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  1. #1
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Another Racial Frameup

    Another fine black man being oppressed by racists, I'm sure he was just on an inocent skittles run when this incident happened:

    I am shocked that the cops would attempt this frame up in the 21st Century. It just goes to show you how truly oppressed and under the thumb of the Man, that Black men are. Where is Al Sharpton to defend this man from being railroaded???
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    It's not very helpful to satirize a very real social phenomena with 'examples' that are relevant only if any criminal act for you begins and ends with a suspect's SKIN COLOR.

    There are Black people who earned their cell in prison. There are some fucking stone killers and psychopaths locked up for the rest of their natural lives or on death row who IMO belong there.

    But what you aren't getting mildcigar, because you can't get beyond racial stereotyping, is that because there are Black people incarcerated, BEING Black doesn't make you inherently criminal. Or automatically guilty.

    The loser you posted if he attacked someone because of the Trayvon Martin case, is crazy and pathetic. He's not a victim. No one thinks he's a victim. No rational person sees any parallel between this case and the circumstances surrounding Travyon Martin's murder.

    So either you're really that stupid, or are delusional enough to think everyone else is.

    You're an asshole and I know it's hard for you to accept this, but next time why not start your post upfront with your belief that racism is something Black people made up to put a head trip on White people??

    Mocking the existence of institutional racism doesn't mean it goes away because YOU choose not to believe it exists.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    Mocking the existence of institutional racism doesn't mean it goes away because YOU choose not to believe it exists.

    I also choose not to believe in Santa Claus. There was a time in the U.S. when institutional racism was the order of the day. However those days are at least 30 years in the past. News flash, Democrat Bull Connor is no longer Sheriff.

    It is like the Treyvon Martin case, where the legacy media did a poor job of reporting the facts and got the race hustlers and the black community stirred up. The original story was that Zimmerman was hunting downn a black kid (NBC editied the 911 tape to try to show this). This is unfortunate for race relations and all sorts of things.

    I will tell you what will happen and you can look back on this thread in 6 or 9 months to verify I was correct. Zimmerman will be found not guilty of 2nd degree murder. Unless there is some surprise evidence put forward by the prosecution (that has not been made public), Mr. Zimmerman will be found not guilty. I used to try criminal cases for a living, and the below photograph seems to present reasonable doubt to me. The prosecution has a hard case to make and they have to convience 12 jurors that Zimmerman set out to intentionally kill Treyvon.

    After the verdict there will race riots fanned by Al Sharpton and his ilk, and innocent people will die. Depending on whether or not the trial is held prior to the election, the subsequent riots will negatively reflect on Obama leading to his defeat.

    The point of my post is to throw a little light on how foolish a number these claims of racism are. The black community should be more cautious in throwing around charges of racism. If you disagree with Obama it has to be because you are a racist, rather than you have a disagreement on the merits. I've been called racist for daring to question the story as put out by Al Sharpton (a known confidence man). It will be like the boy who cried wolf, when there really is racism then no one will believe it. There are too many cases ginned up like the Duke rape case where there is a big hue and cry intially, but nary a peep when the real facts come forward.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    Pardon me if I doubt you have a JD or were ever a trial attorney. You have some of the most atrocious spelling errors on this forum for someone who made a 'career' of the law and letters.

    Also, you lack a fundamental legal understanding of 2nd degree murder.
    For the record, 2nd degree murder, legally defined, is NOT PREMEDITATED. Unlike first degree murder, which is a willful act and the original intent of the killer.

    If the prosecution can prove their case that Zimmerman's actions by pursuing Trayvon with a loaded firearm knowingly created a deadly situation that would likely result in death, he will be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

    Pulling out a gun in a fistfight and shooting a victim through the heart shows an obvious lack of concern for human life and is textbook 2nd degree murder.

    Zimmerman will have to demonstrate that his pursuit of Trayvon was inherently a life threatening situation(good luck with that), and that Trayvon's efforts to defend himself from an armed stranger warranted the justifiable deadly use of force.

    There is no state in the country where someone can provoke a confrontation that results in fists being thrown, then pull out a gun and kill your adversary and NOT be convicted of some form of homicide.

    Another thing you don't understand mildcigar, among others, is exactly what is 'institutional racism'.

    I'll give you an example; in the Trayvon Martin case keep all the variables the same except make Zimmerman a 28 year old Black man and Trayvon a white teen. Remember this is Florida, not Massachusetts, not exactly a liberal bleeding heart bastion.

    It is very unlikely that a Black man would be afforded the benefit of the doubt in a similar case and allowed to plead self defense to officers on the scene, give an official statement at the precinct a half hour later and then go home.

    Can you imagine white police officers buying a story from an armed Black adult that a white unarmed teen carrying junk food attacked him(!), and this Black gentlemen feared for his life and had no other choice except to pull out his gun and smoke him??

    That's institutional racism, different people under similar circumstances are NOT viewed similarly by law enforcement and private institutions because of exogenous factors, such as skin color.

    You're equating institutional racism to believing in Santa Claus??

    If that's the case, we both know the problem isn't with those who are willing to point out legitimate cases of injustice. It's with those who refuse to deal with it seriously.

    You used to 'try criminal cases for a living'???? lol

    Then you should know that Zimmerman bleeding from his head does not constitute a life threatening situation and doesn't change the facts of this case. You should also know the veracity of this photo and the 'witness' who took it will all be challenged and unlikely allowed to be presented in court.
    That pic was strictly released for media and public consumption.

    What that pic shows is that Trayvon tried to defend himself from a man who was stalking him.
    You should log on to youtube mildcigar instead of getting all your 'facts' from right wing media. There are several unedited posted versions of Zimmerman's 911 call that show clearly HE was following Trayvon and continued to do so when instructed not to.

    If you choose to follow someone while carrying a loaded firearm, and the person you are following is unarmed, what happens next is going to be the responsibility of the pursuer.

    Zimmerman's only chance is the hearing before trial to argue whether or not Zimmerman is covered under Florida's SYG law. If the judge decides that he is, it's a wrap and no trial.

    If however the judge decides SYG doesn't apply in this case for George Zimmerman, IMO he's going to jail on a 2nd degree/voluntary manslaughter charge.

    BTW you're still an asshole. Still willfully ignorant and a functional racist. And a horrible liar.

    WOrk it out, cigar.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    I used to try criminal cases for a living,

    I knew if cigar talked long enough the lies would start to spill out. Did you try cases or did you try being a criminal?

    World Class Asshole

  6. #6
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    Excellent post Giovvani.
    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    It's not very helpful to satirize a very real social phenomena with 'examples' that are relevant only if any criminal act for you begins and ends with a suspect's SKIN COLOR.

    There are Black people who earned their cell in prison. There are some fucking stone killers and psychopaths locked up for the rest of their natural lives or on death row who IMO belong there.

    But what you aren't getting mildcigar, because you can't get beyond racial stereotyping, is that because there are Black people incarcerated, BEING Black doesn't make you inherently criminal. Or automatically guilty.

    The loser you posted if he attacked someone because of the Trayvon Martin case, is crazy and pathetic. He's not a victim. No one thinks he's a victim. No rational person sees any parallel between this case and the circumstances surrounding Travyon Martin's murder.

    So either you're really that stupid, or are delusional enough to think everyone else is.

    You're an asshole and I know it's hard for you to accept this, but next time why not start your post upfront with your belief that racism is something Black people made up to put a head trip on White people??

    Mocking the existence of institutional racism doesn't mean it goes away because YOU choose not to believe it exists.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    BTW you're still an asshole. Still willfully ignorant and a functional racist. And a horrible liar.

    It is interesting that you are getting hysterical at this point. You can believe me or not, it makes me no nevermind.

    However I will direct you to the opinion of Alan Dershowitz (a Harvard Law Professor). Please see the below quote:

    Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School stated upon release of the arrest affidavit that it was “so thin that it won’t make it past a judge on a second degree murder charge … everything in the affidavit is completely consistent with a defense of self-defense.”
    After the release of the photo, however, Dershowitz went much further, telling Breitbart News that if the prosecutors did have the photo and didn’t mention it in the affidavit, that would constitute a “grave ethical violation,” since affidavits are supposed to contain “all relevant information.”
    Dershowitz continued, “An affidavit that willfully misstates undisputed evidence known to the prosecution is not only unethical but borders on perjury because an affiant swears to tell not only the truth, but the whole truth, and suppressing an important part of the whole truth is a lie.”

    As I stated in the original post unless there is additional evidence put forward by the prosecutor Zimmerman will walk free, and those who have whipped themselves up to a hysterical frenzy will riot in the streets. But I must be racist to think that blacks would riot and burn down their own neighborhoods because they can't control their own behavior.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    THat photo has yet to be verified since it wasn't taken by Sanford PD. Apparently Zimmerman was bleeding like a hose in that pic, yet no one saw the need to apply a single bandage to the back of his head at the time.

    Dershowitz is a law PROFESSOR, not an experienced district attorney or state prosecutor. His trial experience is thin.

    He's talking theory, but in the real world you don't lay out your entire case in an affidavit if you expect to win a conviction in open court.

    If Professor Dershowitz thinks it's perfectly normal for an armed citizen to follow an unarmed teenager he decides is a mortal threat, who attacks Zimmerman allegedly with non-lethal force is enough justification for Zimmerman to murder Trayvon, more power to the Professor.

    His opinion is not consensus.

    Hey, but you're an attorney, mildcigar, right??
    Your professional opinion is good enough for me.

    Pulling out a gun in a brief fist fight is not self-defense or justifiable homicide.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    And when is the last time there's been a race riot in Florida??
    You know why most race riots were in northern cities and not in the deep South??
    Because southern cops will SHOOT rioters and call it 'preserving the peace.'

    Tell your boy Zimmerman he looks like an even bigger pussy wearing that bullet proof vest 24/7. He even wore it when he was released on bail in the middle of the night and like only one news camera crew was there.
    Real gun-toting tough guy .lol

    Zimmerman is going to jail if it's determined before trial he's not covered by SYG. The trial will just be a formality.

  10. #10
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Racial Frameup

    If Zimmerman is found not doesn't mean he didn't do it, just that the state didn't prove it in the eyes of the jury. Personally I think Zimmerman was a time bomb...but that may not be proven.
    The thing people do need to remember when it comes to criminal cases: the defendant doesn't have to prove a damn thing. He doesn't even have to put on a case. Guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" becomes a tough nut to prove with limited evidence once a jury hears a judge's charge of the law. ...but sometimes it only takes circumstantial evidence , especially if the defendant seems far too oily...ala Scott Peterson.
    Actually, to me it sounds more like the legal definition of Manslaughter...
    Let's wait and see what happens.

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