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  1. #31
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    I've met, in person, only one person from HA so far, for social and business reasons. I've also chatted, online, with a number of folx from here that I someday hope to meet in person. I would not be surprised to learn that people I have already met, in person, lurk here.

    I've had a couple of intense relationships (One with a GG, one with an IS) that began online (Not here in HA), so this world is what you make of it. These daze, anout 99% of the people I meet are via online encounters.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  2. #32
    Junior Poster
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    South Dakota


    I've met plenty of ppl that I met online. None from this board though. Only one time did it go bad. ( knew the two people for about four years, only to find out that while I was just the same offline as online, she was completely different, while he was the same.

    But you have the good and the bad with anything. If you get to know a person for awhile before you meet up offline, it usually goes well. Mostly I've met people offline just to hang out, never to 'hook up', but I have met a few people that I was interested in.

    I wouldn't mind tossing back a few beers with Beardedone, LG, Megabody, and a few others.

    I dunno, I like to be around people, online or offline, so I'd be open to meet several of the people on this forum offline to hang out, male, female, or tgirl.

    -I'm not hungover, I'm simply relaxing after a long night

  3. #33
    Gold Poster
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    Southern California


    Let the record show (read upstream) who it was that unjustifiably started this, and who just by happenstance, has cowardly decided she won't have anything to do with yours truly anymore now that yours truly has called her reactionary ass out for her unwarranted attack.

    ... To stay on topic, a quick perusal of this thread would clearly demonstrate to anyone with half a brain that what apparently is escaping this stupid bitch is the fact that many of the posters who responded in this thread prior to my query answered her question as they had personalized it and construed it. i.e., It covered the gamut from sexual trysts to platonic get-togethers.
    All I asked for originally was clarification as anyone can see for themselves, and in response I got put down and called names (loser, ignorant,etc). It's all there upstream for anyone following this.
    Unless she is doing the bidding for someone else (notice she didn't treat anyone else with invective), one can only wonder the hubris and dementia involved not only in displaying such harshness in a forum where she is a relatively new member, but also compounding all that by attacking someone she doesn't know one bit.

    We'll meet again, and I'm going to wipe the floor with her. There will be no mixing it up. It will all be one-sided. Count on it!

    Oh, and it was meant to be "fuckin'" in my thread upstream, moron. See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?

    You can apologize, and it'll be cool, but I doubt you have the capacity to do so.

  4. #34
    Gold Poster
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  5. #35


    LOLOLOL!!!!!! Realgirls4me YOU ARE SOOOOOO....

    and by the way once again.... YOUR
    ~MiSs JuNe~

    And by the way hun...
    See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?
    SUBSISTUDING?!?! dear... get a speak and spell... then YOU CAN APOLOGIZE...and try to approach me like you have some damn sense!

  6. #36
    5 Star Poster tsmandy's Avatar
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    San Fransisco


    I think the internet was designed to help sex maniacs like yours truly to meet like minded people. So I'm in.

  7. #37
    Gold Poster
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    Feb 2004
    Southern California


    Quote Originally Posted by THATSMISSJUNECUZYANASTY
    LOLOLOL!!!!!! Realgirls4me YOU ARE SOOOOOO....

    and by the way once again.... YOUR
    ~MiSs JuNe~

    And by the way hun...
    See the apostrophe substituding in place of the missing "g" ?
    SUBSISTUDING?!?! dear... get a speak and spell... then YOU CAN APOLOGIZE...and try to approach me like you have some damn sense!
    So the psycho bitch makes her presence known. Notice how she completely avoids the issue at hand -- her unwarranted reactionary nature and unprovoked attack of me -- and instead centers on a misspelling by yours truly.

    Apology?! Fuck you and the depraved, deprived, and dysfunctional, upbringing that made you what you are! Why should I apologize to a person falling apart before our eyes?

    What's the overcompensation all about? You know, the hi-case obnoxious anonym, or the over use of emoticons. What are you overcompensating for, bitch!?

  8. #38
    Gold Poster
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    Southern California


    I love how she points out my spelling, and yet can't see her consistent errors and mistakes, such as her misuse of ellipses.

    This clown is going to be fun to cut down.

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious ... He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed ... Albert Einstein

  9. #39

  10. #40
    Junior Poster
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    Mar 2007
    So Cal


    Well that escalated quickly.

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