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  1. #121
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    One of the interesting aspects of the NYC trial, is that because it is a private, and not a public, listed company, the Trump Org is not subject to the same level of regulation, and while its Financial Officers are liable for the decisions they make, the same level of corporate responsibility that affects Public firms may not apply here -so in theory, the Trumps could get away with it, while their Financial Officers do not.

    But it also then puts the onus of responsibility on the accountancy firms, with the question -were they obliged to perform the due diligence that would have exposed the claims made by Trump(s) to be false? They are saying they relied on what the Trump(s) told them, but is this enough? And is it the case they did not investigate the claims because they stood to make a lot of money from property the higher it is valued?

    It would suggest that not only were the Trumps engaged in fraud, but so too were the Banks and the Accountancy firms without whom the Trump scams would never have worked.

    Could one consequence of this be an investigation into the behaviour of Banks and Accountancy firms, and is this particular trial the argument for more regulation of private companies, precisely to ensure they do not engage in fraud, and that the Executives of the firm must take Corporate Responsibility for the behaviour of their firm?

    Indictment of Trump Organization Executive Puts Focus on CFOs’ Liability - WSJ

    Trump fraud trial explores who was responsible for his financial statements | PBS NewsHour

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  2. #122
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    Is the US Justice system neutral or politically biased?

    Trump and his supporters attack Judge Engoron and his clerk as a 'Democrat operative and hack'.

    Does this mean Trump appointed judges can be denounced by Democrats for being Republican operatives and hacks?

    None of which undermines the facts in the case in New York City, maybe that's why Trump and his friends are always changing the subject....?

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  3. #123
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Is the US Justice system neutral or politically biased?

    Trump and his supporters attack Judge Engoron and his clerk as a 'Democrat operative and hack'.

    Does this mean Trump appointed judges can be denounced by Democrats for being Republican operatives and hacks?

    None of which undermines the facts in the case in New York City, maybe that's why Trump and his friends are always changing the subject....?
    The United States Justice System is neutral. That's exactly the reason Donald-PLCAPC-Trump and his enablers and defenders are always changing the subject,because it's part of a strategy to continue to gaslight his supporters into believing anything he says,and giving him their money.

  4. #124
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    George-The Fraud-Santos knows his time in the US House Of Representatives will be coming to an end very soon,because his whole political career was built on lies,and his persona is a sham that has been exposed and is falling apart,and the evidence against him is overwhelming and his fellow colleagues want him expelled from Congress. George-The Fraud-Santos can play the victim card all he wants by calling the ethnics report a political smear campaign,it isn't going to help him keep his job.

  5. #125
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    I don't know how the Jan 6 Trial will unfold, but I wonder if one of the aims of the attack on the Capitol, was to provoke Trump in his last act as President to stay in power by invoking the Insurrection Act. There was some speculation that Michael Flynn had thought about this long before the event, and it may be that in those 'missing hours' when Trump we are told was watching the insurrection on TV, that in fact he may have been communicating with Flynn, possibly too Bannon and Stone, and may just have chickened out of declaring martial law, or was persuaded not to by Kushner or other around him, as we know he is susceptible to arguments and can never make up his own mind.

    This time, however, he is proposing to be more aggressive in his use of the US Military when 'vermin' crawl all over Main St USA and he don't like it.

    But if he was chicken the first time round, will he actually do it the next time -if there is a next time? -Though I still think Haley will be the Candidate.

    Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. A legacy law gives him few guardrails (

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  6. #126
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  7. #127
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Though I still think Haley will be the Candidate.
    Republican voters in 2024 are never going to nominate
    - a woman
    - non-Caucasian (Indian)
    - who routinely criticizes Trump

    The candidates will be Trump and Biden, why is that hard to accept? Nothing is going to happen to Donald Trump before the election, he certainly will not be going to prison or anything like that. You seem to be grasping at straws, first with DeSantis and now with Haley. It’s going to be Trump versus Biden, barring a medical catastrophe on either side.

  8. #128
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    I don't get it either. If Republican voters haven't been turned off Trump by anything that's happened over the past 2 years - January 6, multiple criminal charges, open signalling of authoritarianism - what on earth is going to make them change their minds in the next few months? Given the recent polls, even the electability argument for choosing someone else has been weakened.

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  9. #129
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    I don't get it either. If Republican voters haven't been turned off Trump by anything that's happened over the past 2 years - January 6, multiple criminal charges, open signalling of authoritarianism - what on earth is going to make them change their minds in the next few months? Given the recent polls, even the electability argument for choosing someone else has been weakened.
    Nothing,because they've been brainwashed over the last 8 + years by Donald Trump
    ,into believing anything he says even though they know it's a lie,and they see him as their savior and think he has their best interest,but in reality he is just using them and doesn't give a shit about them.

  10. #130
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Indicted on 7 Counts

    Sidney Blumenthal confirms Trump cannot seek election again, Colorado was right, and the Supreme Court cannot sophisticate its way out of this.

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