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  1. #41
    President of Russia Veteran Poster Vladimir Putin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most difficult or shittiest jobs have you worked

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir Putin View Post
    My number one worst job was at Travel Planners in New York, a then-unknown fledgeling travel agency. I worked there part-time a quarter-century ago while I was in college. This is a company that today organizes hotel reservations for people in San Diego for Comic-Con. I worked there before the Internet was widely used and before Comic-Con was a client. Tasks involved organizing travel receipts by order number and delivering ticketed reservations to clients in Lower Manhattan. I worked in the mailroom where I was the only white guy there which worked to my disadvantage. Initially my first problems came from management who felt I didn't work fast enough with organizing receipts and delivering items in traffic-clogged Manhattan. My later problems came from my immediate coworkers, who didn't have a problem with my performance, but were racist against whites. On my last day there, tensions almost came to blows between me and a white-hating coworker egged on by our equally racist desk supervisor. The guy who fought with me was immediately terminated, but I quit anyway because he wasn't the only problem. Lasted only seven weeks.

    My second worst job came two years later when I worked as a temp through a temporary agency at Zenith Insurance in San Francisco, an insurance company that investigates worker's compensation claims in California. Got the temp assignment while I was looking for a full-time job. I was to assist them until they moved their offices to Pleasanton in the southern part of the Bay Area. Worked as a file clerk in the file room. Immediate coworkers backstabbing jerkoffs who had a beef with temps. We answered to worker's comp investigators, who weren't any better. Our job was to deliver files to the investigators and retrieve files from them to put back in the filing room. Both my immediate coworkers and the investigators made an issue over the fact that I wasn't fast enough and accurate enough with filing by number. At some points one of my immediate coworkers harassed and bullied both me and another temporary file room employee. Temporary assignment was supposed to last several months, was fired after only three weeks.

    Those were the only two jobs I had problems with. Never had anything near the same kinds of problems in all the other jobs I successfully held in my life. They were also the only two jobs I never put down on my resume.
    I forgot, I had a third job that was pretty shitty.

    A year after I was fired from Zenith Insurance, I took a full-time job also in San Francisco that was supposed to be permanent. It was a now-defunct small one-office discount brokerage company called Lombard Institutional Brokerage. Although they only had one office in San Francisco, they had clients all over the U.S. My job was to work in the call center and take calls answering questions and mailing inquiring people our brochures and applications if they want to set up an account with us. When things settled down before the end of they day, I was also tasked to stuff envelopes to mail out to potential clients. Two weeks into the job, my supervisor called me into her office to complain that I wasn't stuffing them fast enough and wanted me to work faster. I knew right there my job was in trouble, but I said I would work faster. A week later, she called me into her office to complain again that I still wasn't working fast enough and terminated me right then and there. I told her that she was being unrealistic expecting me to stuff envelopes like if I am Superman or Speedy Gonzalez. Her response was "I don't want to argue with you." Took my last paycheck and was out the door.

    So there were three jobs (including this one) that got no mention on my resume.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Professional Poster Lovecox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most difficult or shittiest jobs have you worked

    Just out of high school I did construction for a couple of years. At one job we were literally digging ditches in the rain and there were rats everywhere. On top of it being backbreaking work it was a skin-crawling experience to the see the rats scrambling and writhing about, sometimes attacking us and each other. It was the stuff of nightmares.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Junior Poster KellyKlaymour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most difficult or shittiest jobs have you worked

    My 1st job ever was for a garden nursery. Shoveling rocks into bags in the heat with a bunch of bigoted rednecks in missouri for $5.15/hr. Didn't enjoy it.

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