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  1. #81
    Veteran Poster DCGuy343's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by Quiet Reflections View Post
    very true but I always thought Fort Leavenworth was a super max. If that is the case there might not even be a chance for anyone to get near him...but then we are talking about prison so I guess anything can happen
    I think that Levenworth has been converted to a medium security prison now and even has a minimum security prison camp there as well.

  2. #82
    Member Rookie Poster volkov2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by sabre666 View Post
    And you're obviously an asshole who knows nothing about what constitutes treason and the legitimate punishment for it.
    Did you ever serve in the military, smartass?
    I'm betting no. Because otherwise you'd know just what this shit-stain violated and you'd also understand that he got over.
    I did serve & I know exactly what I'm talking about.
    You don't like it ? Tough shit, next time chew harder!
    You do realize that the rules of war override military rules. She saw war crimes, it is her responsibility to report them. If she did not report them she would have been just as guilty as those who committed them. I agree with what seanchai said about the Nazi soldiers just following orders, a good soldier does not just follow orders, a good soldier questions the morality of the orders.

    Also she did not commit treason, she released the information to the press for the American public not to the enemy. Unless you believe the American people are the enemy? Also among the information release there was also information about how the US government lobbied other countries to continue to oppress there people. Haiti in particular, we pressured the government to vote down a minimum wage increase just so vacationing there would not become more expensive.

    The US has always branded themselves as the "good guys", and we still do. Do the good guys kill children? Do they invade a country illegally? Do they drop bombs on civilians just because they fit a general profile? Do they kill first responders, firefighters, police, EMTs? Do the lie to their own people? We have left the good guy title and have moved into the bullies of the world.

    Also in the video that she released people say that the Apache pilots where following the rules of engagement, forgive me if I am wrong, but last I looked that is DO NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON! Also earlier this year I read an article, not sure when I believe it was in Jan or Feb, where the US changed the definition of military aged male from what it used to be. In 2001 the age was 18, then it was moved down to 16, then 14, then 12, right now the US considers military aged male at the age of 8 years old. How could a soldier not question that?

    Also form what I understand is that Chelsea Manning only wants to have hormone treatment not SRS. I may be wrong with that though.

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  3. #83
    Senior Member Silver Poster EvaCassini's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by volkov2006 View Post
    You do realize that the rules of war override military rules. She saw war crimes, it is her responsibility to report them. If she did not report them she would have been just as guilty as those who committed them. I agree with what seanchai said about the Nazi soldiers just following orders, a good soldier does not just follow orders, a good soldier questions the morality of the orders.

    Also she did not commit treason, she released the information to the press for the American public not to the enemy. Unless you believe the American people are the enemy? Also among the information release there was also information about how the US government lobbied other countries to continue to oppress there people. Haiti in particular, we pressured the government to vote down a minimum wage increase just so vacationing there would not become more expensive.

    The US has always branded themselves as the "good guys", and we still do. Do the good guys kill children? Do they invade a country illegally? Do they drop bombs on civilians just because they fit a general profile? Do they kill first responders, firefighters, police, EMTs? Do the lie to their own people? We have left the good guy title and have moved into the bullies of the world.

    Also in the video that she released people say that the Apache pilots where following the rules of engagement, forgive me if I am wrong, but last I looked that is DO NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON! Also earlier this year I read an article, not sure when I believe it was in Jan or Feb, where the US changed the definition of military aged male from what it used to be. In 2001 the age was 18, then it was moved down to 16, then 14, then 12, right now the US considers military aged male at the age of 8 years old. How could a soldier not question that?

    Also form what I understand is that Chelsea Manning only wants to have hormone treatment not SRS. I may be wrong with that though.
    Well said sir!

  4. #84
    Old Biddy Silver Poster Gillian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    On the subject of his gender reassignment, I heard Paris Lees (transgendered journalist) saying that as gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, he ought to receive hormone treatment whilst in prison, as denying healthcare would be a breach of his human rights. Whether that's a view shared by the US authorities, we'll have to wait and see ...

  5. #85
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by volkov2006 View Post
    You do realize that the rules of war override military rules. She saw war crimes, it is her responsibility to report them. If she did not report them she would have been just as guilty as those who committed them. I agree with what seanchai said about the Nazi soldiers just following orders, a good soldier does not just follow orders, a good soldier questions the morality of the orders.

    Also she did not commit treason, she released the information to the press for the American public not to the enemy. Unless you believe the American people are the enemy? Also among the information release there was also information about how the US government lobbied other countries to continue to oppress there people. Haiti in particular, we pressured the government to vote down a minimum wage increase just so vacationing there would not become more expensive.

    The US has always branded themselves as the "good guys", and we still do. Do the good guys kill children? Do they invade a country illegally? Do they drop bombs on civilians just because they fit a general profile? Do they kill first responders, firefighters, police, EMTs? Do the lie to their own people? We have left the good guy title and have moved into the bullies of the world.

    Also in the video that she released people say that the Apache pilots where following the rules of engagement, forgive me if I am wrong, but last I looked that is DO NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON! Also earlier this year I read an article, not sure when I believe it was in Jan or Feb, where the US changed the definition of military aged male from what it used to be. In 2001 the age was 18, then it was moved down to 16, then 14, then 12, right now the US considers military aged male at the age of 8 years old. How could a soldier not question that?

    Also form what I understand is that Chelsea Manning only wants to have hormone treatment not SRS. I may be wrong with that though.

    Great post.

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  6. #86
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Trans Activists Praise Chelsea Manning, Raise Fears over Prison Conditions:

  7. #87
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    I actually agree with Steven?

    Mommy, I'm cold! *shiver*


  8. #88
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    PS: I still think the timing of the transition announcement is a PR ploy for sympathy. Sorry not sorry.

    Visions of Corporal Klinger are dancing in my head.


  9. #89
    Senior Member Junior Poster Rabbiteyes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by BellaBellucci View Post
    PS: I still think the timing of the transition announcement is a PR ploy for sympathy. Sorry not sorry.

    Visions of Corporal Klinger are dancing in my head.

    Yea, because if there is anything the general public is sympathetic towards it is trans women?

  10. #90
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bradley Manning: I want to live as a woman

    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbiteyes View Post
    Yea, because if there is anything the general public is sympathetic towards it is trans women?
    ... which is the real problem here: it forces the public, half of whom already hate Manning, to instead chalk up this only recently high-profile aspect of the case to mental illness or desperation instead of transsexualism, when in reality the aspect we should be discussing is the extent to which Manning's gender issues made him vulnerable to be used in the first place.

    Why would someone who wanted to change their life so badly want to throw it away over a few diplomatic cables to which a PRIVATE had access... unless there were other manipulations or mental health issues at play? He wasn't even on hormones before the incident. Had he been, this would all be a non-issue. It reeks of opportunism and attention whoring.

    But inevitably, it's the idea that the mainstream might conflate transexualism with mental illness that forces me to hope that the mainstream media will NOT acquiesce to Manning's request to be called Chelsea.

    Talk to me again after he gets a legal name change.


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    Last edited by BellaBellucci; 08-24-2013 at 03:00 AM.

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