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Thread: Embarassing

  1. #21
    5 Star Poster
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    i think war is the most evil ,mind destroying thing this world has ever known but if 2 sides go to war they should see it to the grim evil end not like Vietnam where the issue was not concluded or Irak

    live with honour

  2. #22
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Again...speak for yourself...I'm not embarrassed, and I'm an American and a vet. Victims? I can tell you that when someone is trying to kill you, and you happen to be fortunate enough to off him first, you don't consider him a victim. A victim is a grandmother walking a poodle and struck by a drunk driver. Let me do a quick look back and see if I can find a thread where you condemned the events in Black Hawk down. You do so here to appear to be even handed, but I don't recall near the condemnation back then......not because Americans wouldn't be outraged, just that Americans weren't paying attention, but that's another matter. In America we tend to romanticize war as though it was a game with rules because most have never experienced it's horror first hand. We think nothing of seeing a Sioux warrior scalp a white eye, but to most that seems so far removed and almost fantasy...I don't condone what these marines did, but I know of far worse incidents....
    Here's an irony for all you holier than thou sorts. All major news organizations refused to show workers jumping from world trade center inferno to their death on the street below because or a variety of reasons....too gruesome I suppose, yet I've seen this marine vid all over the TV and print media. Curious
    A) You are hardly going to find me referring to the incident in Somalia which happened in 1994; and I have condemned it here, and the other examples of prisoners or war, dead or alive, being abused, by whoever is doing it.

    B) According to the Laws of War, the Geneva Convention, and just basic decency, even dead enemies have rights; the guerillas might not have been victims while fighting for their country, but once they were killed they had the right to be treated with decency and respect; they were not; they became victims of the hubris of men in uniform deluded into thinking that humiliating their combatants is an acceptable ritual. It is not.

  3. #23
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    A) You are hardly going to find me referring to the incident in Somalia which happened in 1994; and I have condemned it here, and the other examples of prisoners or war, dead or alive, being abused, by whoever is doing it.

    B) According to the Laws of War, the Geneva Convention, and just basic decency, even dead enemies have rights; the guerillas might not have been victims while fighting for their country, but once they were killed they had the right to be treated with decency and respect; they were not; they became victims of the hubris of men in uniform deluded into thinking that humiliating their combatants is an acceptable ritual. It is not.

    Well.........if you did post that, I stand correct. I don't recall it.

    Geneva Convention ?????? Why don't we just have a dual with flintlock pistols?

    While I understand what you're saying in the abstract, what does your convention rules say about the enemy wearing uniforms and being identifiable? You think these savages play by the Marcus of Queensbury rules...they're breaking rocks with a primitive hammer one minute, and shooting their AK-47's at women and children the next. Get real Stavros.

    Yes US soldiers should be held to a higher standard, but you fight savagery with more savagery. You barge in and shoot first and ask questions later...ala Seal Team 6.

  4. #24
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    Their hero Bin Laden hid behind a woman like the true muslim dog he is .I think we should bring back the warrior religious orders to deal with these fucks so we can bath in their blood and kill and kill until there are no muslims left and besides it would be great fun and give the young blokes a hobby

    live with honour

  5. #25
    Veteran Poster Brittany St Jordan's Avatar
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    You are surprised that Marines are pissing on dead enemies? I'm surprised one of them isn't wearing a crown of ears. Marines aren't the fucking girl scouts. They are trained to decimate and destroy not sell cookies and sew on merit badges.

    On one hand there is a lot of hate and discontent in this thread but on the other there are some honest views being expressed. Honesty isn't always appreciated though, because it often hurts or offends. I won't take any one side here but it is nice to see where some of you stand in this world.

  6. #26
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    why do bedwetting liberals want to gut brave men,,brave men worth ten of me and you using the vermin running the media, when you apologise and whine about child murderers, rapists and woman beaters when they are punished?

    Wall to wall internet pornography, drug addiction to mind altering legal and illegal drugs, encouraged by the liberal establishment, reality tv.yeah lets ruin men's lives, men who put their lives on the line for our country.because british serviceman aren't safe from the media scum and liberal establishment. Take me out to the ball game ,all of you are worms who do not stand with these men against the obamination and the media scum.

    Don't you see you thick idiots, obama wants to cut the us marines, why? Because they are far too white and hetrosexual for him and his racist metrosexual friends. Stop drinking the cool aid you schumucks.oh and one day there will be a reckoning and on that day you will beg for men like these to save you.Thats why this is all over the mainstream media, to help the kenyan in the whitehouse to help him cut the US marines, a fine body of men and women.

    Last edited by arnie666; 01-14-2012 at 10:59 AM.
    'An iredeemable and ignorant scumbag who is surely worse than many of those his job gives him the right to arrest'. by Prospero, bedwetting liberal in chief .

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    So which of these to pictures is the most embarassing for you Americans.
    And was it wikileaks who posed the first one initially!

    The second picture is a branch of Walmart.
    Fuck off cunt, why don't you go to the war graves in france and dig up some WW2 vets graves because one or two might have rifled through a dead germans corpse and stolen a dagger or two. Thats right,get right in the graves and rip the medals off them you muppet . Because believe me what those marines done is childs play to what other shit goes on wars throughout history.My grandad was in the bombers over germany ,you should have heard what he was going to do to the germans if they shot him down .He was going to get revenge for hanging his mates from lamposts as 'terror flyers'.Any german it didn't matter. It would have made you piss yourself by the sounds of it.Although I think now he would have wondered why the fuck we fought the germans,the state our country is in now.

    You train men up and send them off to kill don't be surprised some nasty shit happens. If you have a fucking problem spunk chops moan at the politicians who sent them out there. What they ragheads do to our prisoners I wouldn't have given a fuck if the marines had shagged the corpses. Not a few months ago, a 19 yr old sweaty sock, got captured tortured and his throat cut, by the taliban.19 yr old He was one of ours and you are crying about what 3 yank marines did to some dead ones?

    What a cunt seriously.

    Last edited by arnie666; 01-14-2012 at 11:05 AM.
    'An iredeemable and ignorant scumbag who is surely worse than many of those his job gives him the right to arrest'. by Prospero, bedwetting liberal in chief .

  8. #28
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    Don't women realise that some men find the thought of this fucking hot?I'd like her to take a shit in my mouth while reading mein kampf out loud.

    CNN contributor no less.I hear bill maher, who is a bed wetting liberal couldn't give a fuck about 3 dead ragheads either. So why are people moaning again?

    'An iredeemable and ignorant scumbag who is surely worse than many of those his job gives him the right to arrest'. by Prospero, bedwetting liberal in chief .

  9. #29
    Veteran Poster Fancy fancy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    Mein Kampf does go on a bit Arnie boy, how about reading the wind in the willows instead?

    Quote Originally Posted by arnie666 View Post
    Don't women realise that some men find the thought of this fucking hot?I'd like her to take a shit in my mouth while reading mein kampf out loud.

    CNN contributor no less.I hear bill maher, who is a bed wetting liberal couldn't give a fuck about 3 dead ragheads either. So why are people moaning again?

  10. #30
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Embarassing

    Oh my - this little posting has brought the violence out in some of you, hasn't it. We loudly proclaim the primacy of western civilisation. How we are the people with noble and high values. And then we get racist, sexist primitives like Arnie spewing utter filth. His contributions are not worth consideration. This man has the audacity to wear a policeman's uniform in the UK. His colleagues would be ashamed if they read what he posts here. An iredeemable and ignorant scumbag who is surely worse than many of those his job gives him the right to arrest.

    I do not condemn men of war doing what men of war have to do - which is fighting and killing the enemy. But the racism incarnate in remarks by Russtafa gives pause for thought surely - labelling all Muslims as primitives because of the propensity of a deluded section of their faith. Remember what the primitives of Christianity did in long centuries of the past - the inquisitition, burning apostates alive, killing religious dissidents enmasse, burning "witches', slaughtering the natives of conquered lands in the name of religion and so on. But does history matter? I guess not. And yes of course you could show us worse Onyouknees - soldiers commit atrocities. In Vietnam, in WW2 etc. But because it happens is no excuse for saying it is okay. It is never okay. Those who commit atrocities should be brought to justice. And those who dishonour the dead enemy should also be ashamed. This has nothing to do with left or right. It has to do with basic human decency. We can hardly hold our heads up and proclaim that we are better,and more civilised, when we see this - and in the case of some of the folk posting here condone this.

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