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  1. #1
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    Default Fuck the Police State

    Fuck this shit Im sick of it - every day I turn around there is another abuse of power by the jackboot Police State abusing their power to protect and serve themselves...

    and dont even get me started about the department of homeland security - the last time we saw someone "protecting" the population in the name of the "Homeland" their uniforms were different colors and they had a heavy German accent.


    (Source: Getty Images)

    HENDERSON, NV — Police forcibly commandeered homes from two innocent families because they wanted to use the properties to surveil a neighbor. After their plan was denied by phone request, police conspired and executed a plan to break into the homes and arrest the innocent homeowners, a lawsuit reveals.

    The incident took place on July 10th, 2011. The Henderson Police Department (HPD) was issued a complaint about suspected domestic violence. Police decided that they wanted use two neighboring houses to observe the suspect. In conjunction with the North Las Vegas Police Department (NLVPD), officers devised a plan to commandeer the home of Anthony Mitchell, as well as the home of his parents, Michael and Linda Mitchell — both living adjacent to the suspect. Each of them were innocent and uninvolved in the suspected crime.

    A lawsuit states: “At 10:45 a.m. defendant Officer Christopher Worley (HPD) contacted plaintiff Anthony Mitchell via his telephone. Worley told plaintiff that police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a ‘tactical advantage’ against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence. Although Worley continued to insist that plaintiff should leave his residence, plaintiff clearly explained that he did not intend to leave his home or to allow police to occupy his home. Worley then ended the phone call.”

    Without permission, officers Christopher Worley (HPD), David Cawthorn (NLVPD), and Sgt. Michael Waller (NLVPD) allegedly plotted to take over the homes by force.

    Officer Cawthorn’s official report described the plan: “It was determined to move to 367 Evening Side and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.”

    Police proceeded with their plan, breaching Anthony Mitchell’s front door with a battering ram. “The officers aimed their weapons at Anthony Mitchell and shouted obscenities at him and ordered him to lie down on the floor,” the complaint stated. Mitchell’s account stated that NLVPD Officer Snyder gave him conflicting orders to both shut off his phone and to “crawl,” and that Snyder called him an “asshole.”

    “Although plaintiff Anthony Mitchell was lying motionless on the ground and posed no threat, officers, including Officer David Cawthorn, then fired multiple ‘pepperball’ rounds at plaintiff as he lay defenseless on the floor of his living room. Anthony Mitchell was struck at least three times by shots fired from close range, injuring him and causing him severe pain.”
    Officers then arrested him for obstructing a police officer, searched the house and moved furniture without his permission and set up a place in his home for a lookout, Mitchell says in the complaint.

    Anthony Mitchell alleged that police also hurt his pet dog for no reason whatsoever: “Plaintiff Anthony Mitchell’s pet, a female dog named ‘Sam,’ was cowering in the corner when officers smashed through the front door. Although the terrified animal posed no threat to officers, they gratuitously shot it with one or more pepperball rounds. The panicked animal howled in fear and pain and fled from the residence. Sam was subsequently left trapped outside in a fenced alcove without access to water, food, or shelter from the sun for much of the day, while temperatures outside soared to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.”

    Then the police turned their attention to the second home, owned by Anthony Mitchell’s parents on the same street. Police lied and lured out Michael Mitchell, the father, requesting his help to negotiate the surrender of his neighbor. In actuality he was taken to a HPD command center and not permitted to leave. When he tried to walk off, he was arrested and charged with Obstructing a Police Officer.
    With Anthony and Michael Mitchell detained, police commandeered the second home, still occupied by Linda Mitchell. When she told officers that they could not enter her home without a warrant, the officers detained her, dragging her off through the desert heat to a “command post”, despite her frail condition and pleas to stop. Police then rummaged through her home, her belongings, her purse, even leaving the refrigerator ajar.

    Anthony and Michael Mitchell were booked and locked in jail for obstructing an officer. They were jailed for at least nine hours before they bailed out, they stated in the complaint. They claim the police filed the baseless criminal charges “to provide cover for defendants’ wrongful actions, to frustrate and impede plaintiffs’ ability to seek relief for those actions, and to further intimidate and retaliate against plaintiffs.”

    None of the officers were fired, subjected to official discipline, or even inquiry, the complaint states.

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    Tempest TS-ROCKDOLL
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  2. #2
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    I cannot agree more. I served a number of years serving in and out of a uniform out of sense of patriotism. I am ashamed of what the police are doing and what some people allow them to do.

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  3. #3
    Trans admirer and friend Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    the problem here in America, is people put up with it.

    where's the 20,000 strong public protest in Henderson, demanding justice for this guy?

    they're all on the internet calling them "pigs" and quoting the 3rd Amendment.

    truth be told. If this were my house they were "commandeering" , at least the first fucker would've been met with gunfire and hopefully I'd shoot the second cop and third and so on.

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  4. #4
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by my my my! View Post
    the problem here in America, is people put up with it.

    where's the 20,000 strong public protest in Henderson, demanding justice for this guy?

    they're all on the internet calling them "pigs" and quoting the 3rd Amendment.

    truth be told. If this were my house they were "commandeering" , at least the first fucker would've been met with gunfire and hopefully I'd shoot the second cop and third and so on.
    have you seen the abuse of power lately - its not the 60's anymore - the police state is as heavily armed as the military and largely given free reign to lock anyone up who speaks out - for most the internet is the only safe place left to speak out. They have the guns and they have instilled a culture of fear where people are afraid to speak out or rise up.

    But that all only goes so far before a population rises up - history proves that and the despots fear the truth in the numbers. I hope Im there the day the turn in power finally happens.

    Im not a big gun advocate but the reason we have the right to arm ourselves is against a corrupt and oppressive state - which is exactly what we are becoming - the change was slow at first but now the government and police state act with impunity and recklessly flaunt their power.... thousands of cops to stop a few hundred McDonald's employees from protesting unfair wages... citizens in wheel chairs arrested for using the side of the road to go to the grocery store to get food. Teens beaten and pepper-sprayed for using their photos to video the actions of the cops.

    If the actions of those who are to enforce the laws break the very same laws they should be stripped of the right to act as our protectors by whatever means necessary. - if your not already on a government or NSA watch list you are either doing something wrong or your a sheep.

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    Tempest TS-ROCKDOLL
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Fuck the police

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Junior Poster bimale69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Some of these states like New York are even passing laws where you could be locked up just for even looking at a cop wrong. I usually try to avoid driving through Upstate NY anymore because the state police like to sit in every rest area through that place pulling trucks in just for "safety" inspections, and use a very intimidating attitude like they suspect everyone of being a criminal. Worse yet is if they gain any knowledge of you being a member of the GLBT community....then they turn into complete Nazis. There's also a video on YouTube somewhere (assuming the state hasn't had it taken down) of NY state troopers storming an Indian reservation when tribe members where having a peaceful protest over NY's violation of Indian treaties, and the Troopers start beating beating people (including women and kids) with their night sticks for no reason. That was back in the late 90's , and that situation has gotten worse after 9/11.

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    Last edited by bimale69; 07-12-2014 at 03:11 AM.
    I don't need anger management. I just need some people to manage their stupidity.

  7. #7
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by bimale69 View Post
    Some of these states like New York are even passing laws where you could be locked up just for even looking at a cop wrong. I usually try to avoid driving through Upstate NY anymore because the state police like to sit in every rest area through that place pulling trucks in just for "safety" inspections, and use a very intimidating attitude like they suspect everyone of being a criminal. Worse yet is if they gain any knowledge of you being a member of the GLBT community....then they turn into complete Nazis. There's also a video on YouTube somewhere (assuming the state hasn't had it taken down) of NY state troopers storming an Indian reservation when tribe members where having a peaceful protest over NY's violation of Indian treaties, and the Troopers start beating beating people (including women and kids) with their night sticks for no reason. That was back in the late 90's , and that situation has gotten worse after 9/11.
    Very interesting especially given that a Native American Reservation is technically a sovereign nation -

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Junior Poster Rabbiteyes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    You have 2 options ....

    1) Learn to live with it and keep your head down (you can mitigate a lot of trouble by being more wealthy and influential).

    2) Leave the country.

    Things aren't going to improve :P

  9. #9
    Karmic Whipping Boy Professional Poster Chaos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by my my my! View Post

    truth be told. If this were my house they were "commandeering" , at least the first fucker would've been met with gunfire and hopefully I'd shoot the second cop and third and so on.
    Actually you'd be dead as soon as you fired one shot. Police are armed with Military grade equipment....some even have APC's and tanks these days.

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  10. #10
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbiteyes View Post
    You have 2 options ....

    1) Learn to live with it and keep your head down (you can mitigate a lot of trouble by being more wealthy and influential).

    2) Leave the country.

    Things aren't going to improve :P


    I would Never make it that convenient for them.

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