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  1. #51
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesoul View Post
    when you say an independent, do you mean like joe exotic?

    If he wins you get a free pony.

    Born of a broken man, but not a broken man
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    Latrodectus mactans

  2. #52
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    ^^^ as much as i appreciate (somewhat) his sense of humor i really hate his campaign slogan; also wish he took the satire to the nth degree rather than his current shtick but kudos to him for getting out there and making politics look barnum and bailey circus it really is.

    speaking of circus', this exchange betwix newt "my face is actually a clown mask welded on my face" gingrich and megyn kelly on polls and "reality" is pretty interesting

  3. #53
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Trump and Kelly Ann have been using the BREXIT card to discredit the polls showing him about to get trounced. He's a fucking moron but I figured Kelly Ann had a little more respect for facts. In early Jine, a few weeks before the vote, the majority of polls had the result too close to call. A few actually had Leave slightly ahead.

    But for Trump to make stuff up is par for the course.

  4. #54
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Quote Originally Posted by flabbybody View Post
    Trump and Kelly Ann have been using the BREXIT card to discredit the polls showing him about to get trounced. He's a fucking moron but I figured Kelly Ann had a little more respect for facts. In early Jine, a few weeks before the vote, the majority of polls had the result too close to call. A few actually had Leave slightly ahead.
    But for Trump to make stuff up is par for the course.
    In addition there is the fact that the EU Referendum was a simple Remain/Leave choice and had Leave won by a margin of 0.1% the result would have been Brexit, whereas a US Presidential election is not a 'first past the post' vote but a process whereby the States vote, and the Electoral College decides, and it is possible for a candidate to win the popular vote fail to win the Presidency. The comparison with Brexit must be lost on most Americans anyway as I doubt they even know what the EU is.

  5. #55
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesoul View Post
    ^^^ as much as i appreciate (somewhat) his sense of humor i really hate his campaign slogan; also wish he took the satire to the nth degree rather than his current shtick but kudos to him for getting out there and making politics look barnum and bailey circus it really is.

    speaking of circus', this exchange betwix newt "my face is actually a clown mask welded on my face" gingrich and megyn kelly on polls and "reality" is pretty interesting
    This is standard waffle from an experienced politician who has baited the Clinton family ever since they stole half the wardrobe of the Republican Party to win two elections. When the Polls say you are winning you give a guarded affirmation that they are right while insisting the only Poll that matters is taken on Election Day. When the Polls are against you it is because a) the polls are flawed, b) the results are weighted and thus take no account of potential last minute changes of mind, and c) your own statistics show a different and more positive trend that will become clearer on election day. The simple message is that you must always stress you are strong, that you are ahead, that your have widespread support, and never, never, never even indicate you are losing a single vote -a standard campaign rule in all and any election.

    Newton Gingrich also failed to expose a bias in Fox News by ignoring the fact that Trump makes headlines because of what he says and in particular because he tends to respond to criticism by going on the attack, creating more news that Trump wants the media to report. Hillary Clinton by contrast does not or rarely gives the Media enough daily material to create headline news. Here you see the difference between a clever politician with an experienced team that, yes, knows how the play the media, compared to a foul-mouthed intruder whose campaign is 90% personality and 10% policy, to be generous even to Trump. He craves media attention, so Gingrich cannot complain when he gets it.

    And what is all this free advertising for the Trump Hotel business? He says his new DC Hotel is the most valuable real estate in DC other than the White House. More valuable than Congress, the Smithsonian, the Lincoln Memorial? Maybe one needs to be an American to comprehend this. And is Trump asking for the people's vote or their dollars? Can't believe this is even legal!

  6. #56
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    How sad is it that we have forgotten 2000 when Gore beat Bush in the popular vote and lost the Electoral Vote.

    You don't need to study analytics to understand the Electoral College. Most states have voted the same way for at least the last twenty years and the makeup heavily favors the Democrats. The Republicans need a lot to go their way to win.

    But in this instance the race was over in February. We just need to sift through two more weeks of garbage. Then we get the anti-Hillary memes.

    Born of a broken man, but not a broken man
    Born of a broken man, never a broken man

    Latrodectus mactans

  7. #57
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Sadly, I actually think Trump Tv is going to end up making his family money. I don't think he planned it that way but the way his campaign has gone, even if his hotel brand is damaged, he does have enough followers and capital to develop a successful television network. I'd be surprised if we don't see him create something to the right of fox, with moonbats fulminating against the so-called left wing media.

  8. #58
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    Of course he denies wanting to start the network but that's just because he doesn't want to be accused of giving up on the election and focusing on that. But it's not hard to see him complaining after he loses that the media was against him all along and it's his patriotic duty to start a network that tells the truth. We'll might be too expensive for him to get off the ground by himself, but Jared Kushner, his son in law has already met with various industry people.

  9. #59
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    Sadly, I actually think Trump Tv is going to end up making his family money.
    i don't know about that. trump has proved that he cannot really manage a business for long (eg. trump university, trump steaks, go trump, trump vodka, trump mortgage, trump magazine or donald trump jr. all failures.

    if there's going to be a trump tv it will be an online thing only kinda like sarah palin's paid subscription service that barely managed 12 months of business:

    steak anyone?

  10. #60
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    Default Re: U.S Presidential Election 2016 Not Otherwise Specified

    ha! the whole interview betwix newt and megyn kelly didn't even surprise trump. he always knew she was biased says his senior advisor

    i love how trump knows all these things, including being an expert in military stratergy

    Last edited by bluesoul; 10-27-2016 at 04:48 AM.

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