Basically, I've been thinking of doing a project to bring some light to the issue of escorting (that it is illegal is rather ridiculous)....but I wanted to make sure I understood the realities first.

I was wondering if any escorts with some extra minutes could answer some questions to help me better represent the industry (I don't want to fall into portraying it in the same tropes we might see on tv).

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Do you primarily find work through backpage and other websites? So, when looking for work, is it through the computer and phone?

Do you screen your clients before meeting them in some way? Do you meet them in public first?

Are there other measures or considerations you take in terms of safety? Do clients ever not pay?

Are you regularly tested for STDs? Do clients ask for that? And is protection always used?

Do you supply the lube / condoms when you see someone? If it is from a hotel, who arranges the hotel room?

How many clients do you see a week and what is the session price range? Is it your primary source of income?

What was the reason you went into escorting? And do you enjoy it? How long do you expect you will escort for?

Have you had issues with law enforcement? What types of fines or jail or other punishments are there for being caught? How do they catch you?

How do men act during a session? ((Is it only men?)) Do they only want sex? Or are the other elements involved?

What is the age range of clients?

Do you have to travel often to see clients? How far?

How long do sessions last? Are there longer trips with clients?