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  1. #21
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    The "RULES" for living your life, and the "RULES" of Politics are quite different.
    just like learning Physics, or showing up day after day at your shitty job is not really what life is supposed to be about.
    When it comes to Physics, I kinda have to trust that Albert Einstein knows a lot more than me, and when it comes to Brexit, I have to kinda figure the smart people who know so much more than me might know what they're talking about.

    Nobody gives a shit about England anymore, except as a tourist destination, so in that sense Brexit is a big win for everyone.
    expect being a global leader in many industries, oh, and better living standards than many of our (soon ex) EU buddies.... but then it's cool Germany would get Muslims out to fuck it up, we wouldn't as much.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by smooth007 View Post
    It seems to me already less and less Latin and European girls from Spain, Italy, Germany, France are touring or travelling to London after Brexit. In my opinion this has been the case for the last 2 years and its just got worse after Brexit.

    Many of the ladies must feel they are not welcome in our shores and have decided not to bother coming here. I believe this will effect the punters as we wont have many choices, lot of the gorgeous girls will stay away, and we will end up with low class escorts.

    I imagine once UK decides to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty it will be far worse. Girls wont be bothered to apply for visas etc. I hope this is not the case as I wish all the best girls choose UK over other European countries.

    I would love it if girls like Kalena Rios, Bruna Butterfly, Yeidi Collins, Bianca Friere, etc choose to come to UK even after Brexit.

    What does the future hold for TS escorts coming to the UK? Please share your views and opinions and lets hope TS scene in the UK is revived and we get the best girls.
    Depends. it may just mean a more expensive visa. there have always been plenty of Brazilians and stuff here, and money talks. London still would be a big city, and still worth coming there as much as Paris or Munich or Madrid or anywhere else in EU.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Goodslave View Post
    Project fear.

    After Brexit there will NOT be Visas to travel within Europe.
    haha...what makes you so sure of that? typical Leavers, arrogant, making comical and baseless presumptions.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauren_prado View Post
    I'm glad we voted Leave, I've been a hard working "Liberal" all my life but I had enough of Liberals blind spot to Islam and political correctness. I could write a book here on how men hating intellectually dishonest fat feminist who also hate escorts and transsexuals, have been trying to criminalize our work for decades, they couldn't do it so they finally manage to criminalize you boys from buying sex, that is having a devastating effect on the lives of the girls in Northen Europe, marginalizing them even further, similar law from the Scandinavian countries was passed now in France, and is in the European Union to pass for the rest of the members states, so if the UK had stayed in the EU, we escorts and you admires would be in terrible situation.

    In feminist islamist Sweden a documentary was made, proving the vast majority of escorts are in this job because we want, when delivering the documentary with a hidden camera to a feminist Swedish politician, she mention that she didn't care about the truth, she didn't want her husband or other married men cheating with escorts, therefore the law. The documentary is out, on youtube.

    Let's not forget the big elephant in the room, which the politically correct, regressive left-wing doesn't want to talk about, but it is affecting us all, uncontrolled Islamic immigration and the Islamization of western societies, meaning less right and freedoms for women, Jews, LGBT, animal rights, Christians, Atheists, Ex-muslims and so on...

    Many videos on youtube showing muslims harassing and beating gays and Transsexuals in east London, Luton and Birmingham, especially Trans women who don't completely pass as a cisgender female.

    Here is a picture of me, a British Brazilian immigrant who share the same values, pay tax, who is pro-immigrants who integrate and contribute to society, who is not trying to turn this country into a Islamic hell hole, going to vote with all my face painted and my Brazilian shirt, proud British. WE won!

    Attachment 958974
    I agree....i'm not white, and it annoys me to see immigrants live in ghettos and not contribute.

  5. #25
    Veteran Poster cantona5's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauren_prado View Post

    Trump is next and Le Pen after, sit back and watch.

    I think you are correct...people are fed up with the current political systems and hopefully we will stop turning a blind eye to what is happening to our "civilised" countries and way of life.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London


    Third wave feminists

    --Do you even know who they are? Are you really opposed to this:
    The third wave was much more inclusive of women and girls of colour than the first or second waves had been. In reaction and opposition to stereotypical images of women as passive, weak, virginal, and faithful, or alternatively as domineering, demanding, slutty, and emasculating, the third wave redefined women and girls as assertive, powerful, and in control of their own sexuality. In popular culture this redefinition gave rise to icons of powerful women that included the singers Madonna, Queen Latifah, and Mary J. Blige, among others, and the women depicted in television series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003), Sex and the City (1998–2004), and Girlfriends (2000–0.

    political correctness hiding massive Islamic slaughter in Europe
    --Political correctness cannot hide something that is not there. What is 'massive slaughter'? More people were murdered in the UK by the IRA and the Provisional IRA between 1969-1997 than Muslim extremists have killed so far; more people were murdered in Italy in the 'Years of Lead' in the 1970s and 1980s than have been killed by Muslims so far. You can mimic Donald Trump and Pamela Gellar and make as many inflammatory statements as you like, but would it not be more responsible and honest to tell the truth?

    hiding the advance in sharia law
    -What advance? Do you even know what Shari'a law is? The presence of judicial committees for Muslims in the UK that give advice on a range of issues is no greater and may be less influential among their communities than the Beth Din that exists for Orthodox or Observant Jews. If you want to stop the religious interpretation of say family law that some -some- Muslims use, would you also put an end to the Beth Din?

    trying to erase European/westerners pride, history and culture.
    -Who is doing this? We have just celebrated sporting achievement in the Olympic Games, are about to do it again for Paralympians, in a movement that began in Europe; and we are half-way through the BBC Proms that is as glorious a celebration of the European classical music tradition as you can get. Have the programmes on the centenary of the First World War ridiculed and abused 'Europe' and the 'West' because of who we are?

    Create hate towards Israel and the West and everything white as if we had nothing good when we are a pinnacle of freedom.
    --People criticize Israel from different angles and because of their own agenda, there is no single campaign to 'demonize' Israel and you may know that the most savage critics of Israel are -Israelis who take the view that the occupation of the West Bank that has been illegal since it began in 1967 has been a catastrophe for Israel. You should also know that to merge Israel as a Jewish state with the debate on hating 'everything white' is a contradiction as David Duke, one of Donald Trump's most energetic supporters and a 'former' 'Grand Wizard' of the Ku Klux Klan has pointed out that Jews are not white, and do not belong in the USA but in the Middle East where (he says) they came from. When asking 'who hates the Jews' you might not like the answer and you might also want to be careful who you support in elections whether it is Donald J. Trump or Marine le Pen.

    Leftist lunatics has hijacked the word Liberal, years left wing brainwashing and endless immigration trying to tip the vote balance to their side. Look how whites are treated in black majority countries, no equality, yet here we are all equal, yet here they complain.
    --In the UK the left has never used the word Liberal other than as a term of abuse, but tends to use words like 'Socialism' -you may have heard of Jeremy Corby, look at what he actually says. How does the 'left' brainwash people when the left has never been in power with the power to brainwash anyone? The most influential language in the media in the last 40 years has been created by Rupert Murdoch who may be a 'free market liberal' in economic terms, but has been an extreme conservative in all other policy areas -and just as the UK has elected one conservative government after another, where has all his alleged 'leftist' rhetoric come from and why has it been such a failure with the Labour Party at its weakest since the 1930s?

    The people are revolting, Europeans want their pride, culture and lives back, we do not want islamism or sharia law.
    -Europe never lost its pride, it has never lost its culture, and is not going to be 'ruled' by Shari'a law. On the other hand, you might want to ask why some people are do determined to deny that Islam has had any positive impact on European culture, as if European culture grew and matured completely separate from the ancient Empires of Egypt and Persia as well as Greece and Rome. If you try hard enough, you will see so many common interests and so many shared traditions -in music and literature, in science and mathematics, that you may realise that this 'Great Fear' has been manufactured by people who want to deny the reality of the world they live in, and re-shape it to suit their own monochrome ambitions.

    Ultimately, you can trash the truth in support of politics, but that is bad politics, and nothing good ever came of it, but history shows that when lies rule in politics, many have died, and many more suffered. Like Donald J. Trump it is you who has nothing good to say abut the world we live in, a world that for all its flaws and contradictions has improved the life chances of people from all backgrounds.
    You may oppose laws that make discrimination on the grounds of colour and sexuality illegal, I support them. You may be opposed to the visibility of transgendered performers on mainstream tv, I support it. You may be appalled to see a Black man in the White House -I think it is a good thing. What we have achieved in the last 60 years is greater than what you claim we have lost. In fact, it is only because a small clique of people already very rich have lost the guaranteed access to power that they used to consider their birthright, that they are campaigning to take rights away from so-called 'minorities' and hoard it for themselves.
    As someone from a 'minority' within a 'minority' I cannot understand why you join forces with the very people who want to send you back to the ghetto you emerged from, crushing your freedom and your identity at the same time.

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    Last edited by Stavros; 08-24-2016 at 11:04 AM.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Junior Poster Lauren_prado's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    ...deny that Islam has had any positive impact on European culture, as if European...
    Are you kidding me? Your brain has been completely eaten by the regressive leftist islamist apologist media propaganda machine in Islamic Republic of Sweden.

    I have chills just by reading the things you write, the more you write the more I see what's wrong with this world, you defend things that are causing enormous divisions in our society, destroying it from the inside out, yet blind to see it, instead make comparisons to other religions like if Buddhist were flying planes into buildings and Christians were beheading those who leave Christianity. I'm an Atheist and I despise all religions, but not equally because they are not equally dangerous. You can't see the two sides of the coin, you completely brainwashed. I was a liberal and I follow liberal media as right wing media and I can see how people new age of liberals are completely brainwashed to one world view only.

    Your insane narrative of denial of reality with political correctness, cultural relativism, apologist to Islamism, is going to destroy the free world, extinct Europeans in our own lands. People like you are traitors of western civilization, traitors of the free world, you need to be held accountable. Now you can get away with it, but when Europeans finally wake up from this cancer, you wont.

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  8. #28
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Stavros says Lauren is appalled that a black man is President.
    Lauren says Stavros is a traitor of western civilization.
    You're both guilty of miscaracterizing each other.

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  9. #29
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    islam's positive effect is that we know what shit to avoid.....

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by flabbybody View Post
    Stavros says Lauren is appalled that a black man is President.
    Lauren says Stavros is a traitor of western civilization.
    You're both guilty of miscaracterizing each other.
    I may be wrong in Lauren's case as I don't know her or what she thinks of Obama as President, but on the platform she supports you will find the people who do believe what I claimed, just as Marine le Pen may try to repudiate her father's outrageous and offensive comments over the years yet many of her supporters approved and still approve of them, just as supporters of Donald Trump believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.

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