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  1. #1631
    your fantasy Veteran Poster Ts RedVeX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    If I am supposed to fund your Korean wars then I would like to do that by paying the Korean war tax and not my personal health insurance. Let's call things by their due names, shall we - just like I call people whose IQ I consider to be in between 50 and 69 morons. From my point of view prescriptions are unnecessary. I just need the medicine. I did say that M. Thatcher was not perfect. Especialy that she had found herself living in a country overrun by communists, or democrats, who thought that they were supposed to lead the country. She had to bribe the nation with something and bribe the men in power with something to even become important. That is yet another flaw of democracy. One cannot propose any reasonable project for under threat of losing electorate: The dim mob constituting of you alike needs a slogan like "more money for the public health care" and they readily vote for Communists like Jeremy Corbyn. As soon as her excellency Theresa May says - reasonably - "no more 'free' food for pupils" the dim mob think they loose... While it actually means their children's food would have been 40% cheaper had it been prepared by parents rather than a state-appointed officer, in accordance with E Savas's law.

    Going back to the STI tests anyone in the UK can have "freely" done, they do not include tests against type C hepatitis. This basically means that a rotten capitalist like myself, who had planned their international photo-shoot more than 2 weeks in advance (which is the time needed by the glorious NHS funded from people-who-do-not-really-use-it's money), has to waste half of their day to have the tests done, pay 4 quid parking and whatever the fuel cost is, or bus fare plus a few extra work-hours to the half-day, or cycle there and back and add yet another 2 work-hours (I do not even expect you to know what that means, comrade Stavros and yeah in communism as long as one punches the card it doesn't really matter whether they do something or not)... Then has to do waste yet another half-a-day to do that yet another time and collect the results and request a print out (the earlier mentioned 30quid in cash) - no you cannot use bank cards unless maybe it was just the alien tranny from the Continent who you proles want to fuck in the ass so much... And then it turns out that your tests did not include the hep C test. That means you cannot just go back to the NHS and say you are a heroin junkie just to get a routine hep C test because you no longer have the 2 weeks before your shoot. You do have to pay the 150quid for a test by a private clinic, that will show all you need and give you results by email within 2 working days.

    Now. before you say that if i really need them so fast then i should pay the 150 and shut the fuck up I ask you. Of what quality is the sort of service, that we all pay for monthly, (no not you dole scroungers and wino democrats) that makes us, have to go through the ordeal to get you the the porn you want. Why cannot it be simplier? I could have printed that fucking results myself. I could have done it pirvately, having said "to hell with my NI"... Well FUCK YOU. I am at least gonna rant about it on this board. That is the best I can do. They do not sell helicopters at Maplin's yet and I am not a freaking general of the RAF.

    And no, I do not take advantage of the NHS. I pay for it and I take from it what I am entitled to. I also do not take any of your communist counselling, which is, by the way, total bullshit. I would be more than happy to pay the 40% less price for all I the meds I need in a country with no public NHS.

    Abusive language is the most pleasant form of disapproval, hopefully, if the English miraculously regain their identity, scum like you are going to see in the next decade or two.

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    Last edited by Ts RedVeX; 01-26-2018 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #1632
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Quote Originally Posted by Ts RedVeX View Post
    Abusive language is the most pleasant form of disapproval, hopefully, if the English miraculously regain their identity, scum like you are going to see in the next decade or two.
    Thank you for choosing the United Kingdom as your home, enjoy your time with us. If it is your most intense desire to transition from a male to a female identity, and if you are the citizen of a member state of the EU, may I recommend that you leave the UK and travel east to Poland, and register with the Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej, Medycyny Estetycznej i Flebologii Solumed in Poznań.

    In Poland SRS operations are much cheaper than abroad. For instance, on the British Isles, the treatment co-funded by the NHS costs approximately £10000 (55 thousand zlotys). Dr. A. Sankowski's Plastic Surgery Clinic in Warsaw offers an operation involving the recontstruction of scrotum from the labia minora and majora. The cost of the procedure starts at 7 thousand zlotys. The patients of this centre can also undergo the female-to-male sex reassignment surgery - the cost of the operation starts with 20 thousand zlotys. The Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej, Medycyny Estetycznej i Flebologii Solumed in Poznań offers the female-to-male gender correction procedure for the cost of 32.5 thousand zlotys. The male-to-female operation costs 27 thousand zlotys.

    The medical team of the Medical University in Gdańsk can boast the most extensive professional experience in performing male-to-female procedures. The SRS operations are performed by Prof. Kazimierz Krajka, M. D., PhD, highly recommended on the forum. Patients determined to have the procedure performed by Prof. Krajka must be aware that he only accepts cases with referrals from Dr Stanisław Dulka, a sexologist from Warsaw. Male-to-female SRS treatment costs approximately 14 thousand zlotys at the clinic. The Barlicki hospital in ‎Łódź can present some impressive achievements in reference to genital reassignment surgeries. The operations are performed by Dr Bogusław Antoszewski, M. D., PhD, the head of the Plastic Surgery Clinic at the Hospital. The medical team of the clinic performs a complete sex change of a transgendered person, starting with the removal of Adam's apple and finishing on the phallic reconstruction. The cost of the sex change operation is 50 thousand zlotys.

  3. #1633
    your fantasy Veteran Poster Ts RedVeX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Why thank you but I could have gotten the SRS for "free" in communist Holland, while I lived there. I even have the referrals from the gender team of VUmc in Amsterdam... So I could go there now, and get some local insurance, and get the whole SRS refunded.. The problem is: I do not trust those communist fucks, after they said I had to go through all the same shit in the Netherladns I had to have gone throug in Poland to get government's permission to get my own body altered by a reputable doctor without him risking being put to jail for doing his job...

    So please.. You stop shitposting and I will stop my abusive language. - Cos that is how it works, you know. People aren't really bothered until you agitate them. Which is what the mainstream media's main task is these days. - To piss people off and direct their anger at a certain collective of other people. In other words, we are supposed to have a civil war. Now that does not sound promising, does it?

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  4. #1634
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Quote Originally Posted by Ts RedVeX View Post
    Why thank you but I could have gotten the SRS for "free" in communist Holland, while I lived there. I even have the referrals from the gender team of VUmc in Amsterdam... So I could go there now, and get some local insurance, and get the whole SRS refunded.. The problem is: I do not trust those communist fucks, after they said I had to go through all the same shit in the Netherladns I had to have gone throug in Poland to get government's permission to get my own body altered by a reputable doctor without him risking being put to jail for doing his job...
    Human societies have developed, and have been sustained by rules, they are a fact of life. As a citizen of the EU you have the right to live and work in 28 countries, which I guess means 28 health services, all of which have rules. I cannot help you as I don't know enough about the provision of health services for transgendered people across Europe, whereas I suspect that you do. You have on more than one occasion dismissed me and a substantial number of people in the UK as 'Communists' and 'Idiots' -sometimes both at the same time- because we choose to pay taxes in return for services such as health and education. On that basis you demoralize the validity of you arguments about politics which most of the time are of marginal interest or simply irrelevant.

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  5. #1635
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Why don't you go & try living in one of these wonderful EU countries?
    I can assure you Mister; you would be in for a big shock!

  6. #1636
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Quote Originally Posted by peejaye View Post
    Why don't you go & try living in one of these wonderful EU countries?
    I can assure you Mister; you would be in for a big shock!
    I have, and have often regretted returning to the UK, but neither of us have the ability to go back in time and change the things we got wrong. There are enough shocks in the UK to deal with, on that we can I hope agree, even if I appear to be the only person defending the NHS from its critics.

  7. #1637
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Quote Originally Posted by Ts RedVeX View Post
    Have you ever looked beyond the greenhouse effect in your global warming proving "analysis"
    Covered that ground -at your request- already back in posts #1585 and #1590:

    "The Earth’s precession (the gyroscopic wobble of its spin axis), it’s orbital eccentricity and other orbital parameters vary through a complex set of not yet thoroughly understood cycles called the Milankovitch cycles. As you say, variations in these parameters will induce variations in the flux of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface and do (when acting in synchrony) force changes in the Earth’s climate. The cyclic occurrences of Earth’s ice-ages are linked to the Milankovitch cycles. These cycles have (on a human scale) very large periods: on the order of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years (the period of Earth’s precession is somewhere around 25000 years and the period in the variations of Earth’s eccentricity is on the order of 112000 years). That’s why over the period of a mere 200 years these variations are largely negligible. However, if you want to include them in the current climate model, know that the Milankovich cycles are now slowing (by a very very small amount) the warming of the Earth. But they are no match against the greenhouse gases that billions of people have been dumping into the atmosphere over the past 1.5 centuries." - from post#1585

    " You can do the calculation either way. Leave out the 19th century measurements of the solar constant altogether, or put them in. You can leave out the effect of Sunspot activity or include it. Leave out the effect of the Milankovitch cycles or put them in. Either way you’ll find that at this moment in time the greenhouse-effect utterly swamps all other factors that might modify the temperature of the our planet. The current warming trend is indisputably due, primarily, to the precipitous rise of greenhouse gases that humans have been dumping into the atmosphere for over a century." - from post #1590

    Oh yeah, the Solar Flux is already a key part of the currently accepted model of the current climate shift.

    "The theory of climate change you oppose is the one that attributes the change to the greenhouse effect, right? That theory maintains that light energy from the Sun (otherwise known as the solar flux) passes through the atmosphere (with some absorption) and warms the Earth’s surface( i.e. surface atoms are excited by their absorption of the solar radiation ). The warmed Earth then radiates that energy (i.e. the excited atoms emit new photons, mostly in the infrared band) outward into the atmosphere, where the greenhouse gasses capture enough of it create a imbalance: i.e. in net, more energy is absorbed from the Sun, than is radiated back out into space.

    The whole greenhouse model is based on a detailed analysis of the solar flux at all wavelengths. (I explained this in some detail already back in post #1572.) You’re being more than disingenuous when you claim, “ do not even consider anything like Solar flux...” " -from #1623

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    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  8. #1638
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Here we go again-

    Donald Trump has expressed doubts over the existence of climate change, as it is understood by the vast majority of scientists.

    After proclaiming his belief in “clean air and clean water”, the US President questioned some of the central tenets of climate science in an interview with Piers Morgan.

    Presidents get an easy ride. They go to Congress to deliver a 'State of the Union' message that is not challenged on the floor; they are interviewed by their friends so they look good, whereas in the UK the Prime Minister must answer questions in the House of Commons, and be grilled by hostile interviewers -and why not? Why not present the President with the hard core evidence that he is a racist? Is it not part of the job description to be subject to robust interrogation? I mean, Piers Morgan! Which one of the two is more self-obsessed?

    As for climate, cold, wet, dry...I mean it's all so complicated!

  9. #1639
    your fantasy Veteran Poster Ts RedVeX's Avatar
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    No, I cannot see where you presented any extracts or link to bits of the report that consider anything other than CO2 and temperatures... I can also not see any links to where it actually says that global warming is caused by humans and that humans can do any about it. As to you looking into solar flux, I seriously doubt that even capable of understanding what it is, never mind proving that it is negligible in Earth climate changes' examination. Especially that you keep saying I do not believe in climate change, which is not true. I believe in climate change. What I do not believe in is that humans can influence it in any meaningful way.

    As to rules in societies.. Yes we need rules. Simple, clear rules that can be understood easily and followed. Not excess rules that 90% of the nation wouldn't even be able to figure out the meaning of.

    Oh, if you regret coming back to the UK then why won't you go live somewhere else? lol

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    Last edited by Ts RedVeX; 01-28-2018 at 03:16 PM.

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  10. #1640
    your fantasy Veteran Poster Ts RedVeX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Climate change could mean the extinction of our species

    Here we go again... more of Stavros Trish & co. eristics

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