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  1. #281
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Martin, thank you very much for the article by Vivek Nagrani, it has given depth to my somewhat superficial if partially accurate observation.

  2. #282
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    WTF. Why would Farage meet with Assange?

  3. #283
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Quote Originally Posted by flabbybody View Post
    WTF. Why would Farage meet with Assange?
    They share the same agenda: the dissolution of the European Union and a globalized economy where states form trading blocs that offer its members privileges outsiders cannot have. The political anarchism of Assange meets the economic anarchism of Farage who wants the UK to 'stand alone' and takes its chances as a competitive state in a world without the UN or any regulative body, the same view now taken in Washington DC, and in Moscow, and by Marine Le Pen in France.

    Assange has placed Wikileaks in the service of of Russia -he broadcasts regularly for Russia Today from inside the Embassy (I believe this may be a violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic protocol) -and when last year the Republican candidate for the US Presidency appealed to the Russian government to intervene in the US elections and undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign, Wikileaks duly obliged; and just yesterday Wikileaks re-printed leaked emails from the campaign of Emmanuel Macron in France, and while the leaks may not have originated from a hacking operation in Russia, the Front National campaign has been part-financed with money from Russian banks with the full approval of Vladimir Putin.

    Another visitor to Assange in London has been Pamela Anderson, anyone who thinks that is interesting can google it.

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  4. #284
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    More- or less- on Farage and Assange-
    Nigel Farage abruptly ended an interview with a German newspaper because the reporter asked him about his relationships with Russia and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

    Mr Farage described interviewer Steffen Dobbert from Zeit Online as “a nutcase”, “mad” and “away with the fairies”, when Mr Dobbert suggested Ukip and Russia shared an agenda, asked why Mr Farage met with Mr Assange, and said after Brexit it might be harder for British people to travel to the European Union.

    Eventually, on the advice of his press spokesman — who reportedly interrupted the interview several times — the eurosceptic MEP ended the conversation and asked Mr Dobbert to leave the room.

  5. #285
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Quote Originally Posted by flabbybody View Post
    WTF. Why would Farage meet with Assange?
    It is now being claimed that Farage met Assange several times and that on one occasion he passed Assange a 'thumb drive" containing data. Glenn Simpson, head of FusionGPS is said to have told one of the Congressional inquiries into the 'Russia scandal'-

    He added: “I have formed my own opinions... that there was a somewhat unacknowledged relationship between the Trump people and the Ukip people and that the path to WikiLeaks ran through that. And I still think that today."

    Maybe Nigel will be invited to Washington to give evidence to the Mueller inquiry? In the meantime, Julian Assange has now been given Ecuadorian nationality but there is no sign of any movement on getting him out of the Embassy, although as the government has pointed out, Assange is free to leave whenever he wants to.

  6. #286
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    He cheats at golf, just like Nixon although the latter mostly 'adjusted' his scores...

    Donald Trump "cheats like hell" at golf and routinely lies about his score, a professional who plays regularly with him has claimed.

    Suzann Pettersen, who has known Mr Trump for over ten years, said that she laughs at the US president’s scores because they bear no relation to reality.

    Pettersen, who is a former LPGA Tour winner and has often played with Mr Trump, said that he usually skips his final putt in case he misses it.

    The Norwegian former world number two even hinted that Mr Trump pays his caddies to return balls he has hit towards the woods back onto the course.

    More here-

    And Celina Midelfart...

  7. #287
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Says it all really. It's going to become a cliche at some point but the person who cheats at golf is the person you can't trust for anything. The thing is, everybody who plays golf is disappointed that they occasionally miss a four foot putt or hit a ball out of bounds or behind a tree. Golf cheats can't deal with the disappointment of not being as good as they wish they could be. It is in those where there's the greatest difference between how they see themselves and how they actually are that you see cheating.

  8. #288
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Re the 'Nunes Memo' -if this is an FBI document containing classified information that the FBI want s to protect, does this mean that whoever releases it should be arrested and charged? I seem to recall the (alleged) distribution of classified emails led to 'Lock Her Up!' becaming a popular chant during the 2016 election campaign.

    Or is it a case that officials of the USA must, must pledge their loyalty to the President, and that in future pledging to uphold the Constitution of the USA will be the second pledge they make after swearing undying loyalty to the President?

    As for Rod Rosenstein, who apparently responded to the President's demand:
    “Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr President,” Rosenstein replied, CNN quoted unnamed sources as saying.

    Does this mean the Attorney General's office is more committed to protecting the President or the Law? And doesn't this mean Rosenstein can no longer be trusted to uphold the law? Guess its just a matter of time before Mueller is sacked.

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  9. #289
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Trump has been crucified from day 1 by the MSM, CNN hate him with a passion because he won’t dance to their tune, I wish he was Prime Minister of the UK.

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  10. #290
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    Default Re: So what do you Brits make of Trump ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goodslave View Post
    Trump has been crucified from day 1 by the MSM, CNN hate him with a passion because he won’t dance to their tune, I wish he was Prime Minister of the UK.
    Couldn't do a worse job than the First Class Full weight c**t we've got at present!

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