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  1. #11
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Quote Originally Posted by stan.smith View Post
    Just started insanity, took me a week to get thru 4days of workouts because of all the soarness but i lost 5lb eating right and doing those workouts. Each video is only 35-40min long and once you have completed the video i guarantee you will be floored and dripping w sweat. I plan on finishing insanity, will post my results but to any and all who want to shed some weight and dont have much time on your hands i highly recommend it. I wake up 40min early and do this first thing,that way I'm not only active throughout the day i dont have to worry bout working out in the evening when im all tired.
    You need to completely re-educate yourself into a non-overweight person (I don't try to be thin, too much muscle). It's a mind-set. The trouble with the crash diet/fitness/whatever approach is what heppens when you ease up and your body goes nuts...and very often people end up heavier than they wre to begin with. Don't get me wrong I'm not dissing your efforts, but you're better to count calories and aim for a moderate amount under your basal so that you lose no more than a kilo (2lb) a week, and as you begin to approach target, slow that down by degrees to just losng. Then you have to count to maintain, until you instinctively only eat enough to stay there and THAT is actually the hardest part.

    I would not like to suggest I am at all critical of American fast-food, but I think Billy Connolly nailed it--NEVER eat ANYTHING that comes in a BUCKET!

  2. #12
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Eat less...Move more...Job done!

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    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    You could try the Cabbage diet! Years ago (Maybe they still do this) hospitals would put patients on the cabbage diet for fast and effective weight loss if they were overweight and going under the knife!....
    PRO'S - Fast weight loss
    CON'S - You will not be able to prevent making a stench! and more importantly the second that you start to eat real food again your body will go into overdrive and you will gain weight as fast as you lost it which is the case with all fad diets. When you do one you need to slowly reintroduce real food so as not to send your metabolism into a frenzy!

    My advise for fast weight loss would be to
    -Reduce your sugar and fat content!..
    -Pay attention to the time of day that you are eating (Do not sit a gorge on Doritos and dips at 23:30!)
    -Cut out sugar in hot drinks / have a break from alcohol
    -If you are going to eat bread, make is brown
    -No heavy carbs after 6 (bread/pasta etc)

    This is another method which I tried and tested, eat at the same time every single day. Give your metabolism a routine! this allows your body to create a steady cycle for burning the required sources that it needs, it goes without saying that you need to watch what it is that you are actually eating though!.

    xx Bella

    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    any tips on loosing weight fast , particularly around the stomach, I have limited time for exercise and I work a lot of hrs

  4. #14
    Senior Member Junior Poster Amy Gray's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    What wendy said, I drink a lot of 0 calorie tea in place of juices or sodas. You also seriously need to cut down your carb intake and rethink your meats. Switch from meats like pork and beef to chicken and rabbit. Rabbit is especially healthy and tasty, I cook 2-3 a month. Also consider eating more seafood as fish tend to be full of healthy fats but beware of certain cheaper fish like tilapia which tend to be fed corn and can be just as bad as beef in some regards. Also break down your meals into snacks throughout the day. Eating 5-6 little snacks as opposed to 2-3 large meals will kick your metabolism into high drive.

    I think the biggest thing you can do in terms of diet is to start cooking for yourself with raw ingredients. I'm religious about cooking (like, I make my own sausage, bread, and cheese). Food you prepare yourself will undoubtedly be healthier than whatever you buy and cooking doesn't take nearly as much time as people seem to think.

    As to exercise, even if you can do 20 minutes of intensive cardio every other day then you're good. Things like jogging in place, jumping jacks will, and running stairs will do wonders. Another thing you can do is start fidgeting at the desk or wherever you work. Tap your feet, keep your body moving. You can burn as much as 400 calories by fidgeting throughout the day.

    If you're looking to specifically work on your belly then lay off alcohol and get crunching. There's no such thing as targeted fat loss (at least not in any real sense) but by doing crunches you will tighten your abdominal wall which will help hold your intestines and stomach in tighter. Also, if you're eating small meals like I said, your stomach (the organ) will start to shrink in size over time.

    3 out of 3 members liked this post.

  5. #15
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Quote Originally Posted by LondonLadyboys View Post
    You could try the Cabbage diet! Years ago (Maybe they still do this) hospitals would put patients on the cabbage diet for fast and effective weight loss if they were overweight and going under the knife!....
    PRO'S - Fast weight loss
    CON'S - You will not be able to prevent making a stench! and more importantly the second that you start to eat real food again your body will go into overdrive and you will gain weight as fast as you lost it which is the case with all fad diets. When you do one you need to slowly reintroduce real food so as not to send your metabolism into a frenzy!

    My advise for fast weight loss would be to
    -Reduce your sugar and fat content!..
    -Pay attention to the time of day that you are eating (Do not sit a gorge on Doritos and dips at 23:30!)
    -Cut out sugar in hot drinks / have a break from alcohol
    -If you are going to eat bread, make is brown
    -No heavy carbs after 6 (bread/pasta etc)

    This is another method which I tried and tested, eat at the same time every single day. Give your metabolism a routine! this allows your body to create a steady cycle for burning the required sources that it needs, it goes without saying that you need to watch what it is that you are actually eating though!.

    xx Bella
    My ex went on a cabbage diet...not to lose weight, either...some strange alternative health was horrible.

  6. #16
    Theshyguy Junior Poster
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    The only method i did to loose weight is the nutritional program of HERBALIFE. It's the best way to loose weight and stay healthy, no diet, no restriction and it works really, i've lost around 42Lbs.
    so check out !

    hi my name is Sydney, friendly guy who love to meet some sweet transsexuals here.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    Eat less...Move more...Job done!

  8. #18
    Asswhipper Veteran Poster VictoriaVeil's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Quote Originally Posted by Amy Gray View Post
    What wendy said
    copycat. haha!

    alternate suggestion for those wishing to lose weight... there is a tool called a machete...hack off an appendage. Done! as a bonus.. the blood loss will make ya lightheaded and easier to manipulate.

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  9. #19
    Senior Member Veteran Poster KatherineRusTS's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    A good method for weight loss : juice therapy . Very good burns fat juice of Celery , cabbage juice , grapefruit . Daily value not less than one liter . Note that moment that the juice should be fresh . Helps me a lot : in the morning - porridge with cream cheese and fruit ,during the day vegetable salad and easy chicken soup , can be a piece of boiled beef and of course walnut with honey , all the rest of the time I drink juices. For those who want to during the diet simultaneously clean the blood drink beet juice diluted with another ingredient ( carrots , cabbage, etc!) during juice therapy you need to refrain from the usual daily food . The best diet is to stick to the regime and stick with it for years - this should be your lifestyle . For men's health necessarily exclude any form of alcohol , eat nuts with honey , boiled or steam food ( nothing fried ,fatty , salty and peppered) be sure to include in the diet of fish . You can themselves determine the schedule and stick to it regularly . I used weighed 80 kg , after a diet, my weight dropped to 60 kg and now it does not exceed 62 kg

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  10. #20
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: losing weight fast

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    Eat less...Move more...Job done!
    ..problem solved bitches!!!

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.

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