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  1. #91
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Revoking Transgender Civil Rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    a)What does it matter to you if the Desk Clerk in the Marriott is non-binary? Are you threatened with disease or death if the waitress or your dentist is a Transgendered Lesbian?

    Is the 'Fed' taking dollars out of your earnings to pay someone to be polyamorous or intersexed? If not, then why should people who identify themselves this way or anyway be denied the rights you have?
    Stavros I thot ye knew me. When have I ever given the impression that I am personally intolerant of people because of race, gender, or religion? Never, and I'm not.

    All I've ever done is try to explain to you why you are not going to get what you want from this current administration, while simultaneously trying to explain to you why this administration is good for America nonetheless.

    I think it would be just great if Trump suddenly called a press conference, stepped in front of the camera all teary-eyed and regretful, and announced a comprehensive human rights initiative. It's not going to happen, but if it did I'd be all like aw yeah you go Don!

    It's basically like you're at a French restaurant trying to order baked ziti, Stavros. Republicans don't make baked ziti. They don't even have the ingredients.

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  2. #92
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Revoking Transgender Civil Rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post
    Okay, Flighty, you've endured my walls of texts long enough to get my full world-view in as small a nutshell as I can squeeze it.

    Republicans are greedy sons of bitches, Flighty. They don't care about the environment. They don't care about transgender rights. They don't care about minorities or gun violence. They only care about making money.
    Well I've certainly seen enough to not be surprised that you've once again dodged my question and changed the subject to your favourite theme. Have you ever considered going into politics? You have the politician's glib way.

    Sorry, but the Republican party that cared only about money was the old Republican party. Today's Republican party is mainly about hatred, resentment and fear of 'the other'. That is the basis of Trump's support and the thing that he constantly and unscrupulously focuses on. I accept that you are not like this yourself, but you cannot be blind to it.

    Balance the books? How do you balance the books by increasing borrowing at a time when the economy is doing well? If you are a successful businessman who has survived numerous recessions then you must know that is the opposite of a prudent strategy. Any fool can get up a temporary boom by maxing out the credit card to splurge on tax cuts, but it will have to be repaid with interest in future. It's fool's gold Nick.

    This is all a bit off topic, but I doubt we're going to achieve much by continuing to go over that same ground. I'm sure the good Stavros will give it another try though.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 11-03-2018 at 12:49 AM.

  3. #93
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Revoking Transgender Civil Rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post
    Stavros I thot ye knew me. When have I ever given the impression that I am personally intolerant of people because of race, gender, or religion? Never, and I'm not.
    All I've ever done is try to explain to you why you are not going to get what you want from this current administration, while simultaneously trying to explain to you why this administration is good for America nonetheless.
    Nick, I understand your sympathies but for that reason cannot understand why you support an administration that is not just determined to make life harder for people you say you sympathise with, but intends to make it impossible for them to exist as they wish to, by denying them the right to identify their gender preference on official documents.

    Transgender Rights are Constitutional Rights, and Human Rights. How can it be good for America to take away the rights of Americans? And violate the 14th Amendment without the authority of Congress?

    How can it be good for America that your President is back in court being accused of another criminal con-trick?

    How can it be good for America that your President encourages hate and violence against Jews, claiming of George Soros-

    "I shouldn't be surprised", Trump said when asked if he thought George Soros was funding the migrant caravan.

    How can it be good for America that its President by conducting a campaign of resentment against a man who is richer and more sucessful than him, who used his billions to create the Central European University that is staffed by experienced scholars and teachers and awards valuable degrees compared to a 'university' that 'took the money and ran away' leaving 'students' with nothing but their embarrassment at being conned--by vilifying him in public encourages the loathing of Jews at the same time that they were being murdered en masse in Pittsburgh?

    Because the language the President uses matters, because it emboldens his supprters to use violence that is illegal.

    The President is not good for America - he is a iar, a racist, a crook and a despicable traitor.

    At this moment of prosperity in the US economy, this President is the greatest threat to its endurance, for he is the enemy of the American people, and an enemy of freedom.

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