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  1. #1711
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    Tell me oh wise one, what could i learn from these four kids? You probably didn't watch them long enough. If you had, I guarantee you the black kid would have stolen something from one of the other kids. See, with a little patience and observation even you will lose faith.

    My apologies, I thought I'd banned this cunt two days ago.
    He's gone now.

    Another one is going also if he wants to continue that route.

  2. #1712
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    I'm glad this site is being policed better. It is astonishing the way these racists pop up, spew their poison and get expelled - only for another four or five to spring full formed from the soil.

  3. #1713
    bannedforlife Junior Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post

    Fair enough. I'm just trying to be a dick tonight anyways. I'm in the mood. Nevertheless, I'll never stop exsposing the sheer hypocrisy of those who only see racism and hate crimes as white on black. I've lived in the deep south for over 30 years and i can PROMISE you that i have never seen more bitter, hate filled, resentful, and downright racist people than black people and they do not care who they take this out on, innocent or not.
    Well, the actions of the police, in not arresting Zimmerman the night of the incident, does not reflect well on the racial sentiments of my fellow white comrades. We have to do a much better job in setting an example of even handedness.

  4. #1714
    bannedforlife Junior Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I'm glad this site is being policed better. It is astonishing the way these racists pop up, spew their poison and get expelled - only for another four or five to spring full formed from the soil.
    As one was threatened, that my interest in this site, would be exposed to my wife, children and employer, simply because someone did not like my opinion, I cannot agree that the policing has improved. I was amazed at the spinelessness of my fellow members from both the right and left who saw me being blackmailed, and stood by as mutes. Their courage was breathtaking.

  5. #1715
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by fastingforlife View Post
    As one was threatened, that my interest in this site, would be exposed to my wife, children and employer, simply because someone did not like my opinion, I cannot agree that the policing has improved. I was amazed at the spinelessness of my fellow members from both the right and left who saw me being blackmailed, and stood by as mutes. Their courage was breathtaking.
    You make you're own bed. You probably should have stayed away from here after that.

  6. #1716
    5 Star Poster south ov da border's Avatar
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    Everywhere Smush Parker's been...

    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    too much french fries, not enough shakes...

  7. #1717
    Keeping it P.I. Veteran Poster Token Williams-Black's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by south ov da border View Post
    Oh, god I can't wait to read the comments from THIS one...

    Dick riding is NOT a form of transportation; it gets you NOWHERE.

  8. #1718
    5 Star Poster south ov da border's Avatar
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    Everywhere Smush Parker's been...

    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Token Williams-Black View Post
    Oh, god I can't wait to read the comments from THIS one...

    I live in the area. People do not understand the racial issues here. They are BAD. They still exist and will continue to because people just don't want to change. There are many instances here that have happened.

    Example. A black student in the eastern parts of Orange county got tied up and left in a field with cows and other animals. They covered it up.

    Teachers in certain schools are repetedly called nigger or complained about to admistration because of their "racist" ways.

    It's crazy here

    But the main issue about this Trayvon case is this--- The police did nothing to identify the body or contact the family. That is what the problem is and how it blew up in their faces. It's a mess and needs to be dealt with...

    too much french fries, not enough shakes...

  9. #1719
    Banned - Long overdue. Junior Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai View Post
    My apologies, I thought I'd banned this cunt two days ago.
    He's gone now.

    Another one is going also if he wants to continue that route.

    Banned for what you pillock?

  10. #1720
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Post Re: BREAKING NEWS!;Sanford police chief fired in wake of Trayvon Martin case

    ok can we get back on subject?

    no one has commented on the below breaking news items

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    CNN;Zimmerman's wife arrested, CHARGED WITH perjury

    June 13, 2012: is happy to announce that yesterday the wife of George Zimmerman was charged with perjury. The third-degree felony is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 . Shellie Zimmerman was released on bond. Her husband, neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, 28, killed the Florida teenager Trayvon Martin on February 26.

    Now it is alleged in court documents that Shellie Zimmerman used money transfers to hide the couple's finances as they fought for his release on bond. The arrest affidavit alleges that records show that just days before an April bond hearing for her husband, Shellie Zimmerman, 25, transferred $74,000 in eight smaller amounts ranging from $7,500 to $9,990, from her husband's account to hers.

    It also alleges that $47,000 was transferred from George Zimmerman's account to his sister's in the days before the bond hearing.

    CNN;Zimmerman's wife arrested, CHARGED WITH perjury
    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    BREAKING NEWS: Trayvon's Killer Zimmerman Is ACCUSED OF Assaulting A BLACK POLICE OFFICER!!! (And He Served NO TIME In Jail For It)

    March 27, 2012: MediaTakeOutcom learned today that George Zimmerman, the man who MURDERED Trayvon Martin, was charged in 2005 with ASSAULTING a police officer. The mainstream media is GLOSSING OVER this fact, claiming that it was some sort ofmisunderstanding.

    Well spoke with AN INFORMANT, inside the Orlando police department, who tell us that the officer who ZIMMERMAN assaulted - was AFRICAN AMERICAN.

    This dude is an ANIMAL. He really believes that he can do ANYTHING to Black people, whether they're OFFICERS, children, armed, or UNARMED.

    He really needs to be off the streets!!
    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    Graphic Evidence Of The Racism Of Fox News: Racial Photoshopping

    News reports are suggesting that later today the authorities in Florida will announce charges against Trayvon Martin’s shooter, George Zimmerman. Coverage of this story was handled by Fox News in a manner that is revealing and offensive – and wholly unique to Fox News:

    This is a journalistic lynching. And note, this is not Fox Nation. It is the mothership, Fox News. The editors at this alleged “news” network are demonstrating their overt hostility to both African-Americans and journalistic ethics. If this picture doesn’t finally establish the overarching prejudice of Fox, it’s hard to know what will. Their bias is so clearly being exercised with a zealotry that the Klan would shrink from. How do they get away with this?
    [Update] Fox News changed their graphic.

    This is a more impartial photo that does not disparage the victim (although it still is not as overtly cheerful as Zimmerman’s pic). You think they got a few complaints about the previous photo? They must have had a reason for changing it.

    [Addendum] A couple of commenters have asserted (without proof) that the lighter picture of Trayvon was the one that was Photoshopped. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that they are right and that the picture Fox used was not altered (at least by Fox). That does not change the fact that Fox made an editorial decision to use that picture. They had numerous pictures from which to choose of both Trayvon and Zimmerman, and they chose the most negative picture of Trayvon which they paired with the most positive picture of Zimmerman. That was not an accident. It was the result of deliberate editorial judgment. And it tells us everything we need to know about Fox’s editors.
    For more on the subject of media and race, check out the excellent book by Democracy Now’s Juan Gonzalez:

    There has also been some discussion as to whether making Trayvon look darker was inherently racist. Two points: 1) Making anyone look darker has the effect of making them look more sinister. And making the subject of a photo look more sinister, regardless of race, is blatant editorial bias. 2) Darker skinned African-Americans are not viewed more negatively by fair-minded people who are free of prejudice, but they are viewed more negatively by people predisposed to discriminate on the basis of race – i.e. Fox News viewers. Fox is playing to their audience and they know who they are. Studies show that the African-American segment of viewers of Fox News in primetime is only 1.38%. That compares to 19.3% for MSNBC, and 20.7% for CNN, numbers that are much closer to the 14% of African-Americans in the population at large. Or, as the Simpsons put it…

    Finally, The question of whether or not George Zimmerman is racist, while important, is secondary here. The real problem is the racism exhibited by the local law enforcement authorities who simply accepted Zimmerman’s claims of self-defense without making an arrest and conducting a proper investigation. Exacerbating that is the overt racism of the right-wing press and their followers. The primary focus going forward should, of course, be the pursuit of justice and the suffering of the victims family. After that the focus should fall on the police and the media as this affair winds its way through the courts. But we should be grateful that concerned citizens spoke out and hit the streets to protest this injustice or there would be no court case at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post

    Barbara Espinosa calls Obama a monkey and says: I voted for the white guy


    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    the topic now is zimmerman wife being charged with a FELONY & ZIMMERMANS CONFESSION

    to prosecuters when he did not keep in touch with his 1st attorney.

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    Zimmerman's wife arrested on perjury charge

    The wife of a Florida man charged with fatally shooting an unarmed teen in February has been arrested on a perjury charge, according to a Florida state attorney's office.
    The charge relates to testimony that Shellie Zimmerman (pictured) gave during a bail hearing for her husband, George Zimmerman. Prosecutors contend that Shellie Zimmerman falsely told the court that she and her husband were indigent.
    Shellie Zimmerman, 25, was arrested Tuesday, according to Jackie Barnard, spokeswoman for the state attorney's office in the state's Fourth Judicial Circuit. She was released after posting $1,000 bail, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said.
    George Zimmerman, 28, is a neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in connection with the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, 17, in a Sanford, Florida, neighborhood. George Zimmerman told police he shot the teenager in self-defense and has pleaded not guilty.
    A Florida judge revoked his bail June 1 after agreeing with prosecutors that he had misrepresented how much money he had. He is expected to ask for a new bail hearing.


    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    Prosecutors: Jail phone transcripts show Zimmerman, wife talking finances in code

    CNN) -- Despite telling the court they were indigent, George Zimmerman and his wife discussed -- in code, according to prosecutors -- money raised online to help in his defense on second-degree murder charges, jailhouse phone calls released Monday show.
    Prosecutors had claimed the Zimmermans lied about their financial means before a Florida judge set his bond, which the suspect then posted to get out of jail. Zimmerman, accused in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, is now back behind bars after the judge revoked his bail, citing the misrepresentations.
    Six calls made public Monday, out of about 151 total that Zimmerman made while incarcerated, appear to back up the prosecutor's assertions.

    At her husband's April 20 bond hearing, Shellie Zimmerman testified she didn't know how much had been raised through the website her husband had set up before charges being filed.
    And when asked whether the couple had money available to assist in his defense, she replied, "Um, not -- not that I'm aware of."
    In one jailhouse phone conversation, Zimmerman asks his wife, "In my account, do I have at least $100?" She answers no, then tells him he has more like "$8, $8.60."
    "So total everything, how much are we looking at?" Zimmerman asks his wife.
    "Like $155," she responds.
    Prosecutors claim the husband and wife were speaking in a type of code about their available funds, an assertion Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara says the defense has "never contested."
    "There's no question that they were talking in this sort of simplistic kind of code, where they were talking about $155 when, without question, they were talking about $155,000," O'Mara told CNN's Piers Morgan on Monday night.
    In another call, Zimmerman asks his wife to "pay off all the bills," including Sam's Club and American Express bills, prosecutors said.
    The couple also discusses how much money can be accessed and what to do with it, including transferring funds that were raised online for his defense to accounts belonging to Zimmerman's sister and wife, prosecutors state in a probable cause affidavit.
    Records released Monday show that tens of thousands of dollars were transferred out of a bank account. Prosecutors allege a total of $47,000 was transferred from George Zimmerman's account to his sister's account from April 16 and 17, and that Shellie Zimmerman transferred more than $74,000 from her husband's account to her account between April 16 and April 19.
    After George Zimmerman was released on bond this spring, his wife transferred more than $85,500 from her account back to his account, according to the affidavit.

    Prosecutors allege the couple actually had about $135,000 of donations at their disposal when they both told the court, under oath, they were indigent.
    O'Mara, Zimmerman's lawyer, later said his client ended up netting a total of $204,000 via PayPal accounts -- about $150,000 of which is now in an independently managed trust after $30,000 was used to pay for "life in hiding" and $20,000 has been kept liquid.
    On June 1, Seminole County Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. agreed with the prosecution that the Zimmermans were dishonest about their financial status and, after revoking George Zimmerman's bond, ordered that he return to jail. He remains behind bars and has a second bond hearing set for June 29.
    On June 12, Shellie Zimmerman was arrested on a perjury charge, accused of lying at her husband's bond hearing about the couple's finances. She was released later that day after meeting the conditions of a $1,000 bond, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said.
    The defense team on Monday filed a motion asking a judge to reconsider the release of a witness statement and to clarify a previous ruling on the release of additional jail phone calls. Both issues will be addressed during next week's bond hearing.
    It all ties into the larger case against Zimmerman, who prosecutors say ignored a police dispatcher's instruction and pursued Martin as he was walking in a Sanford, Florida, gated community last winter and shot the unarmed teenager. The 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer, meanwhile, has insisted he shot Martin in self-defense.
    Independent attorneys told HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell the jailhouse recordings should be relevant in the case -- both as the judge weighs how high to set Zimmerman's bail and, once the trial begins, potentially affecting jurors' assessment as to whether his account of what happened February 26 can be trusted. While investigators talked to several neighbors and others, no one saw the shooting directly except for Zimmerman and the now-deceased Martin.
    "His credibility is everything. Why would he risk it on something that is so trivial as this?" Georgia-based lawyer Pilar Prinz said of the Zimmermans' jailhouse discussions about their money. " I can't understand it."
    O'Mara acknowledged the Zimmermans inflicted a "great blow to their credibility," making it clear the two had available funds and were not honest about it -- something that might prompt Judge Lester to order the defendant to stay in jail until the trial because he feels "he can no longer trust him."

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    BREAKING NEWS video!;AS NEW EVIDENCE ROLLS IN Sanford police chief fired in wake of Trayvon Martin case

    (CNN) -- Sanford, Florida, Police Chief Bill Lee, who drew criticism for his department's actions in the Trayvon Martin case, was fired Wednesday.
    "After much thoughtful discussion and deep consideration for the issues facing the city of Sanford, I have determined the police chief needs to have the trust and respect of the elected officials and the confidence of the entire community," City Manager Norton Bonaparte said in a news release.
    "We need to move forward with a police chief that all the citizens of Sanford can support. I have come to this decision in light of the escalating divisiveness that has taken hold of the city."
    Lee will receive a three-month severance and a week's salary in addition to any earned time off.
    As a search for Lee's replacement is carried out, interim Chief Richard W. Myers will remain on the job.

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