (Isn't that what former Sen. Rick Santorum said would happen if this whole gay marriage things got out of hand?).

    Interestingly, you find little of any of this for cats. Experts say people don't see cats as a personal reflection of themselves in the way they do dogs. Besides, I'm pretty sure cats would laugh about it behind our backs

    Dog funerals are big. As cremation cuts into traditional human funerals, there are now 500 funeral homes offering pet funerals - up from a handful 10 years ago. The number would be much higher, the industry says, were it not for states that frown on the idea of commingling the departed - which is why some firms are building $100,000 separate facilities for pets-only cremations.

    Maybe it's an uncertain world that is driving people to overlook the slobber and embrace unconditional love. Maybe it's boomers doing a little emotional back-filling as kids move out. Maybe it's the increase in singles and young marrieds having kids later, who hate coming home to an empty apartment.

    Whatever the reasons, it's big trouble for Michael Vick. When he leaves prison, the PETA people will be waiting, and they will hound him (the puns are flying) every place he tries to earn a dollar. Who Let the Dogs Out? will become his life's anthem.

    Scanning the extended NFL player rap sheet, there is gambling, recreational and performance-enhancing drugs, DUI manslaughters, assaults, sexual assaults, illegal weapons, disorderly conduct and even murder. In the majority of cases, the highly-paid perp admits the crime, does the time or pays the fine -- then works his way back onto the field and into the good graces of a public that can overlook a lot in return for power, speed and a little remorse.

    Not this time.

    Sure, many of those who consider Michael Vick a serial killer wrap their little four-legged darlings in angora and put on padded booties when the temperature dips. But they are legion in numbers. They are mad as hell. And they won't forget.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  8. #108
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    SickVick now claims that he's found Jesus...

    Now there's a shocker. There's not very many atheists in foxholes, after all...

    SickVick describes his torturing and killing of dogs as "immaturity"...perhaps the same sort of"immaturity" should be inflicted on Vick and his ilk...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  9. #109
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Is A Nice Lady Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Is there anyone gullable enough that would actually buy the apology that he attempted today? I hate when people who are facing prison say "I'm sorry" for the sole purpose of receiving a more lenient punishment. There are plenty of shameless defense attorneys all over cable news trying to peddle this apology as legit.

  10. #110
    Junior Poster tetsuo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    SickVick now claims that he's found Jesus...

    Now there's a shocker. There's not very many atheists in foxholes, after all...

    SickVick describes his torturing and killing of dogs as "immaturity"...perhaps the same sort of"immaturity" should be inflicted on Vick and his ilk...
    I wonder if Jesus owns a pitbull as well, or perhaps he's more into cock fights.

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