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  1. #61
    Veteran Poster
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    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Why is that hand ugly?
    What would constitute a good looking hand compared to this one?
    Imagine: You´re watching a hot solo-tgirl porn, a hot girl masturbating and enjoying herself (Pic1). In your mind you´re gonna be a part of it, you are dreaming to be with her, while playing with yourself. You enjoy it. Then, all of a sudden, an old, hairy, big, male hand appears (Pic2) and your imagination blows up like a soap bubble.

    Know what I mean?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #62
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    New York


    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    Seanchi, your bugging the fuck out!
    Bugging the fuck out? I'm asking questions about what people want and putting my few across, I think it's obvious about whose bugging out from below?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    I never worked with Fabio, quite how that makes him my boy, I don't know. What does that mean anyway "makes him my boy"?
    Please don't act like your some out-of-touch 65 year old, white God-fearing Republican. You know damn well what "your boy" means. Translation: friend or good associate. You shoot black trannies enough to know basic slang terms. I'll answer your question with your own post below.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    I've just made a call and Fabio and he won't be doing any more DVD's just to make you happy, he's too upset by your words.
    I knew you were being sarcastic about him being upset, but I assumed he was alive and you really had his telephone number. You are in the TS porn business and you do shoot in Brazil.

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    I know what I like and I know what I don't like and I don't need anyone in this thread attempting to police my opinions, with some 2nd grade armchair pyschoanalysis about jealously and nit-picking.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Oooops must have hit a truism.
    Truism huh! Yeah right Seanchi, I just so friggin jealous of that chemotherapy looking ass Tom Moore, I'm just beside myself. I so wish I was a short, pale, balding, out of shape white guy, who makes a living getting topped on camera by trannies. Yeah, if you say so!

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    TS Wendi Williams came into a thread with the same bullshit two weeks ago, directed at a new poster named Eric, when he said he didn't care for her DVD series.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Wendy started to defend her product against criticism, probably in a way I wouldn't have done - I don't see how what I stated about a bunch of performers I never worked with would be similar?
    Seanchi, you don't know the half. Eric420 started a thread, stating he managed a video rental store and asked HA members to hip him to any good TS DVDs on the market. Wendy being the businesswoman she is, tried to promote her series and he said he didn't care for her stuff. Eric wasn't disrespectful or malicious, he just did what I did in this thread, STATE HIS PERSONAL OPINION. What happened? Wendy got personal, just like you did with this "your just jealous" nonsense with me. She basically told him off, said he didn't own the store anyway and a host of other things. If you want to read for yourself Seanchi, the link is below.

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    Take my word for it G, none of these dudes possess anything I care about physically, intellectually or financially. My income climbed above six-figures early this year (I have a commercial leasing company, music production career, own a small demo studio, along with a respectable real estate and stock portfolio) and that will triple within 2 years. I'm tall (6'4"), attractive, graduated college with honors and have a nice physique ( I workout 4-5 times per week) and I'm on point below the waist too. They only chicks that I'd say Tom Moore could pull over me, are trannies on the "I don't do black guys" trip or those seeking to advance their career by starring in one of his movies, point blank!
    Quote Originally Posted by senachi
    What has your physical or income got to do with anything other than minor showing off to this forum. Nobody fucking cares - it could be bullshit or it could be true, it's still irrelevant, your jealous of him whether he pays for play with the girls on camera, your porn sensibilities can't get past it. The fact your on a rant here shows your true feelings.
    Just don't by a DVD with him in, I don't buy Pauly Shore movies as I know they'll piss me off.
    I posted those things, because I don't need to be jealous of Tom Moore. To be honest, I didn't even know his real name until I came into this thread. I just knew him as the obnoxious "Tranny Hunter" guy, who I "fast forward" everytime he pops up in other DVDs I own. I know he was in "Rogue Adventures" a few times to my dismay. I made a simple post about the 3 TS porn actors I don't like, you said I'm jealous, I respond to your bullshit, but I'm on a rant. Picture that! Following your simple-minded reasoning Seanchi, I guess your jealous of Pauly Shore, seeing as how you're criticizing his work. Another thing, I never said I "bought" a Tom Moore movie did I? I've seen some of his stuff thru free downloads and sometimes I check out the new TS/GG product on the market at the peep shows in Times Square, so I know what's good and what's crap before I buy. Please believe I "fast forward" when I see Chemotherapy Man. Seanchi, I don't know what's worse your reasoning ability or your reading comprehension. I'll buy Joey Silvera's "Rogue Adventures" series because of the trannies and the high quality. However, Fabio wasn't the only actor used, so why would I write off an entire series, because of one actor who appears in maybe 1 or 2 scenes. He's dead, so I guess that's why I haven't had to see him lately. You ever heard of the term "lesser of two evils"? If I see a 2 hour DVD with 5-6 scenes and stars 3 trannies I really dig and so happens one of these 3 jokers is in one scene, should I trash the whole movie? Obviously not, so your Pauly Shore analogy makes zero sense. He drives the entire movie, as he is the star from beginning to end, which is why I don't own one solitary "Tranny Hunter" DVD. Hope we cleared that up.

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    I say this not to gloat, but I could care less about Tom Moore's or Fabio Scorpion's escapades, to warrant any feelings of jealously. Anytime, I go to a TS function I get phone numbers and offers to go home with fine ass trannies without tricking, so fuck a Tom Moore sitting at the bar. I just don't like his DVDs and that's that!
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    Congatulations, whoo-hoo - you can get laid. Jolly good.
    Sarcasm! Hmmm! Well, I get laid and by beautiful woman at that. So, it is "jolly good", I must say. So, while your serving as Tom Moore's in-house counsel and scrotum holder you remember that. (Why people start fights, by defending people who can give two shits about them I'll never know!)

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    This mentality is what I see and despise in current day rap music. Any valid critique of a successful artist is met with this "playa hater" bullshit. This is the same foolishness coming from Seanchi's mouth, trying to come to the rescue, because I said I don't like Tom Moore or his boy Fabio's performances. Don't try to make me the object of ridicule homie, since I came at your boy Fabio.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    Irrelevant to the conversation and I don't know anything about rap music so I won't comment.
    It's not irrelevant to the conversation. It's just irrelevent to you because of your ignorance about the culture. My point is, just because Seanchi doesn't understand something, doesn't make irrelevant to the conversation. Example: A concerned 30-something guy with two young, impressionable sons criticizes 50 Cent's glorification of guns and drug dealing in his music. Then in classic hip-hop fashion, some fool hears him and says he's a "hater" (jealous) of 50 Cent because he a famous, multimillionaire living the high-life. That's why it's revelant. This person was making a valid critique based on his personal opinions, yet a simpleton could only process his words as jealously, when it's clear to anyone with a modicum of common sense, it's not.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    Fabio has been dead for 2 years or so and I'm still not sure what "my boy" means?
    I think it would be hard for me to make you "the object or ridicule, homie" - you've managed to do that without my aide.
    Yeah, your a real riot Alice!

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    Forget Fabio and Tom Moore, let's talk about your shit then. I'm not "kissing the ring", like so many dudes in HA, because they see you as the Hugh Hefner of this Tranny porn shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    Tranny porn is shit? (oops let's not open the self-loathing Freudian junk from my armchair ... just joking). I've taken plenty of shit in this forum and I don't think too many people kiss my ass, certainly not because of my opinions and willingness to stand up for what I believe. I think some people love some of the sites but they're not about me, they're about the photographers and models who make the sites.
    Dude, your reading comprehension is abysmal. Especially, considering the fact you're a webmaster. I didn't say tranny porn was shit. I said "tranny porn shit". I could of said "tranny porn stuff" same meaning. Shit was being used as a noun, not as a adjective.

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    The Nacho Vidal and Shemale Strokers stuff is vastly superior, as far as TS masturbation DVDs. The DVD with TS Monie and Vanilla is O.K, even though they are beautiful girls, the scene with Monie was shot poorly. Vanilla's scene was shot a little better.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    I loved the scene with Vanilla but the Monie one didn't work out well. The scene with Suzi Ho was the best on the tape. Not my favourite release of the older stuff but this was shot in 2002/2003 so a lot different quality to what we're releasing now.
    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    P.S: Yeah, I know your getting big money, so please don't burden me with that diatribe.
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    Why would I need to do that? Why on earth would you think I'd need to attempt to impress you. Calm the ego down, boy.
    I don't think anything. In an older thread many moons ago, you were locking horns with another HA member and you threw up in his face how successful you were. That is why I wrote that.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchi
    For those who didn't know like BM here, who obviously isn't as well-informed as he believes, Fabio Scorpio died in 2004 from complications during a surgery. Tom Moore is still alive and hunting trannies for a living - doing seemingly very well from it, considering his face is on most of his releases, some must like him. The monkeyman guy has given up on porn and is now a star in the Moscow State Circus.
    I just said I don't care for Fabio Scorpion, what does being "informed" have to do with it. This isn't a collegiate dissertation, nor am I a guest correspondent on MSNBC. It was a simple question soliciting an opinion. You do realize in early grade school, they teach you the difference between a fact and an opinion. I guess you were asleep, when they taught that one.

    Hmmm, clowning the "Monkeyman" huh. I guess your jealous of all the chicks he's screwing and you absolutely must own all his DVD's right. Other than that, why else would you call another human being something malicious like "Monkeyman", if not jealousy.

  3. #63
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    Yeah, you've really got me beaten on all points there, boy.
    I can't even respond in kind, I have to make some money to re-hire Tom Moore to shoot some Argies for me and then phone up some of the black girls I've shot to teach me slang as I'm obviously not up on the street talk.

    You win your not jealous of Tom Moore ... just of me.

  4. #64
    Rookie Poster
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    Jun 2005

    Default A brief message to Seanchi and Beatmaker

    You have both made some valid points...

    Beatmaker- I beleive that you were simply stating your opinion and asking for others when this thread started. And your opinions (some of which I agree with some of which I do not) are as valid as anyone else's.

    Seanchi- You produce good quality web content and by your own admission have produced mixed quality DVD/Video content. You have also stated a number of opinions (some of which I agree with some of which I do not)

    As we all know opinons are like assholes... everyone has one! and is entitled to their own whether or not you agree with it.
    Bear that in mind!

    And finally remember... "you are both good enough smart enough and gosh darn it people like you!"

    This has been a message from Stuart Smalley

  5. #65
    Rookie Poster
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    That's so weird because I could never watch anything with this bald guy with his nasty white facial hair either. He is totally offensive to look at.

  6. #66
    Professional Poster
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    OK, I just read this thread and for the most part I was laughing my ass off through most of it. I don't really mind a guy being in a scene as long as he and the girl are into each other. But the one really hairy guy is a little disturbing. I don't know what his name is, but I think someone refered to him as Bigfoot. He might really be a cool guy, but in the scenes he is in, he is always with a very pretty, smooth, sexy and clean looking girl. But he looks like a hairy street dweller, kinda like the guys that live under the freeway in San Francisco. It is a bit disturbing to see. I also don't care for the scenes that have a hand pop in and start playng with the girls cocks. Especially if it is a pudgy lookin old hand like my dad or grandfather. Just the thought of that makes me go limp immiediately, and that just blows the whole deal.

    An amature does it till they get it right,
    A professional does it till they can't get it wrong.

  7. #67


    and just for the record tom moore sucks.

  8. #68
    Junior Poster Suckerpunch's Avatar
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    for me that bloke Christian, im sick of seeing him with Carmen Cruz, Danielle Foxxx & Vanity, now im sure he's a very nice a bloke (not a an attack on him am i jealous? maybe haha )but the movies are too predictable

  9. #69
    Junior Poster
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    Oct 2005


    What is the name of the guy fucking all the trannies on trannyhunt and also what is the name of the guy who got fucked by alicia on tranny surprise?

    Got Dat Fira

  10. #70
    Rookie Poster
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    May 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by gonkyy
    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Why is that hand ugly?
    What would constitute a good looking hand compared to this one?
    Imagine: You´re watching a hot solo-tgirl porn, a hot girl masturbating and enjoying herself (Pic1). In your mind you´re gonna be a part of it, you are dreaming to be with her, while playing with yourself. You enjoy it. Then, all of a sudden, an old, hairy, big, male hand appears (Pic2) and your imagination blows up like a soap bubble.

    Know what I mean?
    That doesn't bother me...I can make believe it's my hand. Not a problem there.

    Now, when I see a face dive down there and start going down, and the face isn't mine, then I get a little turned off.

    As much as I love TS porn, I've always preferred the 'man' to be the 'top.'

    Unless it's me. I'm a little TGirl slut and I'll go top, bottom, sideways, middle, anything if the girl is into it.

    No good friends. No bad friends. Only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.

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