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  1. #41
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alcohol is a Warm Gun

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Exactly. It's a form of sport. Just as every good story needs a villain, there is something very satisfying about debunking idiots, even though they will never concede anything. If all the fools and jerks disappeared from this forum I would actually find it a bit bland.
    I'm late to the party on this particular argument, so don't really know the full backstory behind it all. Peejaye I remember being a very useful contributor to the escorts section, but politics seems to be his Achilles heel. Never had an issue or argument (that I can remember) with Mrfanti. I'd agree with the above in general though and add in that it's also important to debunk the misinformation and garbage posted by the likes of Westheangelino, bostonbad and holzz, so that readers can be better informed, hopefully make better decisions and not make the same mistakes as a result.

    Having a difference of opinion is one thing and nobody is necessarily right or wrong in that case. However, there's no way I'm going to read obvious bullshit and false information without calling someone out on it.

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  2. #42
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Alcohol is a Warm Gun

    Quote Originally Posted by Laphroaig View Post
    Having a difference of opinion is one thing and nobody is necessarily right or wrong in that case. However, there's no way I'm going to read obvious bullshit and false information without calling someone out on it.
    The main problem with both these characters (and holzz as well) is not so much their misguided opinions, but their reactions to being contradicted. If you are going to participate in discussion then be a man (or woman) about it for chrissake, and don't react spitefully or play the victim when others take issue with you.

    Despite what I said, arguing with these two is not very satisfying because they barely make any arguments. It was much more satisfying to argue against people like Redvex and Nick Danger. Their views were hopelessly misguided but at least they made an effort to engage in discussion of the issues rather than turning it into a personalised squabble.

  3. #43
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alcohol is a Warm Gun

    Quote Originally Posted by Laphroaig View Post
    I'm late to the party on this particular argument, so don't really know the full backstory behind it all.

    There’s not much substance at all to this thread at all, which is why it lay dormant for the better part of a year. Broncofan pretty much summed up its raison d’ętre in post #13. MrFanti persisted in his attempts to derail an active conversation about the regulation of firearms in a thread devoted to that issue. He wanted (or pretended to want) to discuss instead the dangers of alcohol to public safety. We indulged him for awhile. After all, a legitimate analogy can be made. Both firearms and alcohol are a danger to public health. Both need to be regulated. In the U.S. neither can be outright banned. We tried to with alcohol with a Constitutional Amendment, but repealed it after a decade of disastrous results. Firearms, on the other hand, have been Constitutionally protected since the inception of our nation. Only recently have conservatives expanded the interpretation of the Second Amendment to stymie the protections we had against certain kinds of assault weapons and automatic firearms. But MrFanti didn’t wish to explore the analogy - because it speaks for regulation - not against it. He just wanted to discuss the social banes of alcohol - not firearms.

    In the end I made a thread (this thread) where people could talk about the public dangers of alcohol to public health, if they want. (So I’ll say no more about firearms here). As you can see, there were no takers. Apparently MrFanti’s not really interested.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    Your post explains exactly why I block people - thank you very much for the illustration!
    You’re welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post're now resorting to insults when you have nothing else!
    When you lose your cool and resort to insults (like you just did) it becomes a waste of my time.

    A careful reading shows I criticized neither you nor Peejaye personally, only your silly, childish actions. Sorry you took offense. Please don’t sulk too long.

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Alcohol is a Warm Gun

    Quote Originally Posted by Laphroaig View Post
    I'm late to the party on this particular argument, so don't really know the full backstory behind it all. Peejaye I remember being a very useful contributor to the escorts section, but politics seems to be his Achilles heel.
    If you knew the full story I think you'd sound a bit less neutral. I say that kiddingly but neither one has engaged in discussion in good faith.

    Trish summed up Mr. Fanti's behavior well, but he has invaded every thread on U.S. gun control by posting articles of people being killed by the effects of alcohol. He will to paraphrase, then say, "look at you hypocrites. You claim to care about gun deaths but say nothing about alcohol deaths." People will respond by saying, let's discuss them both as public safety issues in which useful regulation for one doesn't preclude regulating the other. Over the years forum posters have responded in a number of useful ways, by pointing out that we attempted to ban alcohol in this country and that we do in fact regulate it pretty strictly (I've brought up dram shop acts that make tavern owners liable for serving drunk people while gun manufacturers have immunity from civil liability).

    No matter what anyone says, he keeps posting the same articles and often it becomes clear he hasn't read them. It's now also clear that while early on he didn't respond because he preferred to post the same losing argument, he now doesn't respond because he's blocked everyone who disagrees with him and taught Peejaye to do the same.

    Peejaye is someone who posts political views that are sometimes head scratching. That's his right but when someone disagrees with him he becomes belligerent and characterizes them as establishment or far right wing without seeing any irony in it. Sometimes someone won't be responding to him but will simply post something he disagrees with and it will cause him to throw a tantrum and threaten to leave the section. It may be an achilles heel or it may be an inability to discuss things like an adult as filghy said above, which is a bit broader than that.

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  5. #45
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Alcohol is a Warm Gun

    Here's the previous exchange between peejaye and Mr Fanti on guns. Fanti hasn't changed but peejaye certainly has.
    On page 8 Mr Fanti started on the alcohol thing and he hasn't stopped since.

    You can trace the evolution of peejaye through the Brexit thread. He started off debating the issue in a fairly normal fashion, with just the occasional belligerence. Then around the start of 2018 he suddenly tipped over into personal abuse (mainly at Stavros and me), which eventually got him banned. Since his return he has toned down the abuse in favour of sucking up to people who argue against us - which he's done this with RedVex, Nick Danger, CDSasha and Mr Fanti. This is a perfect example of how some people can become warped by arguing on the internet.

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