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Thread: Spelling

  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Default Spelling

    is it me or is there a direct correlation between trannies and their admirers and an inability to spell or use correct grammar?

    lol it amazes me! it's alarming!

    is it in the genes? i think i'm onto something

  2. #2
    5 Star Poster
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    You can't capitalize so I don't know what you are talking about. My spelling and grammar is beyond reproach.

  3. #3
    Rookie Poster
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    YOu cant count me either, Im the editor of an international business magazine and I have a BA degree in English Literature and an A grade A-level in English

    I do see a big increase in the use of unneccessary apostrophes these days though and it drives me mad...........

    Welcome back Vicki. How was your op?

  4. #4
    Gold Poster
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    Southern California


    It isn't so much the spelling that eats at me as much as what has become the vogue use of not capitalizing to begin a sentence (Hee-hee, Hillbilly!), along with the following: run-on sentences, misuse of terms (e.g.,Jealousy for Envy, your for you're, their for they're, et all), violating the three rule on punctuation, and last but not least, riding the cap key as a couple of posters in here are known for doing. I have other pet peeves, but the cap key riding issue, and conversely, lack of utilizing the cap key to start a sentence, are both the mark of laziness imho. There is no excuse for either. It's akin to driving on the shoulder of a road in order to circumvent traffic. If a poster thinks what they have to say is of any value, then why not make it as reader-friendly as possible by giving the post some semblance of ebb and flow that proper capitalizing and punctuation provide ? Why should a reader have to work hard at deciphering what another is attempting to say ? I will always forgive a bad speller, as we all can make a spelling gaffe here and there, but one with bad mechanics, punctuation, et all, no. Never.

    Is it genetically borne ? Nope, it's everywhere.

    ... That's my two cents on the matter at hand.

  5. #5
    Junior Poster
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    wow was i addressing you vicki? lol. you seem to have a hair across your ass today. maybe you should go fight with seanchai instead. lol.

    i simply choose not to capitalize. i have to assume people don't choose to spell things incorrectly.

    oh well. good luck with that hair. lol.

    oh yes i am lazy by the way and it is everywhere.

    funny how this was taken so personally. oh no not me. i have a blah and a blah. yeah i have a blah too. lol. and my blah says that your blah stinks. lol. it was a joke!!!!

    where is mega when i need him? i enjoy his wreckless arguments much more.

    i should know better than to think out loud on here.

  6. #6
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vicki Richter
    You can't capitalize so I don't know what you are talking about. My spelling and grammar is beyond reproach.
    I'm assuming this was tongue-in-cheek, Vicki. Otherwise, you would have to account for using "can't" when there is no empirical evidence to support hillbilly's inability to capitalize, only his choice not to (should be "don't," a matter of choice, not "can't," an assessment of ability). And how about your subject-verb agreement, Vicki? "spelling and grammar" (two things) /are/ beyond reproach. Hence, my assumption that you're funning us.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elpachio
    YOu cant count me either, Im the editor of an international business magazine and I have a BA degree in English Literature and an A grade A-level in English
    Either I have to assume that you, too, are pulling our collective leg, Elpachio, or I have to wonder about the accreditation of the college or university which awarded you that BA in English. :P

    I think a lot would be accomplished if people only took the time to formulate their thoughts clearly, then re-read what they've written to see if they've actually said what they intended with a minimum of egregious spelling and grammatical errors.

  7. #7
    Junior Poster
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    It's a fucking shemale forum, who gives a shit?

  8. #8
    Gold Poster
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    Southern California


    Quote Originally Posted by Slither
    It's a fucking shemale forum, who gives a shit?
    Apparently, as well as unfortunately, not too many judging simply by the number of views this topic has garnered so far.

    As far as who gives a shit, well, I for one do. I shouldn't have to labor to find the intent or meaning of a post due simply to another's inability to write a coherent thought. Compared to most forums out there, the text posted in here is generally relatively short, being trumped of course by pictures instead. Is it really that much to ask that some -- a few in my eyes, mind you -- take a few seconds more to capitalize a term here, or add a period there, before hitting the submit button ? I am by no means perfect, not even close, but I do attempt to make my postings as reader-friendly as possible. I mean, there are some in here who don't know the difference between,there, their, and they're. Sheesh.

    ... Would you, Slither, in a public setting and with an audience present, want your thoughts and words muffled misrepresented, or misinterpreted to the point that your speech comes out highly misunderstood, dubious, or ineffective of its intent ? It's the same thing with the written word. I won't even read certain thread topics, if I see who has been posting in it. It just isn't worth my time fighting it to attempt to get what the poster was trying to convey.

    So call me a snob.

  9. #9
    Junior Poster
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    If a person types "yo i luv shemailz n i wana fukk 1 in the azz wit mah dick" then yes he's a fucking retard and doesn't belong here.

    One or two spelling errors in a post, is nitpicking. For instance hillbilly made sure to point out in another post that Vicki spelled criticize wrong. Ok, who fucking cares? One word, big deal, no need to sound the sirens and call the grammar police. Unless someone makes a totally incoherent post it's not worth it.

  10. #10
    Veteran Poster
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    All in all it's just internet message board communication. Impropper grammar, bad spelling, and worse are what you are going to find on any message board. The same goes for casual emails and instant messaging. It's the most casual off the top of the head writtten word there is.

    I'd rather the writer bring something interesting to the table than to be a boring drone with great spelling and propper grammar.

    "yo i luv shemailz n i wana fukk 1 in the azz wit mah dick"
    That just happens to be one of the many forms of internet English. I too hate this type of verbal garbage but i wouldn't classify those people as dumb just nerver wracking to people like me.

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