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  1. #41
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Move to Europe it's covered there.

  2. #42
    Veteran Poster Fancy fancy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    The NHS is not chronically under-funded, it's the way the money is used that makes it appear that way

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    The NHS is very far from perfect... and this in part due to chronic underfunding and a clear desire by the present UK Government to privatise parts of it.

  3. #43
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Prospero although most of what you say is true, it may just be that the NHS has not had the time or resources -or the clinicians interested in SRS to give it a better reputation. As well as the variation in quality across the UK in, for example, specific forms of cancer, there are some disciplines the NHS has never excelled at, Psychiatry being another. In recent years the cost of SRS world-wide has come down and I think this and the speed with which it can be arranged in Thailand make the NHS a second choice for many people. On the other hand, maybe the NHS, by making it harder and longer to get SRS begs the question of the patient who may insist on SRS when in fact they need treatment of some other kind...
    Can the process be sped up by, for instance, paying out of pocket for the hormones... to be able to start the regimen earlier...and then going through the NHS for SRS?

  4. #44
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    Add the fact that the procedure is carried out under the cleanest and most stringent of conditions by the best expert surgeons that the NHS can provide and a girl has little to fear, unlike in the US where the prohibitive costs of self-funding often drive them abroad to places where standards are less scrupulous, to say the least, and the results, as already pointed out in this thread, are unsatisfactory or worse.
    Is there a difference between NHS covered SRS surgery...and SRS that can be attained only from a private surgeon..from a cosmetic (artistic) point of view?

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    Can the process be sped up by, for instance, paying out of pocket for the hormones... to be able to start the regimen earlier...and then going through the NHS for SRS?
    There are private doctors and clinics in the UK as well as the NHS, and there is nothing to stop an individual buying preferential treatment privately if the NHS can't do it soon enough or if it does not sanction certain types of treatment. Hormones are avalilable online, I believe; I knew one Asian girl who had her friends send them from the East. The problem with girls registering with the NHS is that they monitor development and it would be obvious if the pace of change was too rapid for the amount of hormones being taken; I don't know how this would affect the timetable but it would cause problems, I assume. Frustration at the pace of change is what I believe has motivated some girls to abandon the NHS course and go straight to Thailand.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    Is there a difference between NHS covered SRS surgery...and SRS that can be attained only from a private surgeon..from a cosmetic (artistic) point of view?
    I mentioned this in an earlier post; I really don't know what the quality of the surgery is compared to others, and it would be difficult to find out as the available research on comparisons is not good; there is the added problem that some post-ops lie about their satisfaction, while most tend not to be available for follow-up responses. I don't know if there is a theory that anything provided by the state is always inferior to the private sector, as there are some surgeons out there who maybe graduated from a butcher's shop first...I know of one ts who had problems with minor surgery after visiting one of the most reputed clinics in Thailand. There are no guarantees, and no two bodies are the same, which to me makes SRS something that girls should avoid for as long as possible.

  7. #47
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    I mentioned the NHS provision in the first place and my evidence, such as it is, comes from friends - not sexual partners - who have undergone SRS under the auspices of the NHS, so there's no reason for them to tell me anything other than the truth. Bear in mind that individual circumstances have an impact on the relative success of the procedure too, in that the best results tend in the main to come for those who are younger and less hormone-impacted in terms of their penis length and therefore the surgeon's ability to provide them with suitable vaginal length and that essential ingredient, clitoral sensitivity.

    And as I said, the NHS' criteria for providing the treatment are primarily about the individual's gender dysphoria and not about their cosmetic desire - for a publicly-funded service that is entirely appropriate. The only opposition or negativity that my friends experienced was at the initial GP consultation level. Once in the specialist area they usually met with understanding and empathy.

    My girlfriend, who is from Singapore and is with me right now (hooray!), is post-op and had her SRS in Singapore. She is professional - a high-flying accountant in a big four firm - and has never escorted, so her surgery was self-funded, and she, and I, for what it's worth, are more than satisfied with the results. I've asked her if I can post about her experience, and she's agreed.

    She always knew she was a girl in a boy's body and had to fight hard against a very traditional Malaysian-Chinese background, but began living as a girl from her early teens, was on hormones from age 17 and completed her transition at age 24 via the best available surgeon in Singapore. We met some years ago while we were working the opposite ends of a merger between a UK and a Singapore business. She didn't tell me about her status until the first time we slept together; by that time it didn't matter, I was smitten. The sex was, and is, great. Being with a girl who has wanted all her life to be the woman she knows herself to be makes the sex mutually pretty wonderful. The fact that I'm not enormously endowed probably helps too. Our lives had to be mutually exclusive for a while but we stayed in touch and rekindled the relationship when I stopped over in Singapore on my Australian trip earlier this year. Bit of a risk, but it's worked out even better than I could have dreamed. Where we'll end up is anyone's guess - Singapore, the UK, Australia, possibly the US, but it doesn't matter. We're all loved up lol.

    She's busy in the kitchen while I type this, she loves my cat (phew!) and we're packing for a trip over to Brittany where I've got a number of gigs. I'm a lucky, and very happy, guy.

    So, if that helps anyone wondering about the mechanics and also the aesthetics of post-operational sex and relationships, we're very happy to share it with you.

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  8. #48
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    RL is a lucky guy. Sounds like he has found a little piece of paradise... and a nice cat too.

  9. #49
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Nice going Robert L - proving nice guys can finish first (even those that "aren't enormously endowed")!

  10. #50
    Keeping it P.I. Veteran Poster Token Williams-Black's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obamacare and SRS

    Excellent, RL!

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