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  1. #1
    Member Rookie Poster MarkRich84's Avatar
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    Default 2017 New Years Resolutions, The Law of Attraction & Visualising you goals.

    Has anyone had any experience with reading and putting into practice personal development books?

    This is going to be a bit of a 'stream of consciousness', so I apologise if it's a bit long winded. I hope some of you enjoy the read though, and have interesting thoughts to add.

    I'm interested to know if anyone has any similar experiences to mine, but am also sharing this because it's a good time of year for people who are looking to make some changes that might need a spark of inspiration.

    So, About 12-13 years ago, I read a book by Paul McKenna called Change Your Life in 7 Days. At the time I thought he was a bit of a dickhead, but after seeing his book every day at the train station at no.1 in the best sellers list, I decided had nothing to lose. My life was shit, and if I just dropped my big headed ego for a few moments, I might actually learn something useful.

    So, after a few months, I actually bought the book, and read it, and it really dramatically changed things for me.

    I was getting bullied at work by my boss, I was drinking too much, looking for distractions, and not dealing with my problems, which made me very depressed and very negative about where life was going.

    After about a month into casually reading the book, my life completely changed. I stopped getting bullied, and withina few months I was working in a much higher paid job, and really enjoying work and life in general.

    I would have not thought this was possible before reading the book, nor would I have thought it was as easy as it ended up being.

    A few years later, I came across a film called The Secret, and afterwards a few books relating to The Law of Attraction and Creative Visualising. This really started things going again after a few years of just 'going through the motions'. I was earning a lot of money, had a nice car, and was generally doing well for myself... but I still had very little satisfaction in life. So I knew things had to change.

    I was never one for setting New Years Resolutions, but I now know why...

    Most people set them in a negative format, so they only end up thinking about what is wrong... which is demotivating, and will only make you feel worse about your life


    Stop Eating Takeaways
    Lose Weight
    Be Less Depressed
    Leave Shitty Job

    A sports person would never say, "I don't want to be second at the olympics," and then use that as there goal. So it was easy to see why I wasn't interested in writing my New Years Resolutions.

    After that epiphany, I then started setting my goals in a positive format, and then breaking them down into achievable daily tasks.



    Doing it in this way really helped me to be excited about what I was doing, and really enjoy the process... almost like having a job that you really live doing.

    After a few months, it really started to make a noticeable difference. So much so that people were asking me what I was doing.

    Each day I would visualise being more successful and happy, and each week ai woukd set myself small tasks, along with anything else that I needed to get done that week, that woukd take me closer to one of my goals... And because of that, each month something new and exciting came along.

    Since then, every year I set a series of goals, and try to forget the cost involved, and anything negative that makes me doubt the possibility of it happening, and put into practice a positive action plan that will take me closer to achieving my goals.

    For example...

    One year, I saw a flyer for a local music festival, and joked with my friend that if we learned to play guitar and sing, we could be playing it in a few years (even though that seemed impossible).

    I visualised playing on stage, and practiced guitarvand singing every week. 12 months later we were asked to do a small slot at the same festival we had joked about the year before... it was an amazing feeling! Something that seemed impossible to do in a few years actually happened in 12 months.

    This evening I have been writing my 2017 goals list.

    Even though I clearly remember writing down my goals last year, and thinking that most of them were a bit too much to achieve in a 12 month period, I had completed most by May, and all of them by September...

    So it also means that I need to be a bit more creative and adventurous for next year too, to give myself more of a challenge.

    One of the main things I have realised this year is that I should be more outgoing with my sexuality. Just putting myself out there and meeting more girls who were more to my liking (TS), I have had great results. I only realised that I was definitely into Trans Girls (not just in as a preference in porn), after meeting two nice trans girls on separate occasions, and just talking to them... I knew it was something I needed to pursue. So that is definitely on my list. Meet more trans girls, and make more friends in the trans community.

    I'd never visited an escort full stop until this year on my European Road trip (when in Rome), so although I'm thoroughly looking forward to ticking off my top 3 (or more) trans escorts this year, and hopefully a trip to Thailand, I'm looking forward to actually meeting a few trans girls in real life, and seeing where things go

    Does anyone else have any experience in using similar techniques to improve their life?

    I am more into psychology based techniques, and anything to do with the power of the mind... but I am also open minded to spiritual practices too. As I regularly practice meditation to quiet my mind.

    Anyway, sorry for the essay...
    Enjoy, or ignore
    Positive comments only please


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    Last edited by MarkRich84; 12-28-2016 at 05:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2017 New Years Resolutions, The Law of Attraction & Visualising you goals.

    I have. I have a regimen I use daily to get various stuff, to be honest mostly TS-related and sexual.

    My coach told me to get a vision board, and then just recite from it daily and not actively think about it. thinking about it a lot just makes the process longer.

    It's about having an intention, then reciting it daily and going about one's day in peace.

  3. #3
    Member Rookie Poster MarkRich84's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2017 New Years Resolutions, The Law of Attraction & Visualising you goals.

    Whatever works best

    I had a vision board ...
    But found that a goal list + a diary worked better for me, so long as each day I visualised the goals internally, and viewed them from my own point of view (like a POV film)

    The vision board basically stopped me visualising as much, but a written list helped me/forced me to see(and feel) my goals in my minds eye much better than the vision board

    Either way,
    The secret is to...
    FEEL THE EMOTION of having achieved the goal, along with feeling greatful for your future success.

    It really works. It's like a mind hack.

    A similar system was developed by nasa for the soace program called visual motor rehearsal. I saw a documentary on it.

    It was then applied the the USA track & firld team for the 1998? 1996? Atlanta olymic games.

    Sports people tend to be more likely to visualise than ordinary people. But if more of us did it in our day to day lives, we'd be mych happier and successful

  4. #4
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: 2017 New Years Resolutions, The Law of Attraction & Visualising you goals.

    The power of positive thinking!

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  5. #5
    R.Kelly Junior Poster jake999's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2017 New Years Resolutions, The Law of Attraction & Visualising you goals.

    Im in the midst of a pivotal time in my life, Ive been using the visualizing as a tool to help me acheive my goals and maintain focus. There's power there Thank you for the post very inspirational Go on prosper and live

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