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  1. #11
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auf Wiedersehen Hungangels

    All this white power stuff is amusing and gets more so with each passing generation. Race-based ideology is even more nonsensical than religion and can be readily disabused simply by referring to the great body of knowledge about human history available to any discerning, inquisitive mind. Being a learned behaviour which a person decides to adopt through willful ignorance, it's pointless to argue about - in much the same way it's pointless to argue about religion. In fact, opposition only fuels the racist.

    I would suggest, Erika, that you also consider moving to Poland or Romania bith countries I have visited, which seem to have thriving neo-nazi communities, and where I do believe it is easier to attain citizenship especially if you're migrating from the US. In Poland I was given the Sieg Heil salute while standing on the banks of the Wislok river by some bumpkin holding an Alsatian dog on a leash - I kid you not. In Romania - a mongrel nation if there ever was such a thing - I was trolled by 2 neo-nazis wearing swastika t-shirts while enjoying a cold bottle of Silva on the shores of the Black Sea in Constanta - I was quite taken aback. They seemed just as surprised to see me as I was to see them. Another noted haven for nazis is Hungary. And while I only visited Budapest, I didn't receive any salutes or trollish behaviour there although I was accosted by members of the national Judo team on the train from Budapest to Bucharest who invited me to share in their vodka and join in disrupting the sleep of everyone on the car - I declined.

    So, should the Fatherland kick you rather large ass out for sympathizing with nazis - I do believe it is illegal to profess sympathy for nazis in Germany - then you DO have options. And really, you should be among people that share your ideology.

    3 out of 3 members liked this post.
    Last edited by runningdownthatdream; 10-20-2016 at 06:22 AM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Auf Wiedersehen Hungangels

    So what's the problem? Are we to suppose that HA is blocked in Germany? I doubt it. this looks like a ruse or a publicity stunt.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Auf Wiedersehen Hungangels

    Dear Erika,

    when today's german schoolchildren are asked to say a national dish, the number one answer is "Döner Kebab". .

    Glorifying Nazism and historical negationism (what you would call revisionism) is actually illegal. Any illegal act committed during your waiting in the naturalisation process, makes it void. Even parking tickets or road code offenses that bring you in court will bump you from becoming a German citizen. In fact, you are moving from a country that doesn't really have any law, to a country were law is everything.

    And you want to become a truck driver there? I'm shitting my pants laughing at the ideas you put in your head.

    Centuries ago the most lowest job to get would have been dung gatherer in the streets. Nowadays most people categorize truck drivers in that level, and surely in Germany. They get no respect, not an ounce nor a grain, for the dogs life they have.

    But congrats on your German language. It does prove you do have a brain. (or you actually never lived in the States and are in reality a german truck driver LOL)

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  4. #14
    Junior Poster horst1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auf Wiedersehen Hungangels

    was auch immer erika. take your racist bullshit elsewhere, we don't want you here (except for the ingrates in the poverty stricken hills near the czech border maybe, you'll find friends there).

  5. #15
    Senior Member Junior Poster hamdasl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auf Wiedersehen Hungangels

    Good luck. I wish you well. That's a very monumental decision to make.

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    Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in the shallows and in miseries…..
    And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

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