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  1. #11
    Professional Poster Castor_Troy05's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

  2. #12
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    The solution to the problem of too many guns can't be to add more guns.

    By all accounts I've seen, the police did a stellar job in this situation. They got to the scene quickly, went right in, and took care of the shooter. But there are still six dead innocents.

    Universal background checks, restricting sales of certain types of firearms, ammunition, and accessories can help make it less mind-numbingly easy for anyone holding a grudge to rack up a body count. And that is not the same as "taking guns away."

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    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    I agree with all that, the most armed civilian countries in the world are, 1. USA, 2. Russia, 3. Mexico, 4. South America in general
    My thought is that there is something brewing in America hate wise that is scary, all these other countries have guns, granted not to the extent of America but there is some kind of resentment slash contentment towards were our society is going and it is garnering death now rather than hate. We are the only country that this is happening with. I would be fine if I never saw a gun again in my entire life to be honest they play no role in my day to day in nyc. It sucks that where we are now we cant get a gun out of an anger persons hands, or a mentally ill persons hands cause probably 60% go undiagnosed. I am basically just stating that when I was growing up alot of the same things were happening and there was alot of hate and misunderstanding, but what is coming up now seems to only be dealing in escalations, which is well if shooting up a school doesnt prove my point next is gonna be a bomb and so on and so forth.

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  4. #14
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    I agree the police went in there like Hero's, they had very little info and for most accounts were undermanned for the job but they went in fast to try and stop further violence. So hats off I cant even imagine what that would be like to run into that building or even to be the partner of the officers for the next coming weeks cause they are gonna have some damage

  5. #15
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by drfunyc View Post
    My thought is that there is something brewing in America hate wise that is scary, all these other countries have guns, granted not to the extent of America but there is some kind of resentment slash contentment towards were our society is going and it is garnering death now rather than hate.
    There's two likely explanations that come to mind.

    1. Many mass shootings are hate crimes motivated by resentment toward some minority group (eg blacks, Jews, Muslims, LGBT). We know where that is being generated from. These prejudices obviously exist in other countries, but nowhere else have have they been mainstreamed into a major political party.

    2. Compared to other countries, the USA provides very little support for people who run into difficulties. They are basically left to their own devices, and some of them crack up and direct their anger toward hurting other people.

  6. #16
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    I can see what you are saying but why is it reaching an all time high now. I would have thought that when racism, homophobia, bigotry where at there height we should have seen more of this in 60's-90's
    it is reaching a head now that is worrisome. And there is very little public assistance for people that are barely clearing the poverty line unlike countries that provide health care.
    Everything just feels different even in NYC, the last altercation I had to get into was because a random guy tried to push another random guy in front of a subway car, luckily the guy was able to brace himself and he and I took the guy down and waited for police. He had no reason what so ever. They had never met etc. But that is just one person wanting to kill another person for no reason. This city used to be great but now crime is up like crazy and there are certain scenarios where you are going home and it is scary.
    I cant pin point it but I do believe alot of the rage is coming from the instant access to social media and news ( reliable or not ) and combined with the huge influx of videos of corrupt police and politicians it is acting like a powder keg
    people feel justified lashing out violently and indescriminately, because that is what has been happening to them for years with no way of fighting back. All of it is sad greatest nation suppose to be free but here we are cop tyrants and mass murders. Dont get me wrong the majority of the police forces do an amazing job and I am behind them 100% but there are some special ones out there that just blow my mind in the worst way possible

  7. #17
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post

    Universal background checks, restricting sales of certain types of firearms, ammunition, and accessories can help make it less mind-numbingly easy for anyone holding a grudge to rack up a body count. And that is not the same as "taking guns away."
    This is the key post. If Americans can't or won't repeal the 2nd Amendment, you can ban certain types of gun, and also the ammunition that explodes inside the body. You can impose restrictions, you can take away the means. How American society deals with the manipulation of sectarian loathing, most of it for political benefit, I don't know. That said, if you revived the Fair Broadcasting principles that Murdoch persuaded Regan to abolish in 1987, Fox and the other channels would be legally obliged to balance one viewpoint with another. Tucker Carlson and Anderson Cooper would not be able to say anything unchallenged.

    Obama on his trip to Australia yesterday argued that Americans have lost a 'shared conversation'. He is right. It is time to stop whining, shouting and accusing, and ask what we should all ask, be it the US, UK, Russia or Nigeria -How can we make this place better? Let's talk about it. And tell the truth when doing so.

  8. #18
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by drfunyc View Post
    And there is very little public assistance for people that are barely clearing the poverty line unlike countries that provide health care.

    I cant pin point it but I do believe alot of the rage is coming from the instant access to social media and news ( reliable or not ) and combined with the huge influx of videos of corrupt police and politicians it is acting like a powder keg
    people feel justified lashing out violently and indescriminately, because that is what has been happening to them for years with no way of fighting back. All of it is sad greatest nation
    Some great points here. Social media and the ability to give instant retorts, and get into an echo chamber platforms and enables those who feel there are no other options to act outside of the internet.
    I've been coming to the US since I was 18 - yet I've never seen any people turn so ugly like the American people seem to be to each other in the last 24 months. From car parks, to shopping, to just getting into other people's business, racism, bigotry, anti-any other country, driving, each time I come back, it gets worse. These are broadstrokes - and it seems to be between strangers but at the same time costs are spiralling (in a normal supermarket in California a dozen eggs are $8 ($4-5 in UK), a loaf of bread $4-5 ($2 in UK) and rent has increased 15% each year. Add to this the media (right and left) adding fuel to the fire, then there is a powder keg about to explode.

    I've been saying for years that I'd see US split or a state cede in my lifetime, and never has that seems more necessary and likely than now.

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  9. #19
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    A big problem in my opinion, is that American's are constantly taught and given a feedback loop that the US is 'the Greatest Country in the world'. It's bullshit, it never was. Most countries believe that. It's cringy and bewildering to have to see people stand before every sports game for the National Anthem (for what?), and the chant 'U-S-A, U-S-A' heard anywhere outside of a sports arena is embarressing.

    There is nothing wrong with patriotism - but when the expectations and promises of the greatest country don't match the reality. When the house with the white picket fence is a shitty apartment taking 35% of you income, when the promise of a job doesn't match up, and when you can't get the wife (or the sex) that everyone else seems to be having (at least according the sit-coms and soap operas) then something is going to break.

  10. #20
    Biatch Platinum Poster Nikka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    taylor swift???

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