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  1. #1
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default How others see us?

    Just found this on reddit, posted a few months ago entitled "Hungangels forum - a disgusting place" , linked and copied below. Makes for interesting reading...

    Didn't realise there was a whole section on there.

    "So I've heard about tranny chasers before, obviously I'm also aware of "shemale" porn and its popularity and the whole fetish behind that type of pornography but I really didn't expect to see a whole community based around transgendered and transsexual escorts.
    There's so much wrong on the site that I don't even know where to begin. I came across the site from another where the members of the forum were discussing about trans women "tricking men" into sleeping with them. A hungangels thread was linked to and bang, I'm now travelling the site fascinated by the mentality of these tranny chasers thinking I might be able to learn more about them. They certainly lived up to the facts we've all heard.
    All of the members are quite clearly tranny chasers, the forum is filled with explicit postings delving into the sexual fantasies of these perverted users where a transgendered woman is just seen as a piece of meat, an exotic fantasy.
    Most of the members are quite clearly insecure, starting threads questioning their attraction to transgendered women and at the same time refusing to see them as women. Then you have the others who claim to be for transgendered rights but they are the biggest transphobes and hypocrites, being tranny chasers still not realizing the irony. They are also dreadfully unaware and/or ignorant on the correct terminology to use, using the pornographic terms "shemale" or "hung angels" even in one case where there was a thread posted on what was a post-op trans woman who had been killed in America and yes they discuss these things, not realizing how disrespectful they are being in how they refer to them and even by the fact that they're posting the news on a porn forum surrounded by pornographic images.
    Proving the tranny chaser facts true, many of the users on the forum don't seem to recognize gender identity, will post things like "I've always wondered what it would like to be sucked off by a man and being with a TG is the closest I'd get to that" and many members there are blatant misogynists too posting things like "I don't like vaginas they are disgusting and I don't like genetic girls, genetics girls play too many games and are stuck up" I was even surprised to see some of these members who engage in sex with TS escorts even arguing in one thread arguing that because transgendered women have XY chromosomes they are men whether one likes that or not (again proving their tranny chaser mentality that they don't see transgendered women as women but rather as sex objects and fetishes).
    Then there's the escorts they mention so much. The hilarious part is how deluded the users all are here thinking that these escorts are in it for the "enjoyment" (talk about being self-deluded) and that's if they had a positive experience. I saw several postings from these self-described trans supporters referring to escorts who didn't live up to their fantasies as "it" refusing to use the proper pronouns and other postings with people even linking to escort Facebook accounts and pictures they somehow managed to find (clearly showing a lack of disrespect for these women by linking to something private).
    Don't these deluded people realize that half of these escorts are only in the business to pay for their surgery? Sure there's a deal who will amass way pass the required amount and continue to escort knowing they earn enough money from it but many will later still go on to have GRS. I've never met a tranny chaser in real life but going by this forum, they are quite clearly deluded, hypocritical and just plain disgusting. It certainly gives you a deeper insight into their mentality and just goes to show they view us as mere meat.
    I suppose I shouldn't be surprised a type of community like that exists. This is the internet after-all. Wow, I mean I'd rather see all those straight up transphobic comments you get in news articles from ignorant people declaring transgendered people mentally ill and all the other ignorant bull. At least these people are direct in their beliefs and you know what their convictions are. Tranny chasers are in fact more harmful going by the postings I saw there. They claim to be for trans but they clearly aren't.
    Seriously what is up with these tranny chasers? Are they really so deluded?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Junior Poster zerothehero's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.

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  3. #3
    Rookie Poster fxtech's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    The Animals......

  4. #4
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    Saw this last year, gave me such a laugh - whose the deluded one? Whatever you do don't read the Hung Angels entry on Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

    "I have nothing left
    and all I feel is this cruel wanting
    we've been falling for all this time
    and now.....I'm lost in paradise."

  5. #5
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    The hypocrisy ought to be staggering, but the bland truth is that most people do not tell the truth about their sexual desires and/or experiences, many men who lurk on HA and spend free time visiting known 'shemale' websites would never admit to being attracted to transexuals, let alone paying to have sex with any. Top of the list anyway would be the kind of 'heterosexuals' who write this garbage whose problems with women can be seen and read about on other websites where the level of detail -visual or otherwise- would upset a gynaecologist. And we haven't even started on the 'hurtcore' which doesn't appear to be role play but the real thing. At bottom, if you will excuse the pun, is a residual anxiety over anal sex but specifically when it is a man receiving as in many cultures this is, in effect, a denial or rejection of masculinity. Oral sex follows for the same reason. It doesn't take long to go from this affirmation of 'normal' sex to the hallowed plateau of marriage which is where a man fulfills his prescribed social role -that marriages then fail, that men abuse their wives and children or even beat them to death is, it seems, one tier down, because there is nothing that registers failure more obviously than a man who never married and did not produce children.
    Somewhere in all of this, love has been lost, because it is possible for a man to love a transgendered person, and to live a loving and fulfilling life without children.

    And Reddit is the last place I would go to for a lecture on morals.

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  6. #6
    Junior Member Rookie Poster richsaint18's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    Most of my friends have privately come up to me and said they would love to have sex with a TS. Most have girlfriends. They want to try it but i think would not be willing to openly admit to liking it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    HA is what you perceive it to be.
    That reddit characterization of HA doesn't reflect most dialogue on this board IMO.

    Most the guys on here are decent people and the girls as a group are grounded and level headed.

    Obviously this lurker stopped by HA with an agenda and sought out 'proof' to confirm his own biases.

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  8. #8
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    There are also some people that may have been hurt (or just naturally crazy or hateful) and decide to take it out on a group of people as a whole. Scorned men and women do this all the time. I say this because often it's a woman that posts that stuff.
    ...and of course, sometimes its merely a dude posing as a woman (Cis or otherwise).

    There's always hate to go around....I remember this site used to also have the 'more TS than thou and their fans'...and I don't just mean Transsexuals who don't want to be lumped in with CDs, etc...I understand that ...
    I'm talking about TS thinking other TS are not TS enough.

    haters always gonna hate.

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    Last edited by fred41; 04-22-2016 at 01:54 PM.

  9. #9
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    Fame at last!
    Though, reading thru it, it sounds like a hooker who got a bad review!

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  10. #10
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: How others see us?

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    I'm talking about TS thinking other TS are not TS enough.
    I remember that.
    Those debates were always...interesting!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

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