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  1. #31
    Professional Poster Kabuki's Avatar
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    and blacks embraced 'nigger'
    I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I just wanted to say that some...the key word being "some" of the black community embraced the n word...although there's a slight difference in the word. "Nigger" is the version used by hateful individuals, and "Nigga" is the word that has been embrace by some of the black culture. I don't agree with both versions of the word, but I'm not going to talk about social studies involving the subject. I just think that people have certain views of the African-American community that aren't true. Most times they're not really informed about the true nature of that community. The media shows you the version that they want you to see. I don't's frustrating to live with stereotypes in this world.

    Anyways, you may now return to your original subject now

  2. #32
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach

    Hi Peggy, nice to meet you and I see you have another of your thought-provokers there.

    Although its tone is excessively shrill and defensive I basically think the article is on the money and reflects the attitude of a significant number of men who post here. They are indeed seeking to be sodomised and dominated by a person with a uniquely male characteristic, a dick, without ever having to admit that they are as queer as nine-bob notes.
    The pleasure is all mine, and yup we're stretching those cerebral muscles

    I truly enjoyed reading your response, not so much because I
    agreed with many of you points, but also because of the
    extremely articulate way in which you conveyed them.

    Also now the Yanks will know the conversion rate for 'queer as a $3 bill',
    that would be 9 bob.

    I think transsexual women are often in a very lonely position, particularly if they are pre-op, especially when they encounter men who do not want to practise sex that reinforces their femininity-- ie they want to be buggered by them. It is clear that pre-op escorts frequently lie to their customers; a significant number will only perform acts of penetration for money and if asked privately and anonymously in the context of a journalistic interview will say they do it for cash but they would never do it in love. When these girls go post-op they often, unsurprisingly, steer well clear of the type of men who were formerly their clients.
    Actually the point of the article's author and many transwomen. For 'some'
    transwomen the use of their penis may negate their femininity. Yes they
    may do it for money, but their preference in their private lives and loves
    is to be treated fully as women.

    Furthermore the language used amongst such men and current on sites like this, terms such as "topping" and "bottoming" are straight out of the gay lexicon. I never, ever heard a genetic woman describe herself or even be described as "a bottom" (although it is possible that within the lesbian world there are usages I don't know about.) Why therefore would a transsexual woman want to have such terms applied to her? She is a woman, and words like "top" and "bottom" in this context are part of gay male language.
    Yeah, I have always thought those terms were straight from Christopher
    Street, or the Tenderloin, or the West End. A clever use of semantics
    to defray any possible loss of masculinity.

    It is also very clear that a good many "transsexuals" working in the sex industry are not women at all but simply gay men who have adopted the garb of femininity to the extent of changing their bodies. Naturally the business of gay sex with other men is not an issue for them. I must admit this was something I was really unprepared for when I began looking into this area closely. I can understand why genuinely transsexual woman want to distance themselves from people like that, although often I find the tone used by some transsexual women is too strident. Gender and sexuality are very broad churches and there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Whatever turns you on turns you on and nobody should be judgemental about consensual sex acts.
    And much like the 'travestis' of Latin America there are some who have
    adopted the garb and personas of womanhood purely for sexual
    gratification and or monetary gain.

  3. #33
    Rookie Poster
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    U My Bitch!


    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach
    Hi Peggy, nice to meet you and I see you have another of your thought-provokers there.

    IIRC that site has been around a long while--two years at least--but frequently goes tits-up when its bandwidth gets overloaded--probably whenever someone posts a link to it on sites like this.

    Although its tone is excessively shrill and defensive I basically think the article is on the money and reflects the attitude of a significant number of men who post here. They are indeed seeking to be sodomised and dominated by a person with a uniquely male characteristic, a dick, without ever having to admit that they are as queer as nine-bob notes.

    However there are also men here who freely admit they are either gay or bisexual and seem to be relaxed with it. I do take some contention with the notion that "tranny chasers" as defined in the article are automatically psychopathic and will go on to become sex criminals; for most men this whole thing never gets past the fantasy stage. Nevertheless I do think such men would have to be treated with great caution, especially by any transsexual woman they were sexually involved with.

    I think transsexual women are often in a very lonely position, particularly if they are pre-op, especially when they encounter men who do not want to practise sex that reinforces their femininity-- ie they want to be buggered by them. It is clear that pre-op escorts frequently lie to their customers; a significant number will only perform acts of penetration for money and if asked privately and anonymously in the context of a journalistic interview will say they do it for cash but they would never do it in love. When these girls go post-op they often, unsurprisingly, steer well clear of the type of men who were formerly their clients.

    However there is still the issue to be dealt with, for the post-op woman, that at least for the foreseeable future, a man having a relationship with such al woman voluntarily foregoes one of the biggest reinforcements of maleness there is, fatherhood, unless the man is older and has already achieved this.

    Furthermore the language used amongst such men and current on sites like this, terms such as "topping" and "bottoming" are straight out of the gay lexicon. I never, ever heard a genetic woman describe herself or even be described as "a bottom" (although it is possible that within the lesbian world there are usages I don't know about.) Why therefore would a transsexual woman want to have such terms applied to her? She is a woman, and words like "top" and "bottom" in this context are part of gay male language.

    It is also very clear that a good many "transsexuals" working in the sex industry are not women at all but simply gay men who have adopted the garb of femininity to the extent of changing their bodies. Naturally the business of gay sex with other men is not an issue for them. I must admit this was something I was really unprepared for when I began looking into this area closely. I can understand why genuinely transsexual woman want to distance themselves from people like that, although often I find the tone used by some transsexual women is too strident. Gender and sexuality are very broad churches and there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Whatever turns you on turns you on and nobody should be judgemental about consensual sex acts.

    However, having said all that, there are clearly also pre-op TS women who are genuinely women who do like to use their penises in a penetrative manner yet who are determined to have GRS as soon as they can afford it. I believe this is an extention of role-play in that, as women, they are turned on by their unique ability to transform themselves from the female, penetrated, role to the male penetrating role. That must be a pretty powerful sexual hit, and indeed I have spoken to several girls who have said exactly that.

    I am personally quite boring sexually, though I try hard to make it entertaining (I am a man who likes to penetrate women) but I think I can see how it might be that some men--often quite powerful, dominant men--might be turned on by being forcefully taken. I can also see how such a man might be thilled by this but unable, because of his normal dominance, to do it with someone he identified as another man. Enter the TS. Nadia has made some good comments on this recently.

    Unfortunately, and to return to the article, the problem with this is that the woman is objectified-- she just becomes whatever pretty shape is pushing the penis, and judging by some of the views routinely expressed here, she doesn't have to be that pretty, as long as the dick is up to the task.

    I think it's tough enough for genetic women to deal with that kind of objectification and they at least have a few real anchor-points to hold on to; for a transsexual woman, particularly a pre-op, this must be quite difficult; after all they are trying to establish a self-identity that in general society does not want them to have and also have to literally fight their bodies to get there.

    It's a shame because in fact some women who have become women, whether or not they retain the elements of their anatomy that are in question here, are amongst the smartest, most fascinating, strong and genuinely funny women, for that matter people, I have ever met or communicated with. I guess you just don't go through all that stuff without developing strength of character.

    Now I do realise that there will be indignant howls of pique from the knob-jockeys who will cry that this is retrograde, that the world has no need of definitions like "gay" or "straight," and to an extent I sympathise with them. But that's just cause I'm a sympathetic person and having to take a cold hard reality check can be tough.
    Having recently come off a 1+ year truly unique relationship with a Transgendered Female (no I was not a "bottom"), I find your synopsis to be one of the most insightful comments I have read on this board.

    What is this top/bottom shit. Call me a romantic, but whatever happened to "making love"?

    Brother, Y'all Better Get a New ATTITUDE!

  4. #34
    Junior Poster
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    This doesn't seem that complicated. It's possible to like a woman because she has a penis, and it's possible to like a woman in spite of the fact she has a penis.

  5. #35
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, Ladies, let me put this question to rest. The esteemed Doctor Fullofshit has definatifely define the term "Tranny Chaser".

    "After sucking a T-girl to orasam AND SWALLOWING...this would be a 'Tranny Chaser"............
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	doc_260.jpg 
Views:	624 
Size:	61.9 KB 
ID:	88703   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	budlight_sized_370.jpg 
Views:	626 
Size:	28.9 KB 
ID:	88704  

  6. #36
    Professional Poster
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    Burninating the country side.


    Simple, some seltzer, rum and a twist of lime. ~rimshot~

    Burninating the country side, burninating the peasants. Burninating all the people in their thatched roof cottages....THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!!!!

  7. #37
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is a 'tranny chaser'?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ecstatic

    Hey MacS, how's by you? Long time, my friend!
    Hi Ec, I'm great, you? I have to fly this morning but I'll PM you later to bring you up to speed--some stuff happening you might be interested in.

    Best Mac

  8. #38
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee

    And much like the 'travestis' of Latin America there are some who have
    adopted the garb and personas of womanhood purely for sexual
    gratification and or monetary gain.
    Hi again Peggy

    To be fair, travesti culture is as complicated as transsexual culture anywhere and has to be seen within the broader Latin culture it exists within.

    I think you're quite right that some travesti become so because of their socio-economic condition or even, to put it bluntly, to have a life at all, but you can't generalise from that. After all even just within the Brazilian porn movie business there are people like the former Lisa Lawer who after years working as a travesti in the sex industry went back to being a man and got married and on the other hand people like Christina Bianchini and Fernanda Rubia and many others, who moved on to GRS after they had saved the cash.

    Having said that I agree that there are boys and young men, particularly those from poorer backgrounds, who transition for economic reasons. The extent to which such boys do become TS in order to satisfy the demands of men with money who desire the fetish of the cock attached to a feminine body, especially where there is coercion, which does definitely happen, is a pretty nasty secret which could do with some light being cast on it.

  9. #39
    Veteran Poster
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    oh lordy. not this shit again.

    we had a wikipedia edit war with her. she accused those of us reverting her changes as being fake transsexuals ~ undercover "chasers".

    i had a lovely email conversation with her, perhaps not so productive, however. you can read it here. it's from way back in the day ~ dec 2005 ~ so my life has changed a bit in the past year and a half.

    some of my frustration with the author:
    First you called me a man because you said no trans woman would disagree with you. When I told you that I've been out as trans for 5 years and was well-established in the online trans "community", you said that I was only a girl on the Internet and knew nothing about real life. When I told you that not only was I living as a girl but stealth (minus my roommate), you reverted to calling me ugly and immature. Yeah, real useful.
    (For the record, soon after this discussion I moved into the dorms entirely stealth. I didn't say a word to Housing or to my roommates. I live off-campus again now and I don't come out to people anymore. I did before because I worried that if they'd find out, they'd freak out and I'd be out of a room real fast. I don't like being homeless. I trust that my current housemates wouldn't kick me out if they found out what was between my legs.)

  10. #40
    Professional Poster
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    Apr 2005


    Geocities is full of shit...

    "Nigger" is the version used by hateful individuals, and "Nigga" is the word that has been embrace by some of the black culture."

    an this my friend, is just pure sophistry....Its the same word...SAME WORD...


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