View Poll Results: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our earth?

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  • Yes, i believe aliens exist and visit earth. I believe UFOs and USOs exist.

    19 73.08%
  • I don't even if astronauts, pilots and ex-NASA officials say they do.

    7 26.92%
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  1. #211
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    It occurred to me, Babe, that a number of your claims surround the fact that you believe that Aliens are secretly controlling the Government of the USA from behind the scenes. Assuming this were true, that would make the Aliens themselves responsible for the cover ups and for much of the mess this planet is in, not the Government, as you claim. The Government would merely be blameless puppets controlled by their Alien masters. Can you then really blame the Aliens for covering up all the evidence of their existence? If I was them, I’d be quite embarrassed by the terrible job they are doing of managing Earth. I'd want to hide the fact and divert the blame onto someone else.

    Discuss. (of course you can’t because you’re not reading this )

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    Last edited by Laphroaig; 03-15-2015 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #212
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Question Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Good morning Stavros and (most) everyone else,

    Every time i type your name i am reminded of that 1970s television show starring Telly Savalas as a detective named, Kojak.
    There was another detective in the same precinct, named Stavros, on that show at whom Kojak would always scream to retrieve something. Stavros was played by George Savalas, Telly's real-life brother.

    On youtube, you can search for a full episode of Kojak and you can hear Kojak screaming at Stavros to get stuff. It was a dramatic show, not a comedic show.

    I'd like to scream at you Stavros, sometimes, to tell you to "WAKE UP! PAY ATTENTION!!" lol

    How can you say that i am NOT interested in a discussion? I have most respectfully replied to practically every response, and in immense detail, sometimes. When someone presents a link, i've actually taken time out of my day to read those many links, and some of those links were way out in left field and really boring topics for me to read (thermodynamics for instance), and i've even quoted the text from the borrrrrring text and responded to their points in some detail. And what did i get back in return, nothing but more "mindless" arguments. Some were good i'll admit.
    It seems they just post names of books expecting me to be absent from the forum for days or weeks while i read 4 or 5 book suggestions lol. I am not that gullible, y'know?...(Oh, i should go read that book too?...oh okay, duhhhh, i'll go read these book JUST for you" lol.) Get real! They can't even read my comments, it seems, but i am supposed to go out and read books on what THEY think is relevant.
    Sadly, though, the more dominant people have been basically needlessly "arguing" with me about "what i believe in" and they have even resorted to saying i am "hopeless" for not believing in Darwin's Theory of Evolution just because they do (totally uncalled for), and calling me "the dumbest dipshit on the internet" for basically disagreeing with another's opinion (internet bullying). Un-frikken-believable, man.

    Stavros, i have commented on your comments which most were all proven to be inaccurate, but i, rather, doubt you even read the stuff you post, or what i post, for the most part. You "seem" to look at the main point and then go digging on the internet for anything to try to debunk it. Then you accuse me of getting it all wrong.
    THAT, my dear, is not showing interest in having an intelligent discussion, in my opinion.
    As far as "arguments" go, i don't wish to "argue" because that only leads to name calling, as we have clearly seen with these dominant-type "forum warriors" who seem to think "it's their way or take the high-way"...hmmm, actually, THAT approach would be much more respectful behavior than what they have demonstrated with their low-level, high-school-corridor defamation" of my character and self-worth. That, is, also, not what i call "intelligent discussion". I call that intelligent and cleverly calculated bashing of someone's persona and of my self-impression, and i don't play that nasty hurtful "game" either.
    There are so many evil names that i can call many of the members, in here, if i chose to speak my mind as freely as many others do. I've read their words as they attack others and rate posts down just for expressing themselves, what a volatile place this can be. I am not here to hurt anyone.

    I had, mistakenly, considered fred41 to be a low-life troll, but he turned out to be quite a gentleman, in a way, as he doesn't FORCE his hatred onto others. He just ignores them. Sincere kudos to fred41 for not trying to destroy another person's self-image. THAT is respectful. Many people should learn from that gentlemanly behavior - like, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it...i am sure he doesn't like me, but i am so glad he doesn't feel as though he has to shove his hatred down my throat because of it.
    Fred41 takes the high road (when it's brought to his attention that he's offended someone). Now, there's a well-brought up guy. I like that. It's too bad for me if i may have offended him, as he really "seems" to possess a very gentle soul, after all. But that's what happens when some people run with a pack of "rats", trying to fit in - they get mistaken for a rat.

    Anyway, Stavros, i am quite not sure exactly from where you are coming from most of the time, you seem to just want to argue for the sake of arguing like the few others do. If that's the case, sweety, i won't be responding to you, either, in the near future because i get pretty bored of someone constantly trying to discredit me, or make me appear as someone who is not "adult enough" to communicate with, or that i "don't pay attention" to what so-called "decent people" posts.
    I feel as though i pay a little bit TOO much attention to the comments to which i pay attention.
    I am an extremely sensitive person and that is not always a good thing, but it's who i am - who i turned out to be in life.

    I spent most of my life alone trying to catch up with "ma lurnin'" and trying to figure out what was going around me in social interactions as i never really went to school and experienced all of that "socializing" that you all did in high school and college, as i never went to high school as a teenager - ever. So i missed out on that aspect of growing up. It certainly doesn't make me a dummy, or someone unworthy of basic courtesy. It makes me a person who has a very different outlook on life as i see things through different, rose-colored lenses.
    For someone, like me, who's led a pretty much abused, rather underprivileged upbringing in life, i sure did end up once being a part of an incredibly prestigious (call it a) "society". A place most of you only hear about on TV, in movies or in the news. Not that i was a "key player" or anything like that, but i was exposed to some of it and was a member of it, and i've even kept my ID card as proof (they wanted it back, but i kept it as a proof to where i have been in my life), which i sometimes "show-off" lol to my close friends who are not a part of my (escort) personal life. I can't get into any of that in any great detail because there are too many "unknown, hidden characters" in forums like these.

    Stavros, your very first comment to me in December 2014 was a pleasant one if i remember correctly, but, as soon as i brought up that Valiant Thor topic, you've been posting to me like i am some sort of air head dumdum, and i am becoming quite tired of it all.
    As far as i am concerned, most, not all, but most of your "points of" (what you call) "discussion" in this thread have been rather negative and very argumentative. The kind of comments i dislike.

    AND, no, i don't need to have people only agreeing with me. It's certainly okay to have people disagreeing with me (if done politely).
    BUT it's NOT okay (with me) when they keep on and on and on disagreeing with me and everything i say over and over and over again and calling me names when i don't agree with them, or if i maintain my opinion.
    People should give it a frikken rest, already.
    If you disagree, do so, then leave. Don't hang around spitting at me and expect me to bare my claws and attack you like i've read in here, just recently.
    I don't like to feel like a captured animal placed in a cage and have fools rattling my cage JUST to see how angry they can make me or to see how i will behave - now that's frikken childish. Refusing to play the role of captured, caged and tortured animal is NOT childish. That is having self dignity. And, knowing what others are trying to do ESPECIALLY when they've frikken openly admitted it on the forum in this thread - which is about UFOs and aliens - i have to deal with the teen-aged mentality of someone saying, "I am expecting and fully ready for her abuse" - Hey laddy, go easy on the coffee, there. That is the behavior that should be moderated as i am being openly victimized. I will not agree to be your plaything unless it's a sexual one, and you will pay dearly for that privilege to be with "dumb dipshit" little me.

    Stavros, it's the tones, after all, which create the music.
    Continuous discordant intervals of musical tones makes the composition difficult to bear as it lacks harmony, unless we are discussing counterpoint, in which case, there is a specific formulaic balance of discordance which can actually make the composition much more appealing to the ear as it offers a variety of tones and makes the harmonious and discordant intervals much more rewarding. It's like Thai cuisine and how they balance the sweet with the sour with the salty and the fiery elements of each dish.
    I am not seeing much of that type of balance, in here, lately. It's become, in my opinion, a Babe-bash-fest - "Let's all get her and show her how stupid she really is, and how childish we think she is, and we'll all make everyone think she is self important and self absorbed".

    An escort who is not self absorbed? Geez does that even exist?
    I do not consider myself as "self important" or "better than anyone" what-so-ever. I just feel confident about myself and that's about it. You people feel as if i need to be knocked down a few pegs so that i DON'T feel as self confident as i do?
    I have been accused and BANNED for "absolutely irritating self promotion"? WHERE? With flirty sign-offs using animated .gifs, and flirty, sometimes suggestive words in some of my posts?
    I have not even begun to advertise myself as an escort, yet, meaning with an actual escort profile or a website. What will happen then? I'll be banned for having a website, or an online escort profile to PROMOTE myself and my sexual services?

    Anyway Stavros
    {Spoken with a high-class Belgravian (London) accent}
    "Breakfast is served, sir! Your bowl of fruity-colored Cheerios, sir. If you need anything else, sir, i shall be waiting for the bell, sir."
    As you watch my bum swaying from side-to-side from under my French maid uniform, i see the reflection of your eyes in the mirror near the door switching from my butt to Roger Ramjet on the television.

    Quote Originally Posted by Babe

    Roger Ramjet episode

    0 out of 1 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 03-15-2015 at 06:10 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  3. #213

    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    The poll should have had a few more answers to choose from. I think it's possible there are aliens, maybe even likely, but I can't prove they've ever visited here. Alien life forms may not necessarily be senitient beings, it could be bacteria sized organisms, who knows?

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  4. #214
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Hi wearboots4me,

    Welcome to the thread.
    NEW MEAT to taste! Mmmmmm, yummy yummy.

    Thanks for your much appreciated post.

    I think they either exist and have been visiting planet Earth for a very long time - MUCH longer than before the USA dropped those atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, because there are just too many historically documented artifacts that have existed in almost every culture on Earth which illustrate alien crafts and beings. Even the Bible talks of the Elohim and Nephilim.
    If people believe that, then the poll response should be a simple "yes"

    If people don't believe they exist and have been coming to earth then the poll response should be a simple "no".

    I disagree that the poll should have different choices because my questions are simple.
    I did consider offering various choices, trust me. But i've decided to keep it simple - they do exist and visit, or they don't?

    There has been, and still are new, sightings worldwide to say they come here.
    And if THEY visit here, then THEY must exist! Right?

    Whatever they are, if they visit, they visit and they exist.
    How can someone admit that UFOs are seen the skies all over the planet but in the same breath say, they do not exist?

    Know what meannnn, jelly beannnn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Jelly-Bean-Sucker
    <-- Insert jelly beans here.

    1 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 03-15-2015 at 07:30 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  5. #215
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by wearboots4me View Post
    The poll should have had a few more answers to choose from. I think it's possible there are aliens, maybe even likely, but I can't prove they've ever visited here. Alien life forms may not necessarily be senitient beings, it could be bacteria sized organisms, who knows?
    If I were writing it I would write

    I think extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth

    I do not think extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth, regardless of whether extra-terrestrial life exists.

    The only thing this would not clarify is the distinction between believing that aliens have visited Earth but not believing the most common testimonials and folklore. For instance, maybe you think various unexplained phenomena (stonehenge etc.) are indirect evidence of interference by intelligent beings, even though you do not believe various other tales of ufo spottings or high level conspiracies. But I think this is the cleanest bifurcation we could make.

    As you say, another good question is, do you think it's probable that life exists outside of Earth. I think many of us think it's probable.

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  6. #216
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by wearboots4me View Post
    The poll should have had a few more answers to choose from. I think it's possible there are aliens, maybe even likely, but I can't prove they've ever visited here. Alien life forms may not necessarily be senitient beings, it could be bacteria sized organisms, who knows?

    Pretty much echo's my opinion. 22 pages of thread summed up nicely in just 3 lines...

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  7. #217
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    I do not give an (unidentified) flying fuck either way

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  8. #218
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post

    I'd like to scream at you Stavros, sometimes, to tell you to "WAKE UP! PAY ATTENTION!!" lol

    How can you say that i am NOT interested in a discussion? I have most respectfully replied to practically every response, and in immense detail, sometimes.

    Your posts remind me of that comment Montaigne once made -I was going to write you a short note but I did not have time, so I have written you a long one instead...

    In fact you do not discuss the points I raised, and the Valiant Thor issue provides an example, because it was clearly part of the Evangelical work that Frank Stranges was doing that mattered most to him, with the alien visitation being an essential part of his Christian message at a time of Cold War intensity; but you have never addressed either the historical context in which Valiant Thor arrived to save mankind, nor the underlying Christian foundations of the idea. In addition, you have not to my knowledge discussed the real possibilities of alien life in the universe, perhaps because a Martian version of a prawn doesn't have the allure of a superbly intelligent Venusian with a cure for cancer he doesn't want to share with non-Americans.

    If you present a thread here which is based on such a lack of evidence, produced by a generation of charlatans, frauds, fantasists, anti-government whackos and hustlers looking to separate you from your money, don't be surprised if you attract negative comment. And I have never seen an episode of Kojak, and don't intent to now.

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.

  9. #219
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Correction

    Hi wearboots4me,

    Oops, i just realized an error in my text which i have corrected with a slightly larger red font, and i also added something in red to address your bacteria life-form comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post
    Hi wearboots4me,

    I think they either exist and have been visiting planet Earth for a very long time - MUCH longer than before the USA dropped those atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, because there are just too many historically documented artifacts that have existed in almost every culture on Earth which illustrate alien crafts and beings. Even the Bible talks of the Elohim and Nephilim.
    If people believe that, then the poll response should be a simple "yes"

    If people don't believe they exist and have NOT been coming to earth then the poll response should be a simple "no".

    I disagree that the poll should have different choices because my questions are simple.
    I did consider offering various choices, trust me. But i've decided to keep it simple - they do exist and visit, or they don't?

    There has been, and still are new, sightings worldwide to say they come here.
    And if THEY visit here, then THEY must exist! Right?

    Whatever they are, whether they are in the form of bacteria, humanoid, animal form like bunny rabbits or kangaroos, plant based entities lol...WHAT EVER they are, if they visit Earth, then they must exist.
    I think there are many kinds of aliens.

    How can someone admit that UFOs are seen the skies all over the planet but in the same breath say, they do not exist?

    If people believe aliens exist in other galaxies BUT do not come to Earth, then their poll response should be "no" because the poll question here is mostly based on "do they visit Earth?"

    If any wants different poll questions, go create another thread more to your satisfaction. I really like the poll questions in this poll JUST the way they are.
    As a matter of fact, i've ressurected an old thread in the general discussion forum which basically asks what you want.



    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 03-15-2015 at 08:34 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  10. #220
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Your posts remind me of that comment Montaigne once made -I was going to write you a short note but I did not have time, so I have written you a long one instead...

    In fact you do not discuss the points I raised, and the Valiant Thor issue provides an example, because it was clearly part of the Evangelical work that Frank Stranges was doing that mattered most to him, with the alien visitation being an essential part of his Christian message at a time of Cold War intensity; but you have never addressed either the historical context in which Valiant Thor arrived to save mankind, nor the underlying Christian foundations of the idea. In addition, you have not to my knowledge discussed the real possibilities of alien life in the universe, perhaps because a Martian version of a prawn doesn't have the allure of a superbly intelligent Venusian with a cure for cancer he doesn't want to share with non-Americans.

    If you present a thread here which is based on such a lack of evidence, produced by a generation of charlatans, frauds, fantasists, anti-government whackos and hustlers looking to separate you from your money, don't be surprised if you attract negative comment. And I have never seen an episode of Kojak, and don't intent to now.

    See? You are just wasting my time and you seem to take great pleasure in that.

    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

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