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  1. #21

    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    Quote Originally Posted by SXFX View Post
    Sadly i live about 35 miles from NYC, and well....i get it...if a woman were educated, healthy and had her shit together and single she would be living in the city and not in the burbs. I however like a dumb ass sort of had my hopes up that i wasn't the only refugee out here? Turns out i was wrong...
    If there is the kind of woman you're seeking in your area, your attitude might scare her away, IMHO. Also, I think you may need a rest, 5 or 6 12 hour days a week, week after week, month after month, will break anyone. I have worked those kinds of hours, but eventually the project ends, and I am back to a more livable schedule. I can't imagine doing that forever, so I think that may be an issue as well.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    And maybe there i'll bump into a healthy, educated women who doesn't have kids nor wants them.....maybe....and who doesn't look as if she was ejected from a car at highway speeds.

    But for now...i came to the conclusion having the dating App on my phone was making me very very depressed.

    And Dahlia Babe Ailhad thank you

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  3. #23
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    i guess the depressing part is....after a divorce and being in my late 30's...seeing how few friends i have left....due to people growing apart and how few people out here in the burbs care about their bodies.
    I work 8am-7pm.....but i still go to the gym three nights of the week for an hour.....and try to eat well.....and use sunscreen.....i always thought that was the norm?
    You have one body take care of it?

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  4. #24
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Yep

    Hi again SXFX,

    Yes, sweety, avoid those evil, GREEDY, very cold, evil hearted narcissists in those horrible sites and apps. They are all the same.

    Join a church Bible group! THERE IS NOTHING better than a nice Catholic girl gone wrong. (chuckle)
    She won't cheat on you when you're at work, that's for sure.

    I would put my money on the sewing class. You'll be the innocent, "all-thumbs" guy in the class needing help from the women students.
    If she is taking a sewing class, she's probably still young and "dumb" and trying to improve her domestic skills so she COULD find a husband.

    Go where they are NOT looking for a man and that's where you'll probably meet one. Be cool! Play your cards right? Say you're taking the sewing class because you have no one to mend your clothes for you at home - being a successful-professional bachelor who really has no time to chase after women.
    Watch their ears perk up! 'A man in a sewing class? He has a career? He's in shape?' Ooooh, you hot guy, you!
    In a place like that, you are "a catch", my friend. In a bar, you're just "another loser".

    Don't you wanna get caught!?


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    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  5. #25
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    Sadly i know how to sew but i think you may be on to something......
    I also will be looking at a new yoga studio....seeing all those rocks on all those fingers well...i felt as if lead had been poured into my soul.

    I guess.....who knows right?

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  6. #26
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    You need to meet people in person. Dancing is great way to do this.

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  7. #27
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up You can do it.

    Hey SXFX,

    I now have faith in your abilities. The trick is to get a sewing machine and take a class that teaches you how to use them. Just act dumb! Women get tired of a guy acting like he knows everything.

    No man who pours out his soul in a place like this, can be all bad.
    You seem to have it all going for you. You're just in the wrong locations to show yourself off.

    I'm cheering for ya!

    "RAW! RAW! RAW!
    RAW! RAW! RAW!"
    Got my pom poms swishing around and everything.


    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    Dahlia Babe Ailhad,
    Thank you, my schedule looks nuts for the next few months....12 hour days at work so i think my first move will be speed dating.

    It's blink your eyes after a painful divorce...5+ years have passed....all of your friends...what little you have left are all either married or married with kids so you are left in a tough spot....
    1) try and make new friends...
    2) go out to the bar by yourself and be that creepy later 30's guy who looks out of place...
    3) online date

    I guess like owning a hope happiness is all geographically dependent?
    You need to be geographically close to your peer group or you can find yourself feeling like an alien and just mad at the world....which is where i was and am.....

    well thank you..i hope i can figure this out...thank god i'm into girls and wonderful TS women. I have hope. god forbid i was only into TS women....and living where i'm living in would be hell on earth!

    If the straight dating pool is bad i can only imagine how horrid the LGBT dating pool must be here!

    "How you doin!"

  9. #29
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    I've found online dating to be kind of depressing because everyone else is like you and I. We all want something, but we don't know what. This was mentioned on the first page, but you need to know what you offer someone else. When I first became single again a while ago, I spent a lot of time focusing on myself and making myself happy. When I did that, I found I had a lot more luck in both online and general dating because I knew what I could offer other people. This may sound counter-intuitive, but maybe take some time off from trying to date, work on yourself as a person, find some things that make you happy, focus on them, and then you'll be able to know what you can offer other people.

    That's the best advice I can give, but take it for what it's worth... I'm still single too

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  10. #30
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does online dating make you depressed?

    go to the gym more than 3X a week and cut out the's for girls.

    I'm kidding about the yoga.............................................. I'm not.

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