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  1. #41
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupwithat
    Quote Originally Posted by TFan

    I won't have sex with anyone with Hepatitis, either.
    And, of course, people will tell you they have Hep, too, right?

    This is all I'm advocating. And it all comes to down to us being honest, open, vigilant, and accepting.

    It is an obligation to tell someone if you have an STD. AIDS or Hepatitis.
    What are you missing Tfan in this conversation. You may have been brought up politely and with morals different to others. You may always open a door for a lady and cover your mouth when you sneeze.
    I agree with what you're thining but you've got to acknowledge - not everybody was brought up with those same ideals! They're not going to acknowledge it. So you are responsible for yourself - not what you expect someone else to do.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupwithat
    Quote Originally Posted by ARMANIXXX


    You implied here that the "electrical socket" analogy is somehow way off. Technically and statistically, you may be right....I guess *shrug*, but in terms of sentiments....ITS SPOT ON.

    Sleeping with an HIV infected person, condom or no, is akin to askin for death as in "having a death wish".
    The electrical socket analogy IS way off. You stick your finger in an electrical socket the odds are you're going to die. You have safe, protected sex with an HIV positive person, the odds of you getting sick and dying are not even close to 100%.

    It's just common medical knowledge.
    __________________________________________________ __________________

    At the risk of sounding kinda silly here, debating the validity of death while playing with electric sockets.....I'll chance it.

    The reason the "electric socket" analogy is SENTIMENTALLY spot on is because kids all over the country have played with sockets, myself included. Guess what happens the majority of the time......They get shocked and/or burned. Can you die? Duh. Should you play with em? No....Duh. Do kids (and adults too btw) die every year from misuse of a socket.....Duh. But most of the time, they live.

    Now, If I go out and have sex with a TS girl or GG girl with protection and she tells me she has HIV.....I won't mix words here, If I did that I would be a stupid ass. Condoms help, but they can break. Not only that, but The jury's still not 100% sure on exposure to kissing. Will you die? Probably not. Should you do it? Hell no.

    This is why the two analogies can coincide.

    I'll tell you this, at the risk of more sillyness, If a gun were pointed to my head and my assailant gave me the hypothetical option of Having sex with an HIV infected person with a condom, or the other option of sticking a paperclip in the wall socket, I'd tell the gun toting bastard thanks for giving me the option and, "Pass the paperclips please."

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    What are you missing Tfan in this conversation. You may have been brought up politely and with morals different to others. You may always open a door for a lady and cover your mouth when you sneeze.
    I agree with what you're thining but you've got to acknowledge - not everybody was brought up with those same ideals! They're not going to acknowledge it. So you are responsible for yourself - not what you expect someone else to do.
    What's also missed here is knowledgeable exposure. People may not "know", that's what condoms are for. People who know.... have a responsibility to tell.

    Then if said person is a moron, he'll have sex with the person anyway.

  4. #44
    5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupwithat
    Quote Originally Posted by TFan

    I won't have sex with anyone with Hepatitis, either.
    And, of course, people will tell you they have Hep, too, right?

    This is all I'm advocating. And it all comes to down to us being honest, open, vigilant, and accepting.

    It is an obligation to tell someone if you have an STD. AIDS or Hepatitis.
    Oooohhhh, of course, so that's why no one ever gets sick.

    Sorry for the sarcasm, but come on, man.

  5. #45
    Junior Poster
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    Thanks for starting this thread, I am in 100% agreement with Seanchai.

    If you don't have the maturity to deal with the consequences, don't play. No one other than yourself is responsible for your horniness.

    I know first hand that condoms aren't 100%. Luckily I haven't caught anything that wouldn't clear with 14 days worth of antibiotic but Herpes and Aids are incurable and if and when I get them it will be my fault.

    THE END.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Escorts, Adult Models and AIDS.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    I asked for some threads to be removed from the Lisa Kage memorial thread which I posted yesterday (see sticky) not because of the topic but because they were in the wrong place and were frankly offensive especially from some clown who has chosen to post here only 4 times previous.
    For those of you who are curious about what may have happened to any untimely deaths, here's my take on it.

    I'm not into spreading rumours and gossip. If I know 100% how an individual died (like suicide, murder, car accident) then I'll state it. If a young person in this industry died of natural illness/causes then there is a high possibility it could be from AIDS or another STD. You can assume that if you need to - however, often I don't know or don't feel the need to find out exactly what - and certainly not to share it on a public forum because it's IRRELEVANT.

    If you have sex with escorts - and especially unprotected sex or taking sperm into your mouth as numbnuts so tastefully (no pun) stated then you are at risk of getting an STD which can take many forms. You are rolling the dice. Your spinning the gun barrel.
    Anybody having unprotected sex with escorts should be getting regular tests and certainly before having sex with any other individual.

    YOU are responsible for YOURSELF. Stop looking to blame others for actions that you bring upon yourself. You have choices.
    Assume that every single person you have unprotected sex with MAY have an STD - afterall, they're having unprotected sex with you.

    This isn't a place for speculation. Assume the worst in all cases and get yourself tested - above all, have some fucking respect for my friend and for the post you hijacked.

    well said !

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Escorts, Adult Models and AIDS.

    Sorry for bursting into this conversation, but the electric bulb analogy *is* way off. Having unprotected analsex with a casual partner, especially escort (or vaginal if your playing girl-guy) is of course like playing russian rulette. The same act wearing a condom, however is not even if you know the person is HIV+. Condoms are there for a reason! Lets say we have a couple of A and B where A is Hiv+. No doctors in the world would advise them never to have sex together ever again. Of course condoms might burst or slip of, but that only happens on a rare occation. Waterbased lube minimises the risk. Even if the condom do burst it doesnt automatically mean high risk of exposure. Must likely you will notice the condom slipped of and pull out immediately. I'm not saying exposure to HIV is impossible wearing a condom. I'm saying its so far out your more likely to die in a terrorist attack then from getting HIV when you have protected sex.
    Nothing is 100% certain in this life. You can get a brick in the head going out the door, yet people still go outdoors. You can get a heart-attack in your bed. The thing is to not unnecceraily expose yourself to high risks, or seek danger that drastically differs from the "dailylife risks"

    Other STDs have higher risks of exposure, even if wearing a condom, but most are curable. Yes, Herpes isnt curable but its not a danger to your health. You wont die from it. As far as I'm concerned the only other STD than HIV you can die from is Hepatetis B (and C but less likely to transmit sexually). But 95% of the ones that does get infected gets rid of the virus. A few of the last 5% gets their liver damaged and increased risk of livercancer. However Condom offers a good protection against exposure to HepB, and if your in high risk of getting it you can always get yourself vaxinated.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Escorts, Adult Models and AIDS.

    (accidently dobble post sorry)

  9. #49
    Junior Poster
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    How about this scenario:

    I drive home from a bar after having 10 drinks. When I leave I'm fairly certain that I will not kill anyone. I eventually arrive home unharmed and no one knows I was driving under the influence.

    If I were caught I would have been arrested, but this time I was not.

    Does the fact that I didn't kill anyone, and no one knew my drunken status while I was driving make it any more legal or moral to act so recklessly? Should any enforcement be dedicated to preventing my irresponsible actions from hurting others?

  10. #50
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.

    Default Re: Escorts, Adult Models and AIDS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Levam
    Sorry for bursting into this conversation, but the electric bulb analogy *is* way off. Having unprotected analsex with a casual partner, especially escort (or vaginal if your playing girl-guy) is of course like playing russian rulette. The same act wearing a condom, however is not even if you know the person is HIV+. Condoms are there for a reason! Lets say we have a couple of A and B where A is Hiv+. No doctors in the world would advise them never to have sex together ever again. Of course condoms might burst or slip of, but that only happens on a rare occation. Waterbased lube minimises the risk. Even if the condom do burst it doesnt automatically mean high risk of exposure. Must likely you will notice the condom slipped of and pull out immediately. I'm not saying exposure to HIV is impossible wearing a condom. I'm saying its so far out your more likely to die in a terrorist attack then from getting HIV when you have protected sex.
    Nothing is 100% certain in this life. You can get a brick in the head going out the door, yet people still go outdoors. You can get a heart-attack in your bed. The thing is to not unnecceraily expose yourself to high risks, or seek danger that drastically differs from the "dailylife risks"

    Other STDs have higher risks of exposure, even if wearing a condom, but most are curable. Yes, Herpes isnt curable but its not a danger to your health. You wont die from it. As far as I'm concerned the only other STD than HIV you can die from is Hepatetis B (and C but less likely to transmit sexually). But 95% of the ones that does get infected gets rid of the virus. A few of the last 5% gets their liver damaged and increased risk of livercancer. However Condom offers a good protection against exposure to HepB, and if your in high risk of getting it you can always get yourself vaxinated.
    In the event that you are having sex with an HIV+ person and the condom bursts, or slips off, your best course of action is to get to an emergency room immediately, and you will be placed on a very high level of a antiretroviral medications. You will also be tested periodically to make sure that you have not in fact contracted HIV.

    Also be mindful that HIV, is not AIDS. Also be aware that neither HIV nor AIDS carry the same automatic 'death sentence' that people felt it did in the early 80s at its genesis.

    With early detection, monitoring, medication, and a healthy life style, people with HIV can and do live healthy productive lives.

    It goes without saying that the fear of contracting an STD, is highly emotionally charged, and ones's rational thought process can be overwhelmed with fear.

    Perhaps the best tool to alleviate some of that angst is to Educate yourself about STDs, the LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN.

    Finally, I have included some incubation periods, and STD window periods:

    Specific STD Window Periods

    The incubation period for Gonorrhea is usually 2 to 7 days.

    The incubation period for Chlamydia is usually 2 to 6 weeks, but can be longer.

    The incubation period for Syphilis is usually 10 to 90 days.

    The window period for HIV is usually 2 weeks to 3 months, but could be up to 6 months.

    Hepatitis A
    The incubation period for Hepatitis A is 15 to 50 days.

    Hepatitis B
    The incubation period for Hepatitis B is usually 45-180 days, with an average of 60 to 90 days.

    Hepatitis C
    The incubation period for Hepatitis C ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months - commonly, 6 to 9 weeks.

    Talk with your partner about herpes & warts
    There are no tests for genital warts and herpes tests are not necessarily useful. Herpes cultures require an active lesion to be present and herpes blood tests do not indicate whether the infection is genital or oral. Most people test positive on herpes blood tests because they were exposed to the virus orally as a child. It is therefore a good idea to discuss these 2 diseases with any new partner. Have you or your partner ever had genital herpes or cold sores on the mouth? Have either of you ever had genital warts diagnosed? Both of these diseases are common and having had either or both should not necessarily interfere with your relationship. Discussing these 2 diseases early in a relationship can reduce the chance of transmission.

    Test later
    As the incubation period for Chlamydia is up to 6 weeks, you can test at or after 6 weeks from the start of your relationship. It makes sense to test for gonorrhea at the same time. The blood tests - syphilis, HIV and possibly hepatitis - can be taken at 3 months. Most results would show up on an HIV and hepatitis test within 3 months of infection, but these tests can be repeated 6 months into the relationship to fully cover the window period.

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