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  1. #21
    Junior Poster
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    Mar 2007


    Yeeeah we live in a tyrrrany...

    Summary of your poiont:"Merica evil "

    Gitmo bay is not the same thing as political prisoners..

    YOU are the result of shitty slanted and politcally motivated media. Like a leftist robot you post the same tripe CNN does over and over about how evil our nation is


  2. #22
    Junior Poster
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by svenson
    Quote Originally Posted by XPBMX
    Enlightened? Not really, I'm just able to think for myself. Most liberals and for that matter far right 'thinkers' rely too much on mantras and robotic dogma instead of thought itself. This is why our nation is in the position it is right now. No moderates like myself are left.
    Glad your here. being in independent here is hard. In the year ive lurked ive noticed independents get pushed into one groop fast. the left isnt blameless but the right is much worse here. They attack anyone who shows independent thought that differs from Bush administration on anything calling them communists. good luck being independent. There are only few of us here.

    sorry for my bad english its not my frist language.
    Thank you.
    I am a moderate and I get called Righty and sometimes Leftist, but never doe people actually LISTEN or READ what I am actually saying or others like me for that matter. Take the last poster about 'politcal prisoners'. Click the links and they eventually lead you to far left propaganda. Typical with the United States...We are doomed due to people like this.

  3. #23
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by I_love_Cristina_Bianchini
    Quote Originally Posted by XPBMX
    Well he has some truth.

    In the UK in opublic schools, the nanny-state has decided that teaching about the holocaust is forbidden because it OFFENDS the muslimmpopulation. Speaking about the liberation of Jerusalem from Sal'A'Din is alos forbidden.
    Rubbish, absolute rubbish! Have you ever been to the U.K., XPBMX? "Public" schools in the U.K. are private, and the "nanny-state" has little control over what they teach.
    Bullshit BBC america as well as CNN and FOX all ran this story this week. Do you want a fucking link? No prblem robotdogma guy:
    you can apologize for your ignorance now.
    Whichever type of school you mean, neither state NOR "public" schools are banned from teaching the Holocaust OR the Crusades.
    Again rubbish. The UK does NOT allow discussion ot the crusades period BECUASE it offends the muslim population, I can sit here and innundate you with links if you need them. AND 60 % of muslims in the Uk want Sha'Ria law instated over UK law.

    Need links?
    UK Schools Stopping Teaching Controversial Subjects ^

    Posted on 04/01/2007 2:28:48 PM PDT by chessplayer


    Schools are dropping controversial subjects from history lessons - such as the Holocaust and the Crusades - because teachers do not want to cause offence, Government research has found.

    The way the slave trade is taught can lead white children - as well as black pupils - to feel alienated, according to the study by the Historical Association.

    Some teachers have even dropped the Holocaust completely from lessons over fears that Muslim pupils might express anti-Semitic reactions in class.

    And one school avoided teaching the Crusades because its "balanced" handling of the topic would directly contradict what was taught in local mosques.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...

    the 60%tile:

    Sucks to be a stupid-ass doesn't it?
    Oh yeah, I LOVE the "liberation" of Jerusalem part. Jerusalem was NEVER Christian before the Crusades!
    NOR was it MUSLIM it was part of the kingdom of Judea. You are not much on facts are you..typical robot. I had to read the Koran growing up can you find anywhere that Jerusalem is mnentioned as a muslim holy site? You can't. your ignorance is the reason people like me hate your extremist robotic ideologies.Jerusalem is mentioned OVER and OVER in both the Torah and the Bible as explicit holy sites...but your ass would defend Mecca and Medina and 'respect' the muslim ownership over them, but let the Turks and Arabs conquer Byzantium or Jerusalem and you'll defend them.Typical leftard.

  4. #24
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    Oh and BTW leftard I lived in Edinburgh for over a year-and-a-half.

    Scotland to you.But I believe you don't have a clue based on your lack of knowledge on the subject threfore Scotland is located north of England . Need a link for that too? They just finished the Parliment building there right round the corner from my former flat.

    NEXT ignorant leftard please?

  5. #25
    Junior Poster
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    Mar 2007


    Well there you go. Facts trump robotic dogmas every time.

    You'd make a great 'useful idiot'.


  6. #26
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by I_love_Cristina_Bianchini
    What the fuck is a "moderate" if not a liberal?
    Surely you are not that stupid? A moderate is one who has both traits of the right and left.
    I see you didn't attack the "right"
    What the fuck is Sharia Law? and Islamic theocracy? Liberal or rightest?
    in that first paragraph of yours I quoted. Your not twinned with "corbomite" are you? Yeh, XPBMX, you're very honest. I will believe everything you write from now on. AND THEN THERE WERE 5!
    Puure bullshit. I see you ignored the fact I served your ass with facts and sped directly to character assassination. Pretty much fuck you for not having the decency to read the links and admit I was right. I would do that for you if you proved me wrong,. You're an asshole.

    Do you even KNOW where "and then there were five" comes from you mendicant?

  7. #27
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    are you daft? All of those links had as a resource British newspapers and mediums. PERIOD. And if you read them you'd notice that MANY MANAY schools are dropping those two subjects all together, do you need more links because there are hundreds. A majority of them have a RESOURCE of British media.

    So again did you actually READ the links or are you just a mendicant that loves stirring up shit despite the fact you're dead wrong?

    And ANSWER me, what is Sharia law? Right or left?

    ANSWER me.

  8. #28
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by I_love_Cristina_Bianchini
    Quote Originally Posted by XPBMX
    Oh and BTW leftard I lived in Edinburgh for over a year-and-a-half.

    Scotland to you.But I believe you don't have a clue based on your lack of knowledge on the subject threfore Scotland is located north of England . Need a link for that too? They just finished the Parliment building there right round the corner from my former flat.

    NEXT ignorant leftard please?
    Aye, XPBMX, I ken "Auld Reekie" fine, jist affa fine!!!
    Tupoi Duraknitski. Methinks you're a psuedo-brit.

    So go bugger yourself. You rerally are a punk, I just proved to you that the nation YOU claim to live in is bacially outlawing any teaching of the holocaust and then you demand more proof.

    Charming to the last.

  9. #29
    5 Star Poster
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by XPBMX
    Well there you go. Facts trump robotic dogmas every time.

    You'd make a great 'useful idiot'.

    Welcome. I see you`ve met one of the resident leftsits, aka ILCB(see below). It may take awhile but you may reach my level. Level you say? I`m at the level where they cannot debate anymore, they ignore and run off to huddle in a corner and talk amungst themselves, re-enforcing their own misinformation,disinformation and self delusions. There are levels at which they will engage you:

    1.The initial reply. Always telling you that you are in error and your notions do not match their resident ideology.

    2. They will claim your references are from right-wing publications, organizations paid for by Exxon,non-government sources, etc. Therefore, are lies and irrlelvant.

    3. If you persist in engagement, the furrowed brow replies become terse and strident. No matter how glaring your exposure of their false proposiitons they will deny reality.

    4. The perjorative stage. Continuation of common sense and logic leads to irrational name calling and hardened positions. They will simply deny, deny , deny.

    5. Final stage. The left ignores your rationale and will only "debate" among themselves.

    LICB wrote:

    You'll get a debate on that from White_Male_Canada, he'll no doubt tell you that Islam is on the left. Coming from a largely secular country as I do, I see politics and religion as seperate.

    No, I didn't ignore your links, pathetic that they are. Hey, it's late in the evening where I am, and I'm trying to get some work done. You may have nothing better to do, but I have!

    Stick around, and you'll find out what I mean.

    When people abandon the truth, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.

  10. #30
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by I_love_Cristina_Bianchini
    Quote Originally Posted by XPBMX
    are you daft? All of those links had as a resource British newspapers and mediums. PERIOD. And if you read them you'd notice that MANY MANAY schools are dropping those two subjects all together, do you need more links because there are hundreds. A majority of them have a RESOURCE of British media.

    So again did you actually READ the links or are you just a mendicant that loves stirring up shit despite the fact you're dead wrong?

    And ANSWER me, what is Sharia law? Right or left?

    ANSWER me.
    I've already answered your questions about the links. I'll leave it for others to make up their own minds. I guess you know more about the U.K. than I do, XPBMX? Yeah, right!
    ok stupid if it is a dick-measuring contest you want I can furnish endless reams of links that AS have already suport my original remark YOU said was a lie.
    So basically go fuck yourself. I made my point succinctly clear and used facts..all you have done is either attack my character or ignored the facts and inferred they did not say infact what they do say. As for foul-mouhted. Look originally I did not intend on insulting you or using ruder language but and as has just been pointed out to me from another poster here, you are unable to see any other point of view.

    thanks for the heads-up.

    Ok som one more time LCwhatevercbhijklmonop:

    1. Please answer my question: Is an ISlamic theocracy right or left?

    2. Please show me without inferrence or supposition, HOW exactly those numerous links were somehow not saying exactly what they have said?

    3. Please show me where I have not been exactly what I am a moderate?

    Now to address your stupidity.
    Not everyone on the 'motherfuckingplanet' is a moderate. Otherwise leftarded robots like you would not be here foaming at the keyboard to refute my points with absolutely no evidence.Moderates are not leftist . Otherwise I would be supproting your robotic dogma like a little mindless guppy. Look at the world sir, Islam is growing more and more violent. Look at your own pathetic nation. You idiots can't even TEACH history if it GOEAS against some silly religious cleric ina robe. You brits are nothing but pussies. Socts? I love them. At least they have a set of balls unlike your beloved Britons. Now I am wrong for insulting your nation and it is not completely true, but you started this dick-measuring contest. You sit here and comment on things apparently Im know more about that concern your own nation.Instead of admitting that I am right and maybe acting on a local level you chose to assume it's all bullocks despite the fact every major and international news medium has already reported this as well as the numerous op-ed writers.Then when I corrected you , you then stopped debating and then simply attacked my character.

    So we can start all over if you like sire.

    I will say this. I lived in Edinburg as i told you...funny story.: I went to a know like an idiot tourist I just got some sterling and went right in...not checking the money first. The pub was on the royal mile or near it.... around Tesco... anywho I chalked up a tab with my team-mates... I went to pay.....MAN I was ran out of there almost when I gave the barkeep money with the queens face on it. I respected that. So I am not just totally downing Briton, I just like Scotland much more. SO beyond the dick-measuring contest I give the scots my support in breaking away and becoming totally autonomous within the Commonwealth itself.

    To illustrate the lack of backbone the brits have just look how they were man-handled by the fucking frithing mad Iranian president. You think this man is sensible then wait around, the US will eventually have to wipe the worlds stinky ass again and be called names for removing a dangerous motherfucker from the globe BECAUSE the entire world is too weak to make a fucking stand.

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