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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Realgirls4me
    Quote Originally Posted by TFan

    Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.
    You don't want me, stupid fuck. You don't.


  2. #22
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    most 3rd world city in america.


    why is he looking in the latin based dictionary if the word might be derived fromlocal linguistics..tauregs had a large trade in this region for centuries...this is a good thread..

  3. #23
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.
    Hillbilly can be derogatory, but hardly in the same league as the N word. Hillbilly generally refers to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas isolated from the dominant culture. People from those areas use the term themselves. In Pikeville, Kentucky the annual Hillbilly Days Festival. which raises money for the Shriner's Hospitals for Children, is the second largest festival in the state of Kentucky, often drawing nearly 100,000 people. A Hillbilly Days festival also takes place near Lebanon, Missouri.
    If you can find an N word Days or Festival somewhere then you can make the argument for equal offensiveness. Until then, that dog don't hunt.


  4. #24
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    Have you guys heard of the racist race called mankind?
    Its pretty rough.
    It doesn't matter if its Yellow, Black, White, or Purple. People of one race are going to hate another race, and usually those are the types of people that are too uneducated so they use a racial term of disrespect.

    Nigger, Porch Monkey, Chink, Spic, Illegal, Cracker, Honkey, Redneck, even a word so simple as "Jew" can offend someone.

    i.e. "You're such a fucking jew." -- That can be degrading.

    "You're such a fucking muslim" -- Not so much.

    Racist race called mankind. Not only one race is racist, every race is.

    Yes, I made this GIF.
    It's Deisy Rocha, so stop asking.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: why do SOME black people think its ok to be racist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    I ride the subway system out here in the Bay area called BART.
    I am on it everyday and see ALL kinds of people while riding it and I observe behavior.
    Today I was riding home on a certain route that leads through some of the most affluent suburbs in Oakland and MOST of the people on the train are white and upwardly mobile.
    There were a group of 4 young women and a teenage black man together talking extremely loud.
    The 4 young women had to be in there upper teens and 2 of them had baby trollers with babies in them.
    That did not deter them from cursing loudly and using the "N" word when refering to each other.
    But the shocker was the were discussing and incedent with a white woman and calling her a "white bitch" and saying they would beat her.
    Mind you the train is PACKED with white people.
    I of course had my eyes trained on these individuals looking at them as if they were a science experiment gone awry.
    ALL the white people behaved as if they were at a tea party for the queen not saying ANYTHING and not making eye contact with these "people".

    Why do SOME blacks act this way?
    This is no isolated incident as SOME black people.......MY RACE are routinely the worst behaved people on the train.
    Its SO embarassing.

    There are also the people(negros) who try to sell bootleged goods on the train and the various bums,loudmouths and black racist who spew their filth on the train.

    Am I wrong for stating this?
    I love my race which is why I hate the "N" word.
    That word was given to our ancestors by their slavemasters......of course the slavemaster could relate to the "N" because he created it.
    I refuse to use that word.

    You hear it CONSTANTLY on the train and I can see the reaction of white people.......
    How can we as a race expect respect when we dont respect ourselves?
    I have been on BART and far too many times has that happened. It embarrasses me to no end. When that happens, I feel like everyone is staring at me and I start to feel real uncomfortable. All I can do is sit there and shake my head.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Felicia Katt
    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.
    Hillbilly can be derogatory, but hardly in the same league as the N word. Hillbilly generally refers to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas isolated from the dominant culture. People from those areas use the term themselves. In Pikeville, Kentucky the annual Hillbilly Days Festival. which raises money for the Shriner's Hospitals for Children, is the second largest festival in the state of Kentucky, often drawing nearly 100,000 people. A Hillbilly Days festival also takes place near Lebanon, Missouri.
    If you can find an N word Days or Festival somewhere then you can make the argument for equal offensiveness. Until then, that dog don't hunt.

    It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by loki
    Because it is politically correct to to so.Yes,whites have many done bad things.But no other race has done more to help other races or the pursuit of knowledge than caucasions.The virtual support of most african countries,plus the benefit of getting preferred treatment and promotions based on race.And god forbid the police defend themselves or do their job.Whites have been the dominant culture for a long time.And it is a very popular pastime to demonize the ones with the most success or whatever culture is on top.They are just like white supremacists.Always making excuses for their sad life or bad behavior.I could go on quoting sources and write an entire essay on this subject,but i won't.Why?Because it will not change anyones mind.But the truth is that blacks have more opportunities than any other race on the planet!provided of course you live in america.I can't tell you how many times i've seen affirmative action give someone a promotion they did not deserve or how the race card got them out of trouble.Some of my friends who are black actually told me to be careful when going to their house for a visit.Why?Because white folks in their neighborhood are prime targets for getting jumped,robbed or shot.I've never had to ANY of my friends who want to visit me to be careful because of their color.I told one of my friends about a similiar thread on this board who is a mandan indian and she told me that the next time she comes over that she would love to respond to it.
    LOL If you put it that way no ones bombed and killed more people than white people. I'm sure you have no clue how many countries the U.S. bombs everyday and has bombed everyday.

    Reality is perception.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Realgirls4me
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox
    I know what you mean. In high school I had to take the bus home and since this route ran from Cerritos (predominately white/asian) to Compton (predominately black/hispanic), so it was mostly black students who'd get on. They were consistently ghetto (loud, obnoxious, beligerent) and embarrassed the hell out of me.

    Man I hated that because I knew people would look at me, even though I was quiet, well mannered, and carried myself with couth, and judge me based on the actions of my peers...
    Should we ever cross paths, would you like it that I judge you by the action and behavior of a group such as you have described? Would that be fair to you? All blacks aren't like that, as you said the operative term -- "Ghetto". Those were ghetto blacks, and not part and parcel of all blacks. Each ethnic group has its trash, as trash comes in all colors, so don't paint all blacks with one broad brush. You're thinking in boxes, and that's what ignorant people do. You are already a better person than those you have described simply by taking a higher road in your behavior, so why are you posting things as if all blacks are that way?

    ...By the way, what color was the man who risked his life by saving a man from certain death who had fallen onto a New York subway's rails? Was his heroism working in black and white terms ?

    Couldnt have said it better.

    Reality is perception.

  9. #29
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    Well,you know what they say.Opinions are like assholes everybodies got one.And they all smell(unless you use perfume).I really don't like these kind of discussions but the blatant anti-white sentiments of some of the members on this board was too much to endure.I will no longer respond to ANY raciaL topic or discussion.

  10. #30
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFan

    It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.
    A disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression.

    Of course it was pejorative in that context , that wasn't the point. You said it was bad as the N word. That's what I take issue with. The N word is in a category all by itself.


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