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  1. #21
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Hey Trish....Suck on some facts for a change.
    Total Occupy Wall Street Arrests to date 4018 and counting
    Total Tea Party Arrests............0
    Is that the metric by which we judge the content of a movement? By that logic the Civil Rights movement was clearly wrongheaded and the segregationists were in the right.
    How about we look at what OWS is demanding: accountability for the corporate criminals that wrecked our economy and an end to industry captured government and crony capitalism.
    The Tea Party demands more pollution, worse health care, lower taxes on the wealthy and higher taxes on the rest of us. Just listen to what they cheer for in the GOP debates: executions, letting the uninsured die, and torture while they boo the soldiers who risk their lives for this country.

  2. #22
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by BluegrassCat View Post
    Is that the metric by which we judge the content of a movement? By that logic the Civil Rights movement was clearly wrongheaded and the segregationists were in the right.
    How about we look at what OWS is demanding: accountability for the corporate criminals that wrecked our economy and an end to industry captured government and crony capitalism.
    The Tea Party demands more pollution, worse health care, lower taxes on the wealthy and higher taxes on the rest of us. Just listen to what they cheer for in the GOP debates: executions, letting the uninsured die, and torture while they boo the soldiers who risk their lives for this country.
    Please...please for the sake of what little cred you have here, don't in any way, shape or form compare these folks to the civil rights movement. Please edit your post before too many people see it.

  3. #23
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Keith Olbermann's a dick.

  4. #24
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Please...please for the sake of what little cred you have here, don't in any way, shape or form compare these folks to the civil rights movement. Please edit your post before too many people see it.
    You're the one who made the comparison with your absurd arrest count. I know you're blinded by ideology but just try to learn some history.

  5. #25
    Banned - Long overdue. Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by BluegrassCat View Post
    Is that the metric by which we judge the content of a movement?
    In this case, yes. You and Olbermann are justifying civil disobedience if it is for a cause you believe in. I bet you wouldn't tolerate civil disobedience from the Tea Party (if there was any)....

    Quote Originally Posted by BluegrassCat View Post
    How about we look at what OWS is demanding: accountability for the corporate criminals that wrecked our economy and an end to industry captured government and crony capitalism.
    As somebody who readily identifies with the Tea Party I would say that we want the exact same thing. The difference between you and I is that I want to extend accountability to federal governement who played a HUGE part in wrecking our economy and regularly engages in crony capitalism. I think that there are many people in the OWS crowd who think that government is exempt from responsibility or accountability, or lack the capability to see the blatant and rampant corruption in those that proportedly are working in thier 'best interests'.

    Quote Originally Posted by BluegrassCat View Post
    The Tea Party demands more pollution, worse health care, lower taxes on the wealthy and higher taxes on the rest of us.
    That's just utter bollocks. I want less government and more personal accountability. I want poeple to pay for thier own health care not demand it from government as some kind of natural right. I want a tax system that is fair and flat for everybody, without all of the loopholes for the wealthy and for large corporations. I want the rest of America (the 51% that don't pay any federal income tax TO START PULLING THEIR WEIGHT IN THIS COUNTRY, and stop whining that the 'rich' aren't paying thier fair share: a claim that is not only absurd but is nothing more that political posturing.

  6. #26
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  7. #27
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    In this case, yes. You and Olbermann are justifying civil disobedience if it is for a cause you believe in. I bet you wouldn't tolerate civil disobedience from the Tea Party (if there was any)....
    Wrong. I never defended the arrests, although I would, I said that judging a movement by the number of arrests is stupid because it clearly fucking is. Sorry you can't see that.

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    I think that there are many people in the OWS crowd who think that government is exempt from responsibility or accountability, or lack the capability to see the blatant and rampant corruption in those that proportedly are working in thier 'best interests'.
    Oh you think that do you, based on nothing at all but a dislike for them? How about if I say I think the Tea Party is a traitorous movement bent on destroying the country so they can rebuild the Confederacy? Does that make it so or is it just inflammatory rhetoric? Try sticking to the facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    That's just utter bollocks. I want less government and more personal accountability. I want poeple to pay for thier own health care not demand it from government as some kind of natural right. I want a tax system that is fair and flat for everybody, without all of the loopholes for the wealthy and for large corporations. I want the rest of America (the 51% that don't pay any federal income tax TO START PULLING THEIR WEIGHT IN THIS COUNTRY, and stop whining that the 'rich' aren't paying thier fair share: a claim that is not only absurd but is nothing more that political posturing.
    Funny, immediately after calling it bollocks you proceed to propose it exactly. lol

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    The problem isn't that there's an upper 1% but that currently the upper 1% has taken possession of 90% of the nation's wealth and consequently wields way too much power.
    I understand "google is my friend" but I cannot locate anything that comes close to supporting this statement. Can you point me in the right direction. Thanks.
    Mostly what I see is that the top 20% control 85% of the nations (USA) wealth or if you want to use only the top 1% I see around 37%-42%. As of 2007 and most commentary suggests that it has decreased since 2008.

  9. #29
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    to get into the upper 1% you need to make at least $350,000.00/year

    even many of the highest income here do not make that much even when not paying taxes on there income.


    Robert Gibbs Schools Hannity on Ayers

    Gibbs asks Olbermann to stop comparing Obama deal to Nazis

    Washington- MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann recently compared U.S. President Barack Obama's deal on the Bush-era tax cuts to Nazi appeasement. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs asked Olbermann to not make any comparisons to Nazi Germany.

    President Obama and the Congressional Republicans negotiated an agreement that would extend former President George W. Bush’s tax cuts, which will be supported by Democratic Senator John Kerry. Former President Bill Clinton also stood with Obama to sell the deal to the public.
    This has angered some in the President’s base, including MSBNC commentator/anchor Keith Olbermann, who warned that the President could face a primary challenge. Furthermore, according to Politico, Olbermann contrasted the President’s tax cut deal to Nazi appeasement.
    During Monday’s White House Press Briefing, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked if the President heard his remarks and if Gibbs had any comments or reaction to the “Countdown” host’s statement, reports Mediaite.
    “I doubt the President heard that,” Gibbs told reporters. “I, obviously, have given a number of answers that would denote that we think it’s a good agreement. And…I would say this to Democrats or Republicans, whenever you compare anything to what the Nazis did, if you ever get to that point in your speech, stop. Because nothing does, and hopefully, God willing, nothing ever will.”

    Read more:

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    Quote Originally Posted by marissaaz View Post
    oberman is a sack of shit and it aint all that hard to get into the US's 1%
    do the math 300mill or so people in the US
    3mill make up the one %
    as of 2010 there were 3.1 mill people who were millionaires

    Last edited by natina; 11-18-2011 at 03:48 AM.

  10. #30
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Olbermann to Bloomberg

    Hannity is such a dick. What was the point of Colmes being there?

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

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