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  1. #21
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    Let me guess, he's building a wall.
    Building the wall, deporting illegal alien criminals, blocking Muslim entry into America, intensely surveiling Islamic Muslim immigrant Mosques, etc.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    meh...US politics is a big sham...i can see why they call it showbusiness for ugly people. that's really what US politics is.

    the 2nd debate was a tie, but Trump had a better showing. 1st debate he got a fucking licking from Hilary (i dont care if that sounds's

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Now that it's official, I suppose we won't find out for sure until his inauguration on January 20th.

  4. #24
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Find out what?

  5. #25
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by Budweiser View Post
    Building the wall, deporting illegal alien criminals, blocking Muslim entry into America, intensely surveiling Islamic Muslim immigrant Mosques, etc.

    muslims / islamists have the deplorable distinction of treating the LBGT community WORSE that any other identifiable group!

    Quote Originally Posted by flabbybody View Post
    I think it's worth pointing out that Trump is currently polling 7% of the African American vote. Among college educated women and Hispanics his numbers are almost as bad.
    Among white males, Trump's only strong demographic group, he's trailing Romney's 2012 totals. In the state by state electoral college contest, there is simply no path for Trump reaching the magic 270.

    Folks this ain't BREXIT. There will be shocking result that will throw financial markets into turmoil. Clinton's no Churchill but her victory will mean the world will muddle along without weekly geo-political disasters.

    The OP asks about day 1 of a Trump Presidency. My response is why stress ourselves thinking about it.
    Umm,,, the markets closed today at Near Record HIGHS!!!

    And Trump did BETTER that expected with the various minority groups - to include myself (college educated, minority).

    Stavros: You fail to notice that the GOP has control of the executive and BOTH leglislative branches - there will be NO vetos.

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    Last edited by Paladin; 11-10-2016 at 12:14 AM.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by notdrunk View Post
    Hell must of frozen...
    Hell not only froze over, it then broke loose!

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  7. #27
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    Stavros: You fail to notice that the GOP has control of the executive and BOTH leglislative branches - there will be NO vetos.
    It is daft to say I haven't noticed it. Trump is not cut from the same cloth as the Republicans in Congress, and one of the big questions at the moment relates to those policies on which they have common ground, and those where they disagree.

    I think we can take it as given that the GOP will support Trump's proposal to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act and replace it with the alternative which Paul Ryan says they sent to Obama, knowing he would dismiss it. Indeed, there is a sense of revenge politics in the assumption that the GOP in Congress will seek to repeal everything Obama regards as his legacy.

    And yet I wonder if, in spite of the hostility to 'political correctness', Congress would seek to pass laws that take rights away from specific people and in particular, if the Supreme Court would endorse such a move. For example, I don't think same-sex marriage will be made illegal, just as I don't think Roe-v-Wade will be repealed and remove a woman's right to an abortion when it is easier to fiddle with the law by adjusting the number of weeks beyond which an abortion cannot be performed.

    What is also unclear is Trump's position on two foreign policy positions which were discussed on BBC-2's Newsnight programme this evening, where Anne Applebaum pointed out that ever since Trump became political around 16 years ago, he has consistently dismissed NATO and the US presence in Europe as an expensive irrelevance, and consistently admired the Presidency of Vladimir Putin. I wonder if, to see how Trump reacts, Putin will provoke him by doing something in the Ukraine or the Baltic states, not serious enough to scramble jets and troops, but as Putin cleverly does, just provocative enough to see how resilient Trump's commitment to the NATO alliance is, just as Turkey may do the same in Syria and Iraq. The fear in Europe is that Trump is turning his back on the American commitment to European security, so the question is will Congress support such a disengagement, if that is what it is, of NATO, a position Marine le Pen in France would support but which the equally fascist Dutch politician Geert Wilders would oppose (its main policy here is to expel Turkey from NATO).
    The same may happen in East Asia if, with or without China's approval, North Korea provokes the South to see if the US remains committed to the security not just of the Korean Peninsula but also Japan. Again, will Congress take a different position on the basis that the US should continue to honour its time-honoured alliances, or will Trump be an isolationist and dump the USA's allies in the shit as Dictatorships -perhaps Dictatorships he admires- break international law with impunity? Trump has even said both that the USA will defend Israel, and that the US should support Palestinian rights. The first test from Netanyahu may be a call for the 'immediate' removal of the US embassy in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

    The list of possible policies fractures is as long as the possible agreements, the problem is we don't know because we don't know how Trump will behave in office or who is on his team. Like Brexit, it is too early to tell. And caution remains the safe option.

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  8. #28
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Trump built is campaign on one leading factor that he isn't a Politician and wanted to change the Establishment. Yet he sounds more like a Politician every hour and day that passes by! Loads and loads of empty promises I'm sure &, of course, full of shit!

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  9. #29

    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    I am pretty nervous about this. I hope he turns out to be a good President, and he may very well. But he does not have a lot of experience in government, not everything in business translates to government.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    NATO's not going anywhere.

    Plus, he's got Mike Pence as VP who will keep him in line and keep him from going off the deep end. Pence was a great choice for a running mate, much better that that idiot Kaine (or Biden).

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