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  1. #61
    Dungeon Master Veteran Poster StinkyPete1000's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    It's strange, the girls on this forum want to be accepted for who they are (with or without the cock). This is a noble desire and I think they all deserve respect and acceptance. What bugs me is that (1) the same girls looking for acceptance and respect have little left over to spare for the people who admire them the most and (2) they don't stop to realize just how hypocritical they are.

    "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

  2. #62
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by StinkyPete1000 View Post
    It's strange, the girls on this forum want to be accepted for who they are (with or without the cock). This is a noble desire and I think they all deserve respect and acceptance. What bugs me is that (1) the same girls looking for acceptance and respect have little left over to spare for the people who admire them the most and (2) they don't stop to realize just how hypocritical they are.
    ... because the guys who 'admire (us) the most' do so because they admire our 'boy parts' (on a feminine person, i.e. 'beard'). That's fine for porn, but if you want us for personal reasons JUST because of them, then just get a fucking boy and refrain from insulting us by projecting your homolust onto us. This isn't rocket science.



    Last edited by BellaBellucci; 08-13-2012 at 05:07 AM.

  3. #63
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by StinkyPete1000 View Post
    This is precisely the type of hypocrisy to which the OP was referring. Setting aside the ridiculous oversimplification of a very complicated issue, this doesn't make much sense. If a guy likes a TS because she has a cock he's a faggot but if he likes her for who she is as a person but she STILL has a cock he's hetero-flexible. Where is the logic. What you meant to say was "I don't like guys that like me for my cock." that's fine. That's your prerogative but it's not pure "faggotry" just because you don't like it.
    So offer another perspective. Don't just tell me I'm wrong. Show me how I am.

    Quote Originally Posted by StinkyPete1000 View Post
    Moreover, at one point in your life you probably didn't have tits, had a short haircut and maybe dressed like a boy. I bet you also liked dick/men back then.
    Actually, no. I didn't. I liked women and I expanded my sexuality as I transitioned.

    Quote Originally Posted by StinkyPete1000 View Post
    I assume that must be the type of "faggotry" to which you were referring. For some strange reason, now that you have breasts that label doesn't apply to you even though you still like men/dick.
    Again, wrong. See above.


  4. #64
    Dungeon Master Veteran Poster StinkyPete1000's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by BellaBellucci View Post
    ... because the guys who 'admire (us) the most' do so because they admire our 'boy parts.' That's fine for porn, but if you want us for personal reasons JUST because of them, then just get a fucking boy and refrain from insulting us by projecting your homolust onto us. This isn't rocket science.


    That's not necessarily true. Plus, you generalize way too much (and yet, T-girls get mad when guys expect them to be like pornstars--hint: generalizing is rarely good, even if you're the one doing it).

    But, I'll leave it at that. "Cockbanditssaywhat" was all I needed to read to realize that a big-people conversation on this subject was asking way too much.

    "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    The truth is that a lot of transsexual women are disgusted that men lose interest in them once they have sexual reassignment surgery. Most transsexual women, not all, want to physically match the bodies of genetic women, including having vaginas. When a guy is fantasizing about their cock, they don't feel like a real woman. I truly believe men who love cock on transsexuals and lose interest in them once they get SRS, are bisexual.

    My personal advice to the ladies is to get sexual reassignment surgery (as long as it makes you happy) and to then start dating men. You will not have to deal with tranny chasers or men who are in love with your cock. I know several transsexual women who got SRS and are married to wonderful men who love them for who they are and the women they are, not their cocks.

  6. #66
    Eternal optimist Junior Poster beatlephil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sinister View Post
    The truth is that a lot of transsexual women are disgusted that men lose interest in them once they have sexual reassignment surgery. Most transsexual women, not all, want to physically match the bodies of genetic women, including having vaginas. When a guy is fantasizing about their cock, they don't feel like a real woman. I truly believe men who love cock on transsexuals and lose interest in them once they get SRS, are bisexual.

    My personal advice to the ladies is to get sexual reassignment surgery (as long as it makes you happy) and to then start dating men. You will not have to deal with tranny chasers or men who are in love with your cock. I know several transsexual women who got SRS and are married to wonderful men who love them for who they are and the women they are, not their cocks.


  7. #67
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    I wonder what percentage of TGs are perfectly fine being pre op??
    I know Jennifer Paris claims to be. There have to be others.

  8. #68
    Junior Poster baller1987's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    I geuss I am a cockfag. A nice, cute, wonderful career drivin cockfag that happens to like feminine people with cocks. Do you think I should just repress my longings and switch to fish for the rest of my life, or to guys andnot be happy? Should I give up on what I really want and in the process give up on a special ts out there that might be compatible with me?

    Fuck off !!! this post is retarded.

    I don't wanna be part of any club that would have me.

  9. #69
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by StinkyPete1000 View Post
    "Cockbanditssaywhat" was all I needed to read to realize that a big-people conversation on this subject was asking way too much.
    Yes, you're absolutely right. My rhetoric completely invalidates my argument.


  10. #70
    Dungeon Master Veteran Poster StinkyPete1000's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Transsexuals are very hypocritical and respectful to men who like their cock

    Quote Originally Posted by BellaBellucci View Post
    Yes, you're absolutely right. My rhetoric completely invalidates my argument.

    I'm not sure where I said your argument was invalidated by your silly, childish comment. I simply said that once it comes to that type of ridiculousness I lose interest. Doesn't mean you need to stop making awesome points like that though. Also, look up rhetoric. I can assure you "cockbanditsaywhat" is not that.

    These discussion always seem to devolve very quickly. I think the OP's point was, at least partly, the fact that it is extremely hypocritical that some of the girls on this forum treat the guys (and, for some, these guys make up a large portion of their income) with such disgust. I get it, you are more than a dick and if a guy can't see past that, it's clear he didn't like you for who you are (just like if a guy left his gg for getting a breast reduction, he clearly was only with her for her tits). That's called being shallow. Plain and simple.

    But once we get into "Hetero-flexible" and "faggotry" we get into one of the most arbitrary distinctions I've ever heard in my life. In both instances, both guys like the fact that the girl has a dick. Let's be clear about that. It's just that in one instance that's all the guy likes. So therefore it's "faggotry." That literally makes no sense. From the perspective of someone who is completely closed-minded and hateful of this community (and the wide spectrum that is human sexuality) both instances are "faggotry." If we met and hit it off and became a committed couple (a guy can dream) there would still be those that were disgusted with our union even if you got SRS, because, to them, you were not born a woman and, therefore you will never be considered a woman. My point is, there's really no need for those types of arbitrary distinctions. They don't make sense, and they make us sound just like the closed-minded, unaccepting people we are trying to avoid on this forum, and in life. If a guy only likes you because you have a dick, he's no more obsessed with your dick than the next guy. He's just shallow. However, we all have a right to be attracted to what/who we find attractive (unless it's illegal, of course). Some people get turned off after SRS, some people get turned off when their partner gets fat, others don't like black/white guys, the list goes on and on. Many of us have something that would turn us completely off and physical attraction is important in a relationship.

    As for me, I get hard for both pre and post-op girls. I guess I'm just lucky but I don't judge the guys that don't have the same tastes as I do. Plus, sometimes when you fall for someone you fall for everything about them. For example, I wouldn't like it if some of the gg's I fell in love with in the past suddenly woke up with dicks. I met them as gg's, I fell in love with them as gg's, and I loved them just the way they were.

    Ok, I'm shutting up now. Sorry for the long post.

    "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

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