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  1. #131
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    October 31, 2018

    This Nonprofit Offers a Lifeline to Transgender People — Just as They Need It Most

    A leaked memo from the Department of Health and Human Services spurred outrage among the transgender community and its allies.

    For transgender Americans living in fear, help is just a call away.

    When the news broke last week that the Trump Administration is considering legally defining gender as biologically fixed at birth, a panic took hold in the transgender community.

    “Trans people are not new to dealing with bullies,” says Elena Rose Vera, deputy executive director of the suicide prevention nonprofit Trans Lifeline. Yet when the memo was released, Trans Lifeline’s call volume “immediately quadrupled,” Vera says. “After decades of work to build a more compassionate and equitable society, [these] attacks seek to punish them for the joy they have found, to drive back progress by any means necessary.”

    The memo, drafted by the Department of Health and Human Services, is the latest in a series of statements and legislation issued by the administration that have left the transgender community feeling under siege. In the face of this news, Trans Lifeline views their work as more critical than ever. “I have lost many friends and loved ones in the community to violence and suicide — people who faced systematic and constant deprivation, humiliation and trauma,” says Vera. “Every one of those lives was precious.”

    Other activists agree. “The erasure of your identity and your very existence makes you panic at your core,” Zeke Christopoulos, a transgender man and director of the advocacy group Tranzmission, told The Guardian. “It felt like a kick in the stomach.”

    Trans Lifeline, which Vera says is the only crisis support hotline program run completely by and for the transgender community, aims to both support people on the brink of crisis and empower them to live healthier and more financially stable lives. A recent study found that 29 percent of transgender people in the U.S. live in poverty, more than double the national average, while housing and employment discrimination can push transgender people into less-than-legal forms of employment to make ends meet.

    In 2017, Trans Lifeline merged with Trans Assistance Project, a microgrants program that helps pay recipients’ legal and administrative fees and guides them through the process to attain documents like passports, driver’s licenses and immigration papers. The goal is to give transgender people the tools that “make a happy, hopeful and honest life more possible, reducing the circumstances that lead to crisis and despair,” says Vera. Thus far Trans Lifeline has distributed over $166,500 to transgender people in need and have answered over 55,260 calls for help.

    Activism and advocacy within the transgender community are critical, but everyone has a role to play in making the country safer for trans people, Vera says. “We all have friends, family, neighbors — perhaps a religious community, or a union, or a school or workplace — who we can talk to about treating trans people with respect,” she says. “Trans people have always existed, everywhere in the world, and no power in the world could keep us from existing.”

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  2. #132
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    13th November 2018

    California Attorney General Denounces Trump Administration Plan to Roll Back Critical Civil Rights Protections for LGBTQ Individuals

    Rumored change would deny the existence of transgender people

    November 12, 2018 - SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra last week sent a letter to President Trump, Secretaries Azar, Acosta, and DeVos, and Acting Attorney General Whitaker, condemning the administration's reported plan to alter federal law to narrowly define “sex” as an immutable, biological condition assigned at birth. This change would effectively deny the existence of transgender Americans, denying them basic protections that allow people to learn, work, and seek medical care in a safe environment without discrimination.

    "Once again, the Trump Administration seems intent on rolling back the civil rights advancements of the last half century: this time with another unlawful and disgraceful attack on transgender Americans,” said Attorney General Becerra. “This latest proposal contradicts the values of equality that our nation was built on. What’s worse, it threatens the health, job security, and education of our community members. We urge the Trump Administration to abandon these harmful and discriminatory efforts, and we stand ready to protect the civil rights of all Americans.”

    In the letter, Attorney General Becerra asserts that the Trump Administration’s proposed changes are discriminatory and unsupported by federal law. In addition to being contrary to law, the letter warns that the Trump Administration’s plan would have harmful impacts on the health and security of thousands of Californians as well as the public health system. The American Medical Association has noted that those “who live in states with discriminatory policies have statistically significant increases in mental health and psychiatric diagnoses.”

    California has been a leader in protecting civil rights and liberties for our transgender residents, working to ensure that individuals can work, learn, and receive care in a safe environment, free from discrimination. California has protected transgender people from workplace and housing discrimination for over a decade and was one of the first states to explicitly protect transgender students in our schools. These protections are crucial for the health and well-being of students and workers, regardless of gender or gender identity.

    In December 2017, Attorney General Becerra obtained a nationwide injunction protecting transgender Americans serving in the military. He also joined an amicus brief in support of transgender rights for veterans in the case Fulcher v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, defending the right to health care coverage from the Department of Veterans Affairs for medically necessary care, including sex reassignment surgery.

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  3. #133
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    NOVEMBER 20, 2018

    Murders of trans people rising worldwide

    Transgender people are suffering a spiral of "horrifying" violence worldwide, activists say ahead of an annual day of remembrance for victims aimed at raising awareness of transphobic hate crimes.

    Activists have identified at least 369 reports of trans people killed within the last 12 months, but said the true number may be significantly higher.

    "Trans and gender-diverse people are victims of horrifying hate violence, including extortion, physical and sexual assaults, and murder," said Lukas Berredo, a spokesman for the Trans Murder Monitoring project, which collects the data.


    * Nearly 3000 transgender people were murdered over the last decade worldwide. The most common causes of death were shooting, stabbing and beating.

    * At least 369 transgender people were killed in the past 12 months.

    * The number of trans people reported murdered each year by TMM has risen steadily, from 148 in 2008 to 358 last year.

    * Brazil is the most dangerous country to be transgender, with at least 167 people killed in the last 12 months. Mexico had 71 murders, and the United States saw 28 killed.

    * Nearly two thirds of reported victims over the last decade were sex workers.

    * In the United States, more than three-quarters of trans people murdered in 2018 were women from an ethnic minority and nearly two thirds were aged under 35.

    * In France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, 65 percent of reported murder victims in the last decade were migrants.

    * Nearly three quarters of known US victims in 2018 were initially identified by their previous gender in police or media reports, a practice activists say is disrespectful and can hamper investigations.

  4. #134
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    18th November 2018

    Rapist transgender woman locked up with MEN at notorious ‘Monster Mansion’ jail

    A RAPIST transgender woman who sexually assaulted female inmates has been moved to one of Britain’s most notorious men’s prisons.

    Karen White, who identifies as a woman but is legally male, has been transferred to HMP Wakefield – known as Monster Mansion for housing some of the UK’s most dangerous criminals.

    Soham killer Ian Huntley, paedo rocker Ian Watkins and Charles Bronson are among the high profile inmates to have served time the Category A prison, in West Yorks.

    White, born David Thompson, was jailed for life last month for molesting two female prisoners while being locked up on remand for raping two women.

    The 52-year-old was previously held at female nick HMP New Hall eight miles away in nearby Flockton, west Yorks, where lags enjoy ensuite toilets and can keep their own pet chickens.

    White, who has begun gender reassignment, is reportedly allowed to dress as she wishes at the governor’s discretion.

    But prison insiders revealed how she is short of cash needed to buy wigs and makeup.

    White began identifying as a woman around the time she was remanded in custody awaiting trial.

    She molested two women at HMP New Hall while on remand for stabbing a neighbour with a steak knife.

    Transgender woman moves to male prison after inmate assault
    Play Video

    Karen White, who identifies as a woman but is legally male, has been transferred to HMP Wakefield – known as Monster Mansion for housing some of the UK’s most dangerous criminals.

    Soham killer Ian Huntley, paedo rocker Ian Watkins and Charles Bronson are among the high profile inmates to have served time the Category A prison, in West Yorks.

    White, born David Thompson, was jailed for life last month for molesting two female prisoners while being locked up on remand for raping two women.

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    New Tech Helps Mother And Daughter Manage Diabetes
    The 52-year-old was previously held at female nick HMP New Hall eight miles away in nearby Flockton, west Yorks, where lags enjoy ensuite toilets and can keep their own pet chickens.

    Transgender rapist Karen White BEHIND BARS: Transgender rapist Karen White has been moved to HMP Wakefield (Pic: REX )
    NOTORIOUS: HMP Wakefield has housed Dr Harold Shipman and Ian Huntley (Pic: GETTY / PA )

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    “It must be a bit of an eye-opener to go from New Hall to Wakefield, to put it mildly”

    Prison insider
    A source told the Sunday Mirror: “It must be a bit of an eye-opener to go from New Hall to Wakefield, to put it mildly.”

    White, who has begun gender reassignment, is reportedly allowed to dress as she wishes at the governor’s discretion.

    But prison insiders revealed how she is short of cash needed to buy wigs and makeup.

    White began identifying as a woman around the time she was remanded in custody awaiting trial.

    She molested two women at HMP New Hall while on remand for stabbing a neighbour with a steak knife.

    MONSTER MANSION: HMP Wakefield (Pic: PA)
    The convicted paedophile told probation officers how she could abuse a child and “think nothing of it”.

    White was branded a “signifiant risk to children, women and the general public” when she was jailed.

    She used her “transgender persona” to put herself in contact with vulnerable women.

    The Ministry of Justice declined to comment on White’s move to Wakefield.

    Prisoners requests to transfer on self-identified gender grounds are normally assessed by a special board.

  5. #135
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    28th Nov 2018


    The Trump administration's petition to the Supreme Court Friday to bypass the appellate courts and rule on the president’s policy of banning transgender people from serving in the armed forces has been described by one transgender service member as a "desperate and cowardly tactic."

    The leapfrog request filed on Friday to the Supreme Court has become a standard operating procedure for President Donald Trump's administration, as it seeks to skirt the appellate courts entirely on various policy decisions aimed at unraveling Obama era accomplishments.

    Typically, the Supreme Court does not review cases until at least one appeals court has weighed in. The Supreme Court rules stipulate the court will only intercede before an appeals court ruling “only upon a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this court.”

    “It's a desperate and cowardly tactic. He wants to undermine our rights and erase the people he loathes, but he is clearly afraid of the full attention his toxic policies deserve," Jack Schuler, a transgender man and former U.S. Marine signals intelligence linguist turned U.S. Army soldier, told Newsweek.

    Representing both the president and Defense Secretary James Mattis, Solicitor General Noel Francisco wrote in his petition that the Trump administration's transgender ban, known as the Mattis policy, satisfies the Supreme Court’s standard for review. The solicitor general said the issue is of “imperative public importance: the authority of the U.S. military to determine who may serve in the Nation’s armed forces.”

    Francisco argued that prompt action was needed because district courts erred in their decision to grant preliminary injunctions, which prevented the Mattis policy from taking effect.

    It was a day of ironic contradictions: The Trump administration filed the petition on the same week as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual observance that honors the memory of those lost to anti-transgender violence, and just a day after Thanksgiving, when most Americans are out searching Black Friday deals and not the day's headlines.

    Schuler told Newsweek that the president’s political tactics are easy to spot. But the stark paradox on Friday centers on the White House request coming on the same day the president bashed a federal district court judge for striking down a version of Trump’s travel ban, prompting a rare rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts.

    “It's a brazen and foolish move to demand that the Supreme Court of the United States take up the case when the appeals court hasn't even decided yet, and to do so after not only insulting federal judges but throwing a tantrum when Chief Justice Roberts rightly defended his peers,” Schuler said.

    I've observed a few tendencies with Trump's tactics both in general and in regards to transgender people. He tends to make his announcements and demands at odd hours, over weekends, or around holidays: the times when people are paying less attention to the news,” Schuler added.

    It was last July when Schuler woke up to a series of tweets from his commander-in-chief. For the country, it was a message that reversed Obama era policy on transgender individuals serving in the military, but for Schuler, it was more intimate, more personal—he was being shunned by his commander, the president of the United States.

    “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”

    Schuler had just re-enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves on a six-year contract, specializing in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense measures, after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps after five years of service as a signals intelligence linguist speaking Farsi, a job that requires the Pentagon’s highest security clearance—a top secret, secret compartmentalized information designation.

    In February, Mattis sent Trump a proposed policy that replaced the president’s plan to ban all transgender service members. Mattis’s plan concluded that the defense secretary, along with “a panel of senior military leaders and other experts,” determined that the policy, adopted under former Defense Secretary Ash Carter, “posed too great a risk to military effectiveness and lethality.”

    Under Mattis’s policy, transgender service members would be disqualified from service if they “require or have undergone gender transition.” Transgender people can serve in uniform as long as they agree to adhere to their biological sex and only if they do not have a history of gender dysphoria.

    Additionally, the Defense Department under Mattis, a former U.S. Marine general, argued that a 2016 RAND Corporation Study commissioned by the agency contained, “significant shortcomings.”

    While the RAND study acknowledged that the “inclusion of individuals with gender dysphoria in the force would have a negative impact on readiness,” when researching foreign militaries that allow personnel with a history of gender dysphoria to serve, the study concluded that the impact on military readiness would be minimal.

    On health care for transgender troops, the RAND study asserted that the costs of transition-related health care would not burden the Defense Department with “tremendous medical costs” as Trump suggested. The price would be substantially low when compared to the Pentagon’s health care expenditures.

    It was a day of ironic contradictions: The Trump administration filed the petition on the same week as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual observance that honors the memory of those lost to anti-transgender violence, and just a day after Thanksgiving, when most Americans are out searching Black Friday deals and not the day's headlines.

    Schuler told Newsweek that the president’s political tactics are easy to spot. But the stark paradox on Friday centers on the White House request coming on the same day the president bashed a federal district court judge for striking down a version of Trump’s travel ban, prompting a rare rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts.

    “It's a brazen and foolish move to demand that the Supreme Court of the United States take up the case when the appeals court hasn't even decided yet, and to do so after not only insulting federal judges but throwing a tantrum when Chief Justice Roberts rightly defended his peers,” Schuler said.

    “I've observed a few tendencies with Trump's tactics both in general and in regards to transgender people. He tends to make his announcements and demands at odd hours, over weekends, or around holidays: the times when people are paying less attention to the news,” Schuler added.

    Jack Schuler, a transgender man and former U.S. Marine signals intelligence linguist turned U.S. Army soldier, could be removed from service if the Trump administration is allowed to move forward with their transgender policy.

    It was last July when Schuler woke up to a series of tweets from his commander-in-chief. For the country, it was a message that reversed Obama era policy on transgender individuals serving in the military, but for Schuler, it was more intimate, more personal—he was being shunned by his commander, the president of the United States.

    “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”

    Schuler had just re-enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves on a six-year contract, specializing in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense measures, after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps after five years of service as a signals intelligence linguist speaking Farsi, a job that requires the Pentagon’s highest security clearance—a top secret, secret compartmentalized information designation.

    In February, Mattis sent Trump a proposed policy that replaced the president’s plan to ban all transgender service members. Mattis’s plan concluded that the defense secretary, along with “a panel of senior military leaders and other experts,” determined that the policy, adopted under former Defense Secretary Ash Carter, “posed too great a risk to military effectiveness and lethality.”

    donald trump, transgender military ban
    Presidential candidate Donald Trump holds an LGBT flag given to him by supporter Max Nowak during a campaign rally on the campus of the University of Northern Colorado, in Greeley, Colorado, on October 30, 2016. The Trump administration petitioned the Supreme Court Friday to rule on the president’s policy of banning transgender people from the armed forces.

    Under Mattis’s policy, transgender service members would be disqualified from service if they “require or have undergone gender transition.” Transgender people can serve in uniform as long as they agree to adhere to their biological sex and only if they do not have a history of gender dysphoria.

    Additionally, the Defense Department under Mattis, a former U.S. Marine general, argued that a 2016 RAND Corporation Study commissioned by the agency contained, “significant shortcomings.”

    While the RAND study acknowledged that the “inclusion of individuals with gender dysphoria in the force would have a negative impact on readiness,” when researching foreign militaries that allow personnel with a history of gender dysphoria to serve, the study concluded that the impact on military readiness would be minimal.

    On health care for transgender troops, the RAND study asserted that the costs of transition-related health care would not burden the Defense Department with “tremendous medical costs” as Trump suggested. The price would be substantially low when compared to the Pentagon’s health care expenditures.

    If the Supreme Court does not take up the case, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is scheduled to hear an appeal of the decision handed down by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, who wrote last October: “There is absolutely no support for the claim that the ongoing service of transgender people would have any negative effect on the military at all.

    “In fact, there is considerable evidence that it is the discharge and banning of such individuals that would have such effects,” Kollar-Kotelly added, noting that “fifteen States have filed an amici brief indicating that they and their residents will be harmed by the Presidential Memorandum if it is not enjoined.”

    For now, Schuler continues to serve in the U.S. Army Reserves as a soldier with the 323rd Chemical Company based out of South Dakota. Schuler, a former leader of Marines and current leader of soldiers, summed up the actions of his commander-in-chief last week:

    “This is the behavior of a failure, not a leader.”

    Last edited by smalltownguy; 11-29-2018 at 06:06 PM.

  6. #136
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    Nov 30 2018

    No home for transgender, abandoned people in J&K

    Many a time these unfortunate people have landed in police stations and even hospitals in desperate need for help and care

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    The pathetic condition in which a transgender person was found lying on a roadside near posh Gupkar area here recently has highlighted failure of the state government to take care of “abandoned” citizens in Jammu and Kashmir.

    For long the state government has been promising rehabilitation homes for people in need, often found wandering in hostile weather conditions on the streets of Srinagar and elsewhere.

    Many a time these unfortunate people have landed in police stations and even hospitals in desperate need for help and care.

    This human issue even rocked the state Assembly on several occasions, but the government has done nothing on the ground.

    “This case (of the abandoned transgender) is ample proof how the government has not only failed to deliver for one of the most vulnerable communities in the society, but even others who are abandoned and that too during later years of their life,” said Aijaz Ahmad Bund, a social activist who has been fighting for rights of transgender persons.
    This elderly transgender, who was shifted to SMHS hospital after lying on roadside for almost 20 days in the area where who-is-who of state’s political class live, has not been mute.

    But this is not the lone-person case of the government neglect.

    More than 60 transgender persons have been “abandoned” by their families, claims Aijaz who has done an extensive study on the vulnerable community.

    Most of these people are either living on rent or have left their places and come down to city so that nobody could recognise them. All of them are however living a life in penury.
    The worse is that 15 to 20 such persons are in the elderly age group having no social security and no shelter, said Aijaz.
    “A few months ago, a young transgender, abandoned by the family, died of cardiac arrest. Nobody came forward for help, except her sister,” lamented Bund.
    “Her father and brother knew about it, but didn’t own her, even after her death.”
    A couple of days ago, a mentally unstable woman, abandoned by her family, delivered a baby in open without any medical help.
    In April 2017, also a woman abandoned by her family was lying outside SMHS hospital for three months, oblivious of her surroundings and not knowing who brought her there.
    Later she was admitted into the hospital, but couldn’t survive.
    The government, however, claims that there are already homes for “women in distress” and those facing domestic abuse.

    But there are no such facilities for abandoned people and they are taken into these homes only after social media alarms.
    That the government is still unaware about this latest case, despite outrage on social media over past few days, speaks volumes about its misplaced priorities, said another social activist.
    “We are working on a plan to set up composite rehabilitation homes in Srinagar and Jammu for abandoned people,” said Farooq Lone, secretary social welfare department.
    In Kashmir, the government had identified land at Samboora in Pampore but the plan was shelved later for unknown reasons.
    Now, the land has been identified in Anantnag, Lone said.
    “But till this composite home comes up who will take care of these people living a life in distress and in need of social security?” asked the activist.

  7. #137
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    Dec 05, 2018

    How to Fight the Latest Attempts to Erase “Transgender”

    Purging the identity from federal websites makes transgender people more vulnerable to discrimination. Here’s how you can help.

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    Members of the transgender community and their supporters hold a rally to protest the continual attacks and erasure from the Trump administration in Los Angeles on November 2, 2018.


    While you might have been focused in recent weeks on flashier headlines about the latest mass shooting or the Russia probe, the Trump administration has been busy removing any mention of transgender people from federal employment guidelines.
    The actions taken by the Office of Personnel Management support the assertion by the Trump administration that federal civil rights law does not extend employment protection to people based on their gender identity. Many federal courts have disagreed with this position, but the administration’s actions—especially the purge of the word “transgender” from its Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights and other websites—are quite concerning.
    In October, a memo leaked to The New York Times revealed the administration’s plans to define gender as a condition immutably determined by biological sex at birth. This move would not only roll back the steps taken by the Obama administration that encouraged the establishment of gender-inclusive spaces at schools and government buildings, but would also eradicate the legal standing, indeed the legal existence, of transgender people.
    Transgender individuals are marginalized, especially those who are nonbinary, nonconforming, or who don’t pass as their reassigned gender. Anyone who is visibly transgender is more vulnerable to discrimination. That’s why the Trump administration’s actions are particularly pernicious and harmful.
    I’m transgender, and there was a time when I thought invisibility would make me safe, when I believed that denying the word “transgender” and distancing myself from it would keep me from feeling marginalized and discriminated against.
    When I first came out and transitioned, I was very visible. I was a high school student at a school where I’d been known as a girl for three years. When I came back for my senior year as a boy, I couldn’t get away from who I had been. Everyone knew my birth name; everyone was used to referring to me as “she.”
    I dreamed of leaving this far behind, of going somewhere that would let me be “just” a guy. So I did. After my first year of college in Massachusetts, I went out West, to Wyoming. I told no one I was transgender. Some people raised an eyebrow when I told them I was 19—I looked like 15. But I passed, and I lived as a guy.
    And it was awful. I felt that at any time, someone could discover my secret. And I knew that because I had withheld this information about my past, in some way they would perceive me as having deceived them. And they would be right. I wasn’t living as who I truly was. I understand that for some transgender people, passing as a man or a woman is the right decision. It wasn’t for me. Invisibility was terrible.
    Remember that everyone has a biological sex and everyone has a gender identity.

    I’m reminded of that feeling, though in a very different way, when I read about the federal government’s “scrub” of transgender from the office of personnel management’s website, among other places. They are trying to erase us.

    By reclassifying all gender-based language to refer instead to “biological sex,” the Trump administration is attempting to posit that there is no such thing as being transgender; we are only what we were born as, we are our bodies and no more. This is unacceptable.
    Passing as a man doesn’t make me not transgender. Removing that term from federal websites doesn’t make transgender people not exist. It just makes those of us in the transgender community more vulnerable, more prone to be misunderstood and mistreated.
    How do I resist? I can pass, but I don’t. I challenge forms and paperwork that give me only two options. I resist every opportunity to be read as “just” a man. I let people know that not everything lines up right for me, that I am, happily, off-kilter with what the world expects me to be. In other words, I come out, day after day. I don’t let people read my external expression of gender and make assumptions about my biology. I make myself visible and legible as a transgender person.
    How can allies help? Remember that everyone has a biological sex and everyone has a gender identity. You can assert yours, too. Be cisgender and proud, rather than cisgender and presumptive. Use your privilege and your knowledge to teach this information to others. It can be empowering and informative to think about the ways in which your gender identity and gender expression aren’t tied to your biology—all the things that make you a woman that have nothing to do with your body, all the aspects of your masculinity that are unrelated to your chromosomes.
    What can we all do? We can raise this point, again and again. We can work to pass laws in the jurisdictions where we can have influence. Maybe right now we can’t influence federal policy. Maybe our state legislature is out of reach. But what about the city or town in which we live? What about the place where we work? The church that we attend? It is important for every institution that cares about transgender people to put language about their rights into their codes and policies. This visibility is essential.

    Last edited by smalltownguy; 12-06-2018 at 06:23 PM.

  8. #138
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide


    Assistant principal accused of harassing transgender student

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A West Virginia high school's assistant principal should be disciplined after questioning a transgender male student over his choice of bathrooms and saying, "you freak me out," the American Civil Liberties Union said.

    The ACLU's West Virginia chapter said it has asked the Harrison County schools superintendent to take action against Assistant Principal Lee Livengood at Liberty High School in Clarksburg. An ACLU statement said the chapter also is seeking best-practice policies and training in the school system for dealing with transgender students and issues.

    Fifteen-year-old student Michael Critchfield said Monday night in an interview he was traumatized by the Nov. 27 incident in a school boys' bathroom.

    County schools Superintendent Mark Manchin didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Monday.

    According to Critchfield, the school's band was preparing to take an afterschool bus trip to Morgantown to watch a performance at West Virginia University. Critchfield said he went to the bathroom and checked to see if anyone was standing at a urinal before he went into a stall.

    Livengood then opened the bathroom door and asked if any students were in the stall. Critchfield replied, and when he left the stall, Livengood was standing in the bathroom doorway and blocked Critchfield from leaving.

    Critchfield recalled Livengood repeatedly yelling, "Why are you in here? You shouldn't be in here."

    Critchfield replied it was his legal right to use that bathroom. He said Livengood used improper pronouns when referring to Critchfield and challenged him to use a urinal to prove that he was a boy.

    "I felt really degraded and discriminated against," Critchfield said.

    Critchfield said other students had heard screaming coming from the bathroom and told a chaperone, who saw both Critchfield and Livengood walk out.

    According to Critchfield, Livengood then said, "Not going to lie. You freak me out."

    Critchfield said school "should feel like a safe place. Kids like me should never have to go through anything like this. At the end of the day all I wanted was to feel welcome."

    ACLU West Virginia executive director Joseph Cohen called it "a life or death issue." The American Academy of Pediatrics published a study earlier this year showing 51 percent of trans male adolescents had attempted suicide.

    "The stakes couldn't really be higher here," Cohen said. "It's past time that West Virginia schools take LGBTQ issues seriously."

    Critchfield's mother, Caroline Critchfield, said the incident infuriated her.

    "As a parent, that is my child that you are talking to," she said. "His job was to provide safety, to protect my son while he was in school. Not bully. Not badger. Not to humiliate. Not to tear someone down. Not cause phobia. Not cause discrimination against him. What is this teaching our students?"

  9. #139
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    Jan 09, 2019

    NC women arrested after sexually assaulting transgender woman in bar restroom, police say

    Police in North Carolina say two women have been arrested for groping a transgender woman in the bathroom of a Raleigh bar.

    Amber Harrell, 38, and Jessica Fowler, 31, have been charged with misdemeanor sexual battery and felony second-degree kidnapping, according to court records.

    Raleigh police say the incident happened Dec. 9, 2018 at Milk Bar in the Glenwood South neighborhood, the News & Observer of Raleigh reported. Someone called police the next day and said his friend had been assaulted.

    The caller, whose name hasn't been made public, told the dispatcher that Harrell and Fowler had been talking to his friend, who is a transwoman, in a seemingly friendly conversation in the bar's restroom. However, one of the women then grabbed the victim's genitals and asked if she had a penis.

    The caller said the women continued to harass his friend, groping her, lifting up her clothes and ignoring her pleas for them to stop. He said the women continued harassing the victim once outside the restroom, and that a bartender told them to stop.
    Harrell and Fowler turned themselves in to police.

    Bunch of Fives Hospitality Co., the company that owns Milk Bar, released a statement on the incident, reported WRAL-TV.

    "Bunch of 5s handles all matters that threaten our patrons in a timely fashion to ensure their safety and ability to enjoy themselves at all of our locations. This matter was handled with cooperation and full transparency with the Raleigh Police Department and the detective that was assigned this case. Bunch of 5s and Milk Bar seek to continue to welcome all patrons into a safe environment," the statement said.

  10. #140
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    Default Re: Trans News Worldwide

    Jan 4, 2019

    Congresswoman displays transgender pride flag outside office

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    A newly elected Virginia congresswoman is displaying a transgender pride flag outside her Washington office.

    Rep. Jennifer Wexton is a Democrat from the 10th District in northern Virginia who was sworn in Thursday. The pink-, blue- and white-striped flag is displayed at the door to her office, along with the U.S. and Virginia flags.

    In a statement, Wexton says she's displaying the flag because she has family members and friends who are transgender. Chief of Staff Abigail Carter says Wexton is an aunt to a transgender person.

    Wexton says she wants the transgender community to know they're welcome. Since it went on display, Wexton says she's received messages of support and appreciation from across the country.

    Wexton is a former prosecutor who defeated Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock in November.

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