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  1. #591
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    The same ones that were yelling “Blue lives matter!” are now the same ones with the most criticism of the FBI.

    If WWIII does happen, these second amendment fetishists, the “well-regulated” militia and those loud mouthed “patriots” should be the first ones to go fight, not the poor.
    I admit I had never heard of Blue Lives Matter and had to look it up. It is a bit rich that people who have killed 'in the line of duty' without prejudice to their careers should suddenly make part of their job description a special cause. Are marines who join up told 'this job may endanger your life'? As if they didn't know?

    As for the 'criticism of the FBI', it is surely a sign that there is a potential crisis of government when the President and his supporters not only brand senior officers of the FBI with decades of service fighting crime (and successfully too in many cases) as 'leakers and liars' but even set up a web-page called 'Lyin' Comey'. And when you realise this has nothing to do with the USA or the FBI but the personality of one man (no, not Comey), you begin to see the threat that is posed to democracy itself.

    If it were the military, and who knows, if Mattis or some 4-star general displeases el Commandante and the military becomes 'the threat', the 'well armed militia' may all that stands between you and the restoration of the monarchy. Only it will be the lad from Queens not our Queen who is in seated on the throne, demanding obedience, loyalty, reverence and love from all his subjects, with parades, pageants and public sculpture.

    An afterthought: Can you imagine supporters of Malcolm X or the Black Panthers in 1968 creating a website 'Lyin J Edgar Hoover'? They would still be in prison, or these days, in Guantanamo Bay.

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  2. #592
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    I don't know what the DNC seeks to gain by filing a lawsuit that claims that Russia, Trump, and Wikileaks conspired to the disrupt the 2016 campaign. But I think its a waste of time and a big mistake. They should be focused on the midterm elections and starting to figure out who is going to run in 2020. I also think that it shows they still haven't gotten over the fact that Hillary lost and that they can't accept the fact they have made some mistakes along the way that led to someone like Trump getting elected.

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  3. #593
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by blackchubby38 View Post
    I don't know what the DNC seeks to gain by filing a lawsuit that claims that Russia, Trump, and Wikileaks conspired to the disrupt the 2016 campaign.
    I've seen headlines but haven't read anything about it. My first inclination is that you're right, particularly since the claim is really the end game of a criminal investigation that will either end in indictments and impeachment or not. I wonder if they think they can force depositions or that somehow through discovery they can uncover something. It seems like a waste of resources and possibly energy but it depends who they have handle it and whether it detracts from their efforts in the midterms. But my first thought is to agree with you.

  4. #594
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Small historical note: after the Watergate offices of the DNC were burgled, Lawrence O'Brien then Chair of the DNC filed a civil law suit against the Committee to Re-Elect the President seeking a million $$ in damages and for the invasion of privacy. The case dragged because it conflicted with the criminal proceedings, but was settled on the last day of Nixon's tenure when the DNC was paid $750,000.

    Also referred to at the end of this report=

    I suspect that just as the Republicans are using various tactics to smear or sabotage the Mueller Investigation, the DNC feels it should mount a campaign of its own, at the very least it sows doubts in the minds of voters about the probity of the Russian-American Presidential campaign in 2016.

  5. #595
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    This is my thought of the day..... as it is every fucking day!

    Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #596
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    So, what's going to happen? Will Democrat's Wet Dreams of seeing a Republican President slapped in cuffs finally cum true??? In what Universe could the FBI and NYC not have enough proof to impeach and arrest Trump ten times over? What other outcome could happen? How could what's going to happen not be the darkest day in US Politics maybe ever?

    how to remove account

    World Class Asshole

  7. #597
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    So, what's going to happen? Will Democrat's Wet Dreams of seeing a Republican President slapped in cuffs finally cum true??? In what Universe could the FBI and NYC not have enough proof to impeach and arrest Trump ten times over? What other outcome could happen? How could what's going to happen not be the darkest day in US Politics maybe ever?
    Follow the money.

    Or, as Mueller gets ever closer to the truth will John Barron decide the truth in this case is a 'no-go area'?
    The more one reads about this man, the more one wonders when the Presidency is going to be engulfed in crisis. I don't know if there is a timetable for Mueller's investigation to produce a report -on the eve of the mid-terms?

  8. #598
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Shame you're not more concerned about the state of Leadership & crisis after crisis in your own country! Too busy putting the world to rights, fucking do-gooding Jackass!

  9. #599
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by peejaye View Post
    Shame you're not more concerned about the state of Leadership & crisis after crisis in your own country! Too busy putting the world to rights, fucking do-gooding Jackass!
    And your contribution to the debate is what, exactly?
    I started a thread on immigration -central to the Windrush scandal- some time ago and it produced no reply; when I post the latest development on the Brexit farce, including criticism of the government of Theresa May, you prefer to respond with abuse rather than debate. I posted a development on the Grenfell Tower tragedy not so long ago -a thread I started- but you have had nothing much to say about it. The USA is important, as is Russia, and other places I have visited, or lived and worked in, and anyway you are free to open and debate in any thread.
    I believe with your life experience you could do so much better and it would generate more interesting posts.

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  10. #600
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    And your contribution to the debate is what, exactly?
    As a very ordinary UK citizen I allow the US to get on with its own affairs, shame you & the fucking warmongers over here don't take a leaf out of that book & keep your big fucking noses out of other peoples business!
    Debating Brexit is for those who regret it happened, Nigel Farage speaks for the majority of Brexiteers, it's a shame he's not involved in the negotiations, they'd be finished now!
    As with Greenfell; I read only last week this scum in administration have given absolutely NOTHING(££) to any council, as yet, to improve high rise housing! So what, exactly, is there to debate?

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