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  1. #541
    Professional Poster needsum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    In its purest form, I support the protests bcause there is indeed some sort of change that needs to happen in this country from the top down. But in saying that, the "down" portion needs to do some fucking housecleaning as well. that means me, you and all the rest of the fucks in this country.

    You wanna know why the middle class is dying and nobody can afford healthcare, tuition, etc? because the majority of us ARE NOT LIVING AT OR BELOW OUR MEANS. Look at your monthly cashflow and see how fucked up it is. do you have a smartphone, and an Ipad, and do you pay for cable and high speed internet, and do you drive a new luxury car or SUV, and do you own a big house, bigger than you need? Do you have credit balances that you carry from month to month? do you "need": those credit cards to get by every month? yes? then you're fucking doing it wrong my friends. cut all the bullshit in your life that you really don't need and you'll soon see just how much you really CAN afford. People believe that they are entitled to things in this life, "just because". When I was a kid in the 80's and early 90's, the people who drove BMWs and Mercedes wre the people who could afford them! Now, everyone can "afford" them if they pay a big lease payment (which could be going to a monthly healthcare payment instead, or ito savings for tuition). I can't tell you how many kids I see driving high-end luxury cars, and are living their lives to support the car. like driving a BMW and having that pizza delivery sign on top. "Yo, I live at home with my momz and I have three jobs but I'm still broke. But dayum son, check out my fly ride!" Its this kind of mentality thats killing us. Lets go to target for some milk and bread, and come out with a new flatscreen tv, "becase it was on sale, only $350 for a 44"! you can't beat that deal! Umm, yeah you can. when you could be putting that cash n the bank for the day when shit hits the fan and you find yourself flat busted, but have some great big TVs to decorate your walls once the cable is shut off!

    Simply put--people wanna protest "wall Street" or whatever else, fine, go for it, I hope you invoke some serious positive change. But you better check yourselves in the process, becuse if you don't, no change from above is going to make a damn bit of difference if you can't take care of yourself.

    We are the middle children of history . . . we have no great war, we have no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives . . .

  2. #542
    Junior Poster soul4real's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Quote Originally Posted by needsum View Post
    In its purest form, I support the protests bcause there is indeed some sort of change that needs to happen in this country from the top down. But in saying that, the "down" portion needs to do some fucking housecleaning as well. that means me, you and all the rest of the fucks in this country.

    You wanna know why the middle class is dying and nobody can afford healthcare, tuition, etc? because the majority of us ARE NOT LIVING AT OR BELOW OUR MEANS. Look at your monthly cashflow and see how fucked up it is. do you have a smartphone, and an Ipad, and do you pay for cable and high speed internet, and do you drive a new luxury car or SUV, and do you own a big house, bigger than you need? Do you have credit balances that you carry from month to month? do you "need": those credit cards to get by every month? yes? then you're fucking doing it wrong my friends. cut all the bullshit in your life that you really don't need and you'll soon see just how much you really CAN afford. People believe that they are entitled to things in this life, "just because". When I was a kid in the 80's and early 90's, the people who drove BMWs and Mercedes wre the people who could afford them! Now, everyone can "afford" them if they pay a big lease payment (which could be going to a monthly healthcare payment instead, or ito savings for tuition). I can't tell you how many kids I see driving high-end luxury cars, and are living their lives to support the car. like driving a BMW and having that pizza delivery sign on top. "Yo, I live at home with my momz and I have three jobs but I'm still broke. But dayum son, check out my fly ride!" Its this kind of mentality thats killing us. Lets go to target for some milk and bread, and come out with a new flatscreen tv, "becase it was on sale, only $350 for a 44"! you can't beat that deal! Umm, yeah you can. when you could be putting that cash n the bank for the day when shit hits the fan and you find yourself flat busted, but have some great big TVs to decorate your walls once the cable is shut off!

    Simply put--people wanna protest "wall Street" or whatever else, fine, go for it, I hope you invoke some serious positive change. But you better check yourselves in the process, becuse if you don't, no change from above is going to make a damn bit of difference if you can't take care of yourself.

    Just had a good debate at Occupy wall street today about universal health care

  3. #543
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Quote Originally Posted by needsum View Post

    You wanna know why the middle class is dying and nobody can afford healthcare, tuition, etc? because the majority of us ARE NOT LIVING AT OR BELOW OUR MEANS. Look at your monthly cashflow and see how fucked up it is. do you have a smartphone, and an Ipad, and do you pay for cable and high speed internet, and do you drive a new luxury car or SUV, and do you own a big house, bigger than you need? Do you have credit balances that you carry from month to month? do you "need": those credit cards to get by every month? yes? then you're fucking doing it wrong my friends. cut all the bullshit in your life that you really don't need and you'll soon see just how much you really CAN afford. People believe that they are entitled to things in this life, "just because". When I was a kid in the 80's and early 90's, the people who drove BMWs and Mercedes wre the people who could afford them! Now, everyone can "afford" them if they pay a big lease payment (which could be going to a monthly healthcare payment instead, or ito savings for tuition). I can't tell you how many kids I see driving high-end luxury cars, and are living their lives to support the car. like driving a BMW and having that pizza delivery sign on top. "Yo, I live at home with my momz and I have three jobs but I'm still broke. But dayum son, check out my fly ride!" Its this kind of mentality thats killing us. Lets go to target for some milk and bread, and come out with a new flatscreen tv, "becase it was on sale, only $350 for a 44"! you can't beat that deal! Umm, yeah you can. when you could be putting that cash n the bank for the day when shit hits the fan and you find yourself flat busted, but have some great big TVs to decorate your walls once the cable is shut off!

    Although probably not the author's intent this is one of the best arguments I've heard for an individual mandate for health insurance and for increasing Social Security taxes and benefits.

  4. #544
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Quote Originally Posted by needsum View Post
    You wanna know why the middle class is dying and nobody can afford healthcare, tuition, etc? because the majority of us ARE NOT LIVING AT OR BELOW OUR MEANS.
    You're right, but I fail to see how that gives the government the right to tell us how to spend our money when most people are still trying to catch up on past debt, particularly if they've learned their lesson.

    I'm sorry, but IMO, debt is a much bigger problem than health care in this country, and one that will continue to grow if we keep spending... even if it's for health care. I really feel like overhauls to the system should have waited at least until we were independently, and as a nation, back in the black.


  5. #545
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Yes, robertlouis, as Willie Hamilton once said " You could put a red rosette on a collie dug and the people of Fife would vote for it". So much for Fifers with an independent mind.

    Ashkenazi Jews are not real (semite) Jews. They converted to Taludism in the 8th Century and lived in the area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

    I note that you did not say anything about The Rotheschilds sponsoring the American Civil War or any of the other "conspiracy theories like other half or no-brains in thei blog. Maybe they just read and listen to the trash and lies given to them by CNN, Fox News etc., etc., or maybe like the majority of Americans they cannot read or assimilate in their mind anything more intelligent that Bugs Bunny. It is said that your wonderful (last) president George W. Bush had an IQ of 78. Actually mine is 151, if you wish to know, as was invited to join Mensa.
    I am NOT a member of the BNP and would not join such a political party - i am not a member of any political party as I believe political parties to be NON-DEMOCRATIC, so why have them??
    If you care to do a little investigation you would find that both Osbourne (current UK chancellor of the Exchequer) and Mandelleson (ex Labour MP and Lord high Almighty in the Labour movement (only position he does not hold is Archbishop of Canterbury - but I suppose, even as a Jew, he is working on it), were both on holiday TOGETHER in 2009 at the home of The Rotheschilds. Doesn't that sound interesting. Don't you wonder why?? The 2010 election was a very close run thing - were they getting their orders on how to run the economy if either side won??
    As to The Holocaust. PLEASE show me ONE arial photograph or photograph taken at ground level when the camps were liberated which shows any form of gas chamber in any of the camps. There are NONE - don't you wonder why????? Maybe there were none. Also interesting that the number allegedly killed has been reduced from 6 million to about one and a half million. The Red Cross who had representatives in ALL camps can only confirm some 271,000 inmates who died, mainly from disease.
    World Jewish population in 1938 = just over 15 million (from official figures). World Jewish population in 1946 = 15 million (again from official figures. If 6 million died in the holocaust then between 1945 and 1946, they must have been breeding faster than rabbits!!!! Why not look up the figures yourself - they are all easy to find, IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK.
    Yes, as one American said "you can foll some of the people all of the time and you can full all of the people some of the time, but you cannot foll all of the people all of the time." Obviously the general American public are the "some" of the people who are fooled ALL of the time.

  6. #546
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Oy Vey!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  7. #547
    Professional Poster Faldur's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    I love how they bitch like hell about tuition costs, then why the hell are you on wall street? College tuition has exceeded inflation, even health care inflation. If you got a problem with tuition for goodness sakes march on the universities.

  8. #548
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareninfife View Post
    Yes, robertlouis, as Willie Hamilton once said " You could put a red rosette on a collie dug and the people of Fife would vote for it". So much for Fifers with an independent mind.

    Ashkenazi Jews are not real (semite) Jews. They converted to Taludism in the 8th Century and lived in the area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

    I note that you did not say anything about The Rotheschilds sponsoring the American Civil War or any of the other "conspiracy theories like other half or no-brains in thei blog. Maybe they just read and listen to the trash and lies given to them by CNN, Fox News etc., etc., or maybe like the majority of Americans they cannot read or assimilate in their mind anything more intelligent that Bugs Bunny. It is said that your wonderful (last) president George W. Bush had an IQ of 78. Actually mine is 151, if you wish to know, as was invited to join Mensa.
    I am NOT a member of the BNP and would not join such a political party - i am not a member of any political party as I believe political parties to be NON-DEMOCRATIC, so why have them??
    If you care to do a little investigation you would find that both Osbourne (current UK chancellor of the Exchequer) and Mandelleson (ex Labour MP and Lord high Almighty in the Labour movement (only position he does not hold is Archbishop of Canterbury - but I suppose, even as a Jew, he is working on it), were both on holiday TOGETHER in 2009 at the home of The Rotheschilds. Doesn't that sound interesting. Don't you wonder why?? The 2010 election was a very close run thing - were they getting their orders on how to run the economy if either side won??
    As to The Holocaust. PLEASE show me ONE arial photograph or photograph taken at ground level when the camps were liberated which shows any form of gas chamber in any of the camps. There are NONE - don't you wonder why????? Maybe there were none. Also interesting that the number allegedly killed has been reduced from 6 million to about one and a half million. The Red Cross who had representatives in ALL camps can only confirm some 271,000 inmates who died, mainly from disease.
    World Jewish population in 1938 = just over 15 million (from official figures). World Jewish population in 1946 = 15 million (again from official figures. If 6 million died in the holocaust then between 1945 and 1946, they must have been breeding faster than rabbits!!!! Why not look up the figures yourself - they are all easy to find, IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK.
    Yes, as one American said "you can foll some of the people all of the time and you can full all of the people some of the time, but you cannot foll all of the people all of the time." Obviously the general American public are the "some" of the people who are fooled ALL of the time.
    You can post all you like, Karen, but I'll have no truck with a holocaust denier under any circumstances. Goodbye.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  9. #549
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Don't you just love conspiracy theorists?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	jet_fuel.jpg 
Views:	79 
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ID:	428510  

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  10. #550
    Shemale Junior Poster Heather Moorland's Avatar
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    Default Re: Occupy Wall Street protest

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    To embolden the "nazi" is an obscene insult ....
    No it is not! I have been to the west bank (the west bank of the Jordan river, not some wallstreet bank) And the jewish settlers I met there reminded me very much of the nazis I have seen in hollywood movies. I really dislike what they are doing to the true inhapitants of the land.
    By the way who does this stupid god think he is? - giving somboddy elses land to a religious group? I hope the other gods put him on trial for crimes against divinity one day.

    Last edited by Heather Moorland; 10-21-2011 at 02:46 AM.
    If you self identify with a psychiatric diagnoses
    You belong in a mental hospital!

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