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  1. #61
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    Firstly may I say how much I sympathise with Serena. She is a young girl who is obviously in pain and who is frightened too. I don't know if Serena reads this board, but if you do, it appears from your vlog that you are continuing with an exercise programme that involves sit-ups. You say something like 'It's as if I'm rolling on a rock,' at one point. You really should stop that right now, if you haven't already. It is unquestionably causing further trauma to an already inflamed area and can't do other than make the problem worse. In fact, it might easily have caused the problem to flare up in the first place. Have you discussed your exercise regime with your doctor? My apologies if I have this wrong.

    A better approach to exercise for people who have delicacies, either self-induced or as a result of injury, can be to find a decent sports swimming pool--one laid out in lanes for training, not the kind with the flumes--and get a coach there to work up a daily routine. Swimming exercises all the muscle groups and gives a mix of exercise types, as well as improving heart and lung performance; but more importantly, here anyway, it involves no contact trauma (unless you smack your head off the edge from not looking, of course

    Good luck anyway kiddo.

  2. #62
    Veteran Poster Fancy fancy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    I agree with this, makes total sense.

    Its kind of sad the lengths people go to sometimes, not sure if this is to satisfy their own aspirations for themselves, or what girls think men want. I like imperfections, its what makes us what we are!

    I wish Sarina all the best

    Quote Originally Posted by EvonRose View Post
    You should be your own advisor... I know we are smart enough to know and do our research and we are pretty educated enough to know when something is medically approved or not, if its not approved there is a good reason for it! Second listen to your doctors, not black market doctors but real doctors. They will tell you, give it time, transition goes on for years even for genetic women, there is no such thing as easy fix, work for what you want! And I'm sure many of these ts know it was bad for them but they did it anyway... Its your body and your the one paying for the price, Bottom line.

    Health first, beauty second gals.... c'mon!

  3. #63
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    Sarina, if you read this, I wish you all the best. Hopefully you are young and healthy enough to recover from this. The cure however, as you describe briefly, is intense and painful in itself. I shudder over anyone getting straight silicone injections, especially since these are quite often industrial grade silcone and not medical grade. Implants have risks--the containers can leak--but the incidence of problems is vastly lower, and the quality of the silcone gel is much higher.

    I fully understand the urgency Sarina and other transgenders at a young age (late teens/early twenties) have to make their bodies match their internal gender. That need is powerful, and absent the fiscal means to attain quality medical care, the impetus to go black market is strong. But as Sarina says, don't do it.

    I admire you, Sarina, for speaking out so clearly and boldly about what you have experienced, in hopes that others will not make the same mistake you did.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    Quote Originally Posted by FreddieGomez View Post
    200% passable, voice and body

    the baddest

    I am terribly impressed by her.
    I am not a fan of the look because its very plastic/fake/barbie with the giant boobs and the porcelain skin but her passibility is off the charts.
    I mean someone that looks like that you might say "ok she could be trans"...but to me she doesnt even register as trans.
    I can NOT clock her.
    I am just terribly impressed not by the look but by the woman I see and hear coming from her.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    It is a good thing that she is speaking out about her experiences... hopefully it will help others think twice.

    There is a reason that the FDA has not approved liquid silicone injections for widespread usage. We simply do not have sufficient data about its safety.

    I have a couple of points/suggestions:

    * It sounds like she has developed a foreign body granuloma (in this case, it may be termed a siliconoma, as it is due to silicone). Basically, our bodies do not like foreign objects, so they try to ingest them within macrophages (a type of immune cell) if they are small enough. Larger objects, such as those formed by silicone globules, cannot be taken up by macrophages, so they are surrounded by many macrophages, which can coalesce into giant cells. This leads to inflammation as well as scarring, since fibroblasts (cells that lay down scar tissue) also migrate to the area. Sometimes, people may even develop a sterile abscess. These granulomatous reactions may occur anywhere from months to years after the actual injections. Also, some people are more prone to get them than others. It is also theorized that impurities in non-medical grade silicone may increase the risks.

    * Surgery to remove the silicone was mentioned. This is usually not a feasible option. The silicone distributes in between one's own cells, so to take it out, the surgeon would have to debride a lot of normal tissue and would lead to scarring and deformities without being able to remove all the silicone.

    * I reviewed the literature and it appears that the main methods of treating these are: 1) Injections of corticosteroids directly into the granulomas. This has been shown to work for small granulomas caused by injection of small amounts of silicone to the face (I am not sure if there is great evidence for their effectiveness in larger lesions).
    2) Taking systemic corticosteroids at relatively high doses by mouth; other people have successfully used minocycline, an antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory properties as well. Of course, systemic steroids are not without side effects.
    3) Surgery is a last resort and often not very effective.

    Here are some articles on the subject:

    Last edited by Tobe; 01-04-2012 at 05:26 AM.

  6. #66
    Veteran Poster the_corner's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    Dumb question, but here it goes... if all of the silicone is cluttered together as a result of the body rejecting it.... why can't doctors just put a big syringe in the zone and pump out the silicone?... that would probably not get everything out, but would be non invasive and would get "most of the job" done.

    Maybe someone with medical experience can explain?

  7. #67
    Professional Poster alyssaluxor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    this is just so sad to see and i could totally relate to her

    i had silicone injections before and a doctor scrape it off my body before but he said he wouldnt be able to scrape it all. i found out what they inject is not really silicone oil but its an industrial silicone oil use in pipes in building construction. the doctor said if injected in youre body it will be a wound. i know many TS girls who died because if Silicone injections

  8. #68
    Junior Member Rookie Poster kellyh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    How awful, I feel bad for her.Hope she is able to get the help she needs.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    I watched this video last night and have not been able to get over how sad I feel for Sarina who I found very impressive, brave and articulate. I really do wish her well. We have all made mistakes in our lives and hope we never live to rue them.

    i do not exactly understand what medical treatment is available from the government in the USA but surely if this making her ill and if it becomes life threatening will she still have to pay for treatment.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Shocking new video from Sarina Valentina!!

    Sarina is one of the prettiest TS in the circuit and a nice girl it seems. This situation she is in is bad enough and could develop into a life threatning condition. When she overcomes this problem she had better go back to the figure she had before all this silicole nonsense, she was much nicer and sexier then and still a lovely TS.

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