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  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Default english girls v us girls

    why are the us girls so much better looking than our own english girls. with the exception of joanna jet,barbie doll there are not many more who are on par with allanah,gia,vo,dannielle foxx etc.

    i know a few of the us girls have had surgery to imrove on nature but even before that they are ten times more better.

    bloody english country. i think its the water!!

  2. #2
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Simple, the girls you mentioned are not from Northern European heritage (whats the word I'm looking for here?).

    Allanah is Cuban.
    Gia is Central American.
    Vo is black-latin mix.
    Danielle I'm not so sure about but would be willing to put a bet on it.

    I'm from Newcastle (Northern England) and I cannot think of one guy who I went to school with who would have made a decent girl! We're larger, bigger build all around, hairer, larger featured, etc. Obviously a few Awere lucky to slip through (Miss Richter, Miss Jet, etc) but not many Aryans (thats the word!) can pass. Look at eros in London and most of the girls worth looking at are black or latin ethnicities.

    The USA has a much higher amount of blacks and latins than the UK does and this is where most of the tgirls come from over here (the rest being Asian and a few whites). Which is why when you find a super-white model who is also hot, like Vicki they're in such high demand (not to take anything away from Vicki, just using her as an example as most people know who she is).

    Furthermore, having more tgirls in the USA means it's easier for other tgirls to come out and get support. I'm sure there are plenty of them in Yorkshire but they don't fancy getting dressed up and popping into Huddersfield for the night. Tgirls gravitate to major cities where they can find work, clubs, bars and if not acceptance, tolerance. The UK only has London where this could potentially happen.

  3. #3
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Nay, nay and thrice nay, idiot!
    UK might be an island but it's an island thats been invaded and has invaded others for centuries creating a mix of individuals and gene pool (oh if only the American mid-West could get that genepool).
    There are plenty of great looking people in the UK - the media industry stands testiment to that (look at the ratio of actors, music idols, models, etc on a ratio of population of country). Like many countries the lookers generally gravitate to cities and London has eye candy a plenty.
    Your friends probably all subscribe to the "grass is always greener" way of thinking. I've travelled America and the girls are HOT - NYC is amazing, California girls just wow, Texas, New Orleans - man this place is full of great looking girls but they are outnumbered 100-fold by the fat, ugly in-bred heiffers that pop up everywhere pushing into their lycra.

    Don't let this develop into a USA vs UK argument, that's not what it's about. Both countries have their fair share of cuties and both a huge share of uglies. The UK is certainly not uglier than the US by a long stretch (US fat content alone would tip the balance in the UK favour, although they're fast catching up).

    This is why transgenders in the UK are not as attractive as transgenders in the USA and my argument is far more valid.

  4. #4
    Junior Poster
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    on checking eros - london, you'll find there are only 10 english TS Girls out of 82 girls listed, in a variety of states of transition.

    the ones I know are very nice girls - farrah, emily-grace,cindy sins

    the scene in london is very small and mainly dominated by oriental and south american girls.

    seanchi, I think the word your looking for is caucasian

    carl, the girls you come across at the "wayout" club are not the only tgirls in the uk.

  5. #5
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Doesn't caucasion mean any white person so would also include European latins?
    The word I was looking for was Ayran.
    Willing to stand corrected if any genealogy professors are on here.

  6. #6
    Junior Poster
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    found this on -ask jeeves

    (a.) Of or pertaining to the Caucasus, a mountainous region between the Black and Caspian seas.
    (a.) Of or pertaining to the white races of mankind, of whom the people about Mount Caucasus were formerly taken as the type.
    (n.) A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus, esp. a Circassian or Georgian.
    (n.) A member of any of the white races of mankind.

  7. #7
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Cool - I was referring to Nothern European especially.

    a : of or relating to a hypothetical ethnic type illustrated by or descended from early speakers of Indo-European languages
    b : NORDIC
    c -- used in Nazism to designate a supposed master race of non-Jewish Caucasians having especially Nordic features

    Not so sure about the master race part but did mean non-Jewish caucasians from the Nordic races...

  8. #8
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    Seanchai, you're right on both counts: First, that Aryan (and Nordics as a subset) are the premiere Northern European subset of the Caucasian race, which is perhaps the most diverse race in the world, including very darkly pigmented Indians and olive-skinned Mediterraneans. There's also the Celtic influence; the Celts spread across northern Europe centuries before the rise of the Roman Empire, conquering the native Britons of what would one day be England, Scotland, and Ireland by the 5th century BCE. So you have three major groups (Aryan or Germanic, Nordic, and Celtic) who have interbred for at least 2500 years; mix in the native (and much smaller) Britons and the various races which have, through trade or conflict, intermingled with the British (much less so the Irish) bloodlines, and you arrive at today's population.
    Second, I completely agree with your premise regarding the ethnicity of Tgirls and the relationship of that ethnicity to perceived beauty. As you well know, Asians--especially Thai and closely related groups--have smaller bone structure than either Caucasians or Blacks as a rule, and therefore (along with other factors) are more immediately feminine in appearance. Latina girls as a group I think are the next closest, and coupled with the cultural bias towards the sensual, yield more feminine ts girls than Northern European and Black populations do. Of course, this is only a generalization and there are numerous exceptions to the "rule", but when painting with broad strokes, I think this holds.

  9. #9
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Well put and thanks for the clarifications. I did read one theory which stated that the Celts could have been one of the "Lost Tribes" which would explain dark hair and blue eyes suddenly appearing in what had been a blond or red headed population.
    Being said, I don't find white girls attractive in the main - they just don't do it for me, which is a small reason why I moved out of the UK and have only dated Asian girls since.

  10. #10
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    I can really get into the history thing, a fascinating study of cultural development and interrelationship. I've heard the Lost Tribe concept, too, but put less faith in that than I do in a TS advertising that she's got 11" However, there's an interesting sidebar to that if you're curious: are you familiar with the Stone of Scone? (I don't want to go into detail, but it's the stone upon which all Scottish kings were coronated from the 5th century to the 12th, when Edward Longshanks stole it away to England, where it was placed under the coronation throne at Westminster Abbey until the English finally returned it to the Scots about 8, 10 years ago.) Anyway, it is an archeological fact that the stone was brought to the West of Scotland (the old kingdom of Dalriada) in the 5th century from Ireland with the Scotia tribe invaded Scotland (after the Romans pulled out), but legend has it that the stone is the very same stone upon which Jacob laid his head when he had his vision of the ascent to heaven. So Lost Tribe, maybe....

    Back on topic, there are two girls I see often, one Thai and the other French-Mexican (Latina with a Northern European influence, I guess), so I love all types. But I'm with you, Seanchai, in that I'm more drawn to Asian girls in general.

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