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  1. #111
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    [QUOTE=Nick Danger;1838765]

    Not 100% sure you've got your facts straight, Stavros. I'd like to see some attribution of your claim that Obama deported illegal immigrants en masse, for one thing.
    --Statistically Obama is ahead of the current Administration, but note that 'mass deportations' did not become annual affairs until 1986 and the record under Obama is also due to the way illegal immigrants are defined ('Felons, not families' was common in the Obama era). Thus:
    figures released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on December 5th show that the total number of deportations has declined over the past fiscal year—from October 1st 2016 to September 30th 2017—to the lowest level seen since 2006. The data also show that deportation has become less selective in the Trump era.

    In his first year in office, President Donald Trump's administration's arrests of immigrants -- especially those without criminal convictions -- were up substantially, but actual deportations lagged behind his predecessor, according to statistics released Friday.

    The fact check that gives you insight into definitions is here-

    Trump voters know he is corrupt. We know he is a cheeto-skinned, pelt-haired, patently dishonest, egomaniacal, self-serving madman
    --If Americans were aware or accepted that they live in a corrupt economy they were at least able to earn enough to own their own home, send their children to school, pay for health care, have two weeks holidays a year -but the fact is that technology from the 1960s and the off-shoring of industrial jobs to Asia since the 1980s has eroded the income base of the working and middle class, which is where you are now. So why vote for people who claim that the 'good times will come back' and at the same time applaud a liar who promotes policies that do the opposite? He has already reneged on the tariff and sanctions policy on China because it affected jobs back in the USA, the policy has failed before it even begins to take effect.

    As for Trump's moves against transsexuals, well, it was coming...Do I care about this? Sorry, I just don't see these things as being particularly important to transsexuals, and I'm 100% certain that the next Democratic administration - however far in the future it may be - will squash all of Trump's anti-gay/anti-trans agenda.
    --There are approx 15,500 transgendered people serving in the US Military, I guess there won't be so many willing to serve their country in the future, if they are told they are not wanted, regardless of their commitment. It is in my view callous and offensive to dismiss the issues transgendered Americas face as some sort of 'political correctness' problem around 'trivial' matters like rest-rooms that they themselves -you suggest- do not think are important. Surely the issue, as it has been for many others in the USA, the difference between the equal rights they have under the Constitution and the lack of these rights being met in their daily lives? And is it not also the case that as a small percentage of the US public, it would not take much effort or cost to meet the needs -and the rights of Transgendered Americans, so why discriminate against them?

    You may not personally like the President or be fooled by his rhetoric, but you are seeing those around him build on his rhetoric of hate -has any President so constantly attacked, abused and denigrated his own country, his fellow citizens, and American institutions?- build on that rhetoric to cause damage to the US economy, to deepen divisions in US society, to widen the gap between rich and poor, and that in the long term means that this current Republican Administration will cause more harm than good, and that it will take some time for Americans to embrace the changes demanded of the 21st, rather than the 18th century in which so many of the President's admirers seem to live in.

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  2. #112
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    So California exists as a warning of what happens when you descend into liberalism. The world's 5th largest economy. All the 'winning' in the GOP sectors of the country has literally dazed people into mental retardation.

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  3. #113
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    The problem is that some ppl are so consumed by their ideologies and what they think it's ok or right and talk like they know it in politics on certain topics without showing evidence/statics or something to back it up with. You can tell by the way they comment is full of ignorance. They be drink too much of that kool-aid also.

    Kinda fucked up sliding trans-issues/trans rights under the rug! I wonder what you will think if trans porn becomes illegal.

    Last edited by johncock0; 05-18-2018 at 08:26 PM.

  4. #114
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    So California exists as a warning of what happens when you descend into liberalism. The world's 5th largest economy. All the 'winning' in the GOP sectors of the country has literally dazed people into mental retardation.
    You cite California as a warning of what happens when you descend into liberalism, but you don't offer as a comparison the insane tax cutting radicalism of Kansas that has all but bankrupted the State so Krazy even the local Republicans are now opposed to it. Yet this is what con-man, crook and liar in the White House wants for all the USA.

    What did he say about Africa?

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  5. #115
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    There are approx 15,500 transgendered people serving in the US Military
    That you accept this as fact tells me you have not done much research on this matter, Stavros. That figure comes from a 2014 UCLA study which acknowledges itself that it is merely estimating the figure based on percentages from the general population. It completely fails to account for the alternative lifestyles followed by many transsexuals that certainly do NOT include military service. The Rand Corporation completed a more thorough study in 2017, which sourced from interviews and surveys with actual service members, and came up with the figure range 1,320 to 6,630 transgenders currently on active duty.

    Even that sounds like a lot until you consider that there are 1.3 million active duty soldiers in the U.S. Military, meaning that if the lower figure in the range is accurate, we're actually talking about 1/10th of 1% of service members.

    Still, is this fair? Of course not. Is it a big problem? I don't see how it is. There are plenty of other reasons people get disqualified from serving in the military, and there are plenty of other paths in life to follow.

    Also, the full truth is, there are currently ZERO people in this country who are denied the possibility of serving in the U.S. Military because they are transgender - a tweet from President Trump does not constitute DoD policy.

    Bottom line though? When a President is elected by the religious right, he has to give them something. Trump is giving them very, very little. You, Stavros, and others like you who choose to magnify these small matters of military service and bathroom use into matters of great importance, are very helpful to a man like Trump. He loves that so many people are making a big deal out of it, because he knows that his voting base is thinking, "Wow, look at President Trump come down on those gays and transsexuals!!" They fucking LOVE that shit. But in the end, they are getting practically nothing and don't even realize it.

    As for Obama's deportation stats, it's pretty common knowledge among those who follow these matters that his seemingly high numbers in this area are due to a change in the definition of "deportation" rather than a particularly high number of deportees. The vast majority of Obama's deportees would once not have been counted as deportations, but as "catch-and-release" cases, in which busloads of Mexicans are essentially driven across the border and cut loose.

    Since illegal crossings of the Mexican border are currently at an all-time low after decades of decline, it would be impossible for Trump to match Obama's numbers. UNTIL he outlaws sanctuary cities. When that happens, it won't even be competitive. Not that it's a competition, these are human beings. But illegals are a drain on the economy, and Trump is on that.

    Also, Trump is taking numerous steps to bring jobs back to the USA, including cutting corporate taxes, withdrawing from the TPP, renegotiating NAFTA, and personally negotiating with a few corporations to place their operations here. At this point, he is trying to figure out what to do about China, but making threats is a good place to start. We'll see what happens. But whatever you say about him, you can't deny that he has created high optimism for manufacturing in the USA. In a macro-economic sense, optimism tends to translate to jobs and money.

    He's been President for less than a year and a half. Give him more time and you may REALLY hate him. But everything he's done so far has been great for the USA, and not TOO awful for our beloved t-girls.

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    We are number one. All others are number two or lower.

  6. #116
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    I'm not sure what rock you've been hiding under Dangerman, but can you please crawl back under it? You seem to be inhabiting the same fictional world as the character in your picture.

    It's hard to know where to start, but here's a few points on things I know something about.

    1. If illegal border crossings are at an all time low, why is it imperative to spend billions on building a wall?

    2. If immigration is bad for the economy, how did the US achieve full employment in the past when immigration was high?

    3. Have you never heard of population ageing? In future, there will be fewer working-age people to support each retired person. The US will need more working-age immigrants, not less - in fact, without past immigration the problem would be here already.

    4. If government controls are bad, how is it that trade barriers are the exception? Most true free-marketers don't agree with your position.

    5. You pointed out earlier that the US is close to full employment. If so, how can foreign competition be costing jobs and how can trade barriers create more jobs? If you think that trade barriers are good for the economy then maybe you should study economy history a bit more.

    6. Is Trump's bizarre backflip on ZTE a good place to start in dealing with China?

    By the way, there's nothing special about Trump's economic record. Don't believe the hype.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 05-19-2018 at 03:48 AM.

  7. #117
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Please don't tell people to "give him more time" when republican leadership literally tried to sabotage Obama's agenda at every turn.

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  8. #118
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    So, California exists as a warning of what happens when you descend into liberalism? The world's 5th largest economy? All the so-called 'winning' in the GOP sectors of the country has literally dazed those people into mental retardation.
    Fixed previously poorly worded post; that made it seem like I support Trump. Insomnia is a helluva drug.

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  9. #119
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    So California exists as a warning of what happens when you descend into liberalism. The world's 5th largest economy. All the 'winning' in the GOP sectors of the country has literally dazed people into mental retardation.
    Yep, the evidence is very conclusive. The blue states are all clearly economic basket cases, while the red states are doing just great.

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  10. #120
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Yep, the evidence is very conclusive. The blue states are all clearly economic basket cases, while the red states are doing just great.
    I hear red states have the best schools, too.

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