Quote Originally Posted by White_Male_Canada
Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
Quote Originally Posted by guyone
Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.
The first amendment supports his & anyone's right. To prohibit an opinion would be fascistic.

I personally know many muslim and christian serbs that have confirmed the spread of extremism to Bosnia. Some are not as peace loving as you think and that 'some' causes a lot of damage & death. Just because it's not on the nightly news doesn't mean it never happens.
You people are either mean, stupid or totally ignorant here.
The guy's statement that makes me upset is:

"Let the christian serbs finish the job".

And THAT, nothing else but that makes me upset here. I'm perfectly
aware of the fact that during the serbian agression on Bosnia both
sides comitted war crimes, but nobody, i say NOBODY here should be
allowed to encourage and favour genocide, to make a joke of all the
killed innocent civilians in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and other cities.

By allowing this happen, the moderators of this site indirectly declare
this site to be discriminating one. As it looks like now, it's allowed
here to humiliate people belonging to different nations and different
religions in any way we wish. Is that right?

Another thing that is remarcable here is that it seems to be forbidden
here to insult gay and TS people, but it's perfectly allowed to humiliate
"bad" religions and simmilar..
In fact we think you are an idiot. That or a mind reader,or a thought police fascist.

You assume things i did not say. Finishing the job in an armed comflict means winning the war. Or was I simply joking considering there`s a little smily face at the end of the sentence. Perhaps I was merely being sarcastic.

How dare you conlude my thoughts with your own. Your own partisan left-wing neo-marxist propaganda.

You should be banned.
By the way, serbs would never be capable of finishing the job in the way you would like
that to happen. Do you know why? I'll tell you that:

When serbs was attacking Bosnians they were attacking an almost unarmed nation and they were
attacking them with a huge army of former yugoslavia (serbs stole almost all the tanks, planes
and other shit) and despite that, during many years of war they didn't manage to "win" - or in
other words they never managed to kill and ethnically cleanse Bosnians totally. In fact, Bosnians
fought as real heroes, they managed to defend many cities, and now have even became stronger.
Today they have a much better army, for example. That's amazing, isn't it?

When it comes to USA and Clinton, I give both of them a huge credit here. USA attacked serbian
facsists in order to stop the genocide in former Yugoslavia and without USA and Clinton in particular,
it would take many more years and many more dead people until serbs finally figure out that they can
not win that war.

Oh, yes, when i'm talking about "serbs" in this context, i'm actually talking about Milosevic's clowns,
not all serbs. I know many serbs (i fucked a few serbian girls) and in general i can say that the
people are good, but they have a few idiots (like you - for example) that spoil everything.