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  1. #41
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster Jamie French's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    You just don't get it do you?

    You can't be that simple... I mean, I get it, I really do. How opinions like yours are formed. Polarizing your opinions makes life easier to muddle through. If you embrace the grey areas it cuts in to your daily routines and comfort zones and people generally don't like doing that.

    I'll point out your glaring mistake in judgement anyhow.

    You have somehow confused aesthetic with intent.

    You see an ugly surface so you assume an ugly thing. Why would a song, a piece of music or expression be any less thoughtful just because of a rough exterior?

    Wanna talk about thoughtful? Pick any Tom Waits ballad. ANY. Give that fucker a good deep listen and tell me that the man isn't a national treasure who's writing prowess doesn't dwarf the most "thoughtful" example you can conjure up in contemporary American music and then realize that he has one of the 'ugliest' and unlikely voices on the planet. Listen to the arrangements and realize that all the beauty and thoughtfulness you hear in any one of his songs are derived from the clanking of trashcans, broken pianos, out of tune guitars, recording in an old barn... you get the idea.

    That's ONE example.

    The problem is, you don't know earnest and unafraid expression when you hear it. You want the slick package, the easy swallow. That's fine... we aren't all meant to truly enjoy music, to enjoy sound, some of us can only really passively hear it. You just need to recognize that you are one of those people and stop posting on threads about genres and topics which you are not physiologically capable, let alone qualified to remark upon.

    Go start your own general thread about music and leave talk about highly specific genres to those who are qualified to speak about such things.

    BOOM, from your friends at the Panzer Division,
    J.F. - Champion of the ugly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Discussing music with you lot is like trying to stop a Panzer division with a waterpistol.

    Loud and ugly wins over thoughtful every time i guess.

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  2. #42
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    Thanks jamie - I really appreciate your response - despite eh obvious jibes. I do try to listen to this. Watched both your videos yesterday - and my little post about Panzers was intended as a joke actually. I'm glad it got a thoughtful response. That's exactly what I wanted.
    I do like Tom Waits very much actually - and Diamanda Galas and many other types of music which would be labelled by the mainstream as ugly. For instance, as a music writer in the past, I championed punk when it first appeared (Yes I'm not in the first flush of youth lol) and really enojy provocative music. I like thought in music. I guess I will have to try harder. but there does seem to me to be an obsession in the music we are talking about here with death, decay, extreme sexual violence, putrefaction, zombies - in fact a whole iconography of disturbance. Why is that? I did post and listen to the music in this thread out of genuine curiosity. (Do YOU extend such curiosity to other musical genres - Modern avant garde classical music, for instance - country and western, mediaeval music etc etc) Just asking. I am passionate about music and really DO want to understand.

  3. #43
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    This thread cannot continue with a nod to Throbbing Gristle...

  4. #44
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    Genesis P.Orridge - now he was an original

    Oh and I meant to say that i own and listen often to everything Waits has produced. Way more interesting and thoughtful that the stuff described as industrial music . But that's just my opinion.nI can hear the diffrence.
    By the way jamie your videos are brilliant.

    Last edited by Prospero; 05-10-2012 at 03:55 PM.

  5. #45
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie French View Post
    Thanks! Here's a free tune from my band...

    That was good - is it a band with live instruments, or is a lot of it electronically produced?

  6. #46
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster Jamie French's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    @ Prospero: I listen to the very best of everything that humans produce. Also. "death, decay, extreme sexual violence, putrefaction, zombies" sounds like you are talking about Death Metal... either way, ALL TOPICS need to be expressed, so why you would care is beyond me. Don't like zombies? DON"T LISTEN TO SONGS ABOUT ZOMBIES.

    @ txjr3: Live, We are a three piece band Drums, Guitar, Vocalist with backing tracks. When writing/recording, I play guitar, bass, keyboards, piano, accordion, banjo, percussion, lead vox, back ups and harmonies, vocoder, etc.

    Here's the kind of music I play on my own time when I'm left alone to fiddle around in my home studio.

    26 lifetime passes left to my site for my face surgery. Help out, gimme your email & I'll make it worth your while.

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  7. #47
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    Wow, Throbbing Gristle and Test Dept...names I haven't heard for a long time.

    What a lot of people refer to as "Industrial" these days is really EBM...Electronic Body Music. Front 242 and Nitzer Ebb pretty much invented EBM back in the 80s. See Front 242's "Headhunter" and Nitzer Ebb's "Join the Chant"

    These days I like a lot of the stuff on Metropolis: VNV Nation, Covenant, Combichrist (and Andy LaPlegua's other project, Icon of Coil), as well as poppier stuff like And One, Apoptygma Berzerk, Melotron, Seabound. I saw VNV Nation at the Paradise in Boston last December, what a great show.

    (Okay, evidently I fail at embedding video...was going to embed the video for Front Line Assembly "Mindphaser" and Nitzer Ebb "Join In the Chant". Blegh.)

    Last edited by BiBoyinBeantown; 05-11-2012 at 05:24 AM.

  8. #48
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    But I LIKED being compared to a Panzer Division

    Obviously I need to buy another full stack... two simply arnt getting the job done apparently

    PS... I even like Zombies although prefer them to keep their distance behind the barricades

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Thanks jamie - I really appreciate your response - despite eh obvious jibes. I do try to listen to this. Watched both your videos yesterday - and my little post about Panzers was intended as a joke actually. I'm glad it got a thoughtful response. That's exactly what I wanted.
    I do like Tom Waits very much actually - and Diamanda Galas and many other types of music which would be labelled by the mainstream as ugly. For instance, as a music writer in the past, I championed punk when it first appeared (Yes I'm not in the first flush of youth lol) and really enojy provocative music. I like thought in music. I guess I will have to try harder. but there does seem to me to be an obsession in the music we are talking about here with death, decay, extreme sexual violence, putrefaction, zombies - in fact a whole iconography of disturbance. Why is that? I did post and listen to the music in this thread out of genuine curiosity. (Do YOU extend such curiosity to other musical genres - Modern avant garde classical music, for instance - country and western, mediaeval music etc etc) Just asking. I am passionate about music and really DO want to understand.

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  9. #49
    Rude Gurl Professional Poster Yvonne183's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else into Industrial Music here?

    I'm the girl nobody knows until she commits suicide.
    Then suddenly everyone knew me.

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