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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    I am very surprised that foreigners who I doubt pay any taxed got to vote on our referendum Lauren. As a proud Englishman I voted remain largely because leaving EU would bring a negative impact on our economy and not because of project fear. I sincerely hope I am proved wrong and we prosper economically as a country, and tax payers money is distributed fairly. I hope the money saved from EU is spent on the NHS, Policing, Education so everyone has a healthy, safe and bright future. For some reason I am sceptical but only time will tell.

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  2. #12
    Senior Member Junior Poster Lauren_prado's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Foreigners who don't pay any tax? Can't vote? I'm amazed by your assumptions on foreigners, I'm probably more British and have done more to this country than many, but I'm not surprised the left (remainers) have been proving over and over again how lovely they are not and divisive while calling the right "project fear".

    You are wrong in every possible level, I hold a well deserved British passport, I can vote and pay tax.

    Us Brexiters put our freedom, our country first before money, we knew the economy would be hurt in the short-medium term but money and greed did not speak more than our wish, to keep our country without Islamism, to keep our rule of law, our kindness and out secular British values, what a wonderful people.

    Look at Sweden, where white guilt hatefull left-wing politicians went as far as saying they are happy white blond Swedes are disappearing, that if two persons apply for a job, the one named Muhammad should keep the job. Sweden is becoming a dangerous hell hole, is that what you want for us?

    I'm glad we out, I'm glad we send a powerful message, despite all the armagedom fear mongering by big business and the dominating left wing media, because as Trans person, I do not wish to live in an Islamazed nation.

    I believe the British is the most amazing people in this planet, our history is unmatched, our economy will pick up, and we will thrive like never before.


    Quote Originally Posted by smooth007 View Post
    I am very surprised that foreigners whyo I doubt pay any taxed got to vote on our referendum Lauren. As a proud Englishman I voted remain largely because leaving EU would bring a negative impact on our economy and not because of project fear. I sincerely hope I am proved wrong and we prosper economically as a country, and tax payers money is distributed fairly. I hope the money saved from EU is spent on the NHS, Policing, Education so everyone has a healthy, safe and bright future. For some reason I am sceptical but only time will tell.

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  3. #13
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauren_prado View Post
    Foreigners who don't pay any tax? Can't vote? I'm amazed by your assumptions on foreigners, I'm probably more British and have done more to this country than many, but I'm not surprised the left (remainers) have been proving over and over again how lovely they are not and divisive while calling the right "project fear".

    I'm booking Lauren just for her Brexit views! Which echo many peoples'. I see the scare mongering post remainers are still at it! I, like many people work in London. To be honest its just business as usual! End of.............

    You are wrong in every possible level, I hold a well deserved British passport, I can vote and pay tax.

    Us Brexiters put our freedom, our country first before money, we knew the economy would be hurt in the short-medium term but money and greed did not speak more than our wish, to keep our country without Islamism, to keep our rule of law, our kindness and out secular British values, what a wonderful people.

    Look at Sweden, where white guilt hatefull left-wing politicians went as far as saying they are happy white blond Swedes are disappearing, that if two persons apply for a job, the one named Muhammad should keep the job. Sweden is becoming a dangerous hell hole, is that what you want for us?

    I'm glad we out, I'm glad we send a powerful message, despite all the armagedom fear mongering by big business and the dominating left wing media, because as Trans person, I do not wish to live in an Islamazed nation.

    I believe the British is the most amazing people in this planet, our history is unmatched, our economy will pick up, and we will thrive like never before.

    Well said Lauren. The post brexit remain camp still on the negative band wagon!

    Like many others I work in London and its totally business as usual. No one is even talking about Brexit. Many French and other European nationalities in my firm and they dont care a jot.

    Trade deals are happening on an international basis almost daily. At least 4 other EU countries want out and Germany is in total dissaray after Angela Merkel open the floodgates.

    We are a tiny island on the global stage but we hold the 5th largest global economy and the largest financial centre in the world! The question is who wouldn't want to do business with us.

    Short term pain........long term gain.

    Oh, and I'm booking Lauren!

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  4. #14
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    This is how Brexit could affect my enjoyment of said escorts:
    IF we leave the EU, and remember we HAVE NOT yet and I don't see much evidence of it happening anytime soon, and IF following our (potential) leaving someone somewhere decides to introduce Import Duty into goods coming into the UK (which could happen) then my business is over as most of what I sell is imported and already has very slim profit margins, which would leave me out of a job and unable to enjoy visiting the TS escorts we love so much...

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    Last edited by rodinuk; 08-23-2016 at 12:45 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    I'm glad we voted Leave, I've been a hard working "Liberal" all my life but I had enough of Liberals blind spot to Islam and political correctness.

    -'Political Correctness' has enabled you to live as a transgendered person with the same rights in the UK that I have, and indeed, a similar if not always identical menu of rights across the European Union. If you would prefer to return to the pre-EU days in London -even in the early 1970s- when someone born male could be arrested for dressing as a woman in public and charged with 'importuning' other men for sex or soliciting for the purposes of prostitution, then I suspect after a short while you would leave the country, and possibly concede that 'political correctness' is in fact better than the alternative -I for one am pleased to live in a country where it is now illegal for a hotel landlord to put a sign in their window that says 'No Coloureds'.

    I could write a book here on how men hating intellectually dishonest fat feminist who also hate escorts and transsexuals, have been trying to criminalize our work for decades, they couldn't do it so they finally manage to criminalize you boys from buying sex, that is having a devastating effect on the lives of the girls in Northen Europe, marginalizing them even further, similar law from the Scandinavian countries was passed now in France, and is in the European Union to pass for the rest of the members states, so if the UK had stayed in the EU, we escorts and you admires would be in terrible situation.

    --It is true that some feminists -and rather a lot of men in Sweden- have sponsored the laws that criminalize men who want to pay for sex, but it is not true that this has had a 'devastating effect' on 'working girls'. You also do not acknowledge that in addition to this brand of feminism, many of the legislators who have sponsored this legislation in Europe and the USA are not liberals but have done so from a Conservative Christian foundation of 'moral outrage', and that by contrast there are feminists who view sex work empowering women and offer a wholly different agenda. The assumption that the laws in Sweden have migrated to the UK and France because of EU membership is simply not true, this is not EU law but laws each country has considered introducing on their own. And, if you know how EU law works, you would know that every single member of the EU can veto a law it does not wish to introduce into its own jurisdiction.

    In feminist islamist Sweden
    -There is no such place. A few people can influence lawmakers, that is true, and has always been true, but even on present figures of around 5% the Muslim population of Sweden is not projected to reach 10% until 2030, if that. You may be terrified of Swedish Muslims, most Swedes are not. Many Muslims emigrated in the 1980s and 1990s from Iran and Iraq, and from Bosnia, indeed, one of the latter, the father of Zlatan Ibrahimovic has helped generate one of the most popular Swedes of the day. And as many then and now left the Middle East to get away from war and religious fanaticism, I wonder if the 'great fear' is in fact a typically phoney campaign mounted by Neo-Nazis and their fellow travellers who have an agenda of their own and who loathe 'political correctness' every but as you appear to but possibly for different reasons. Should the laws that outlaw discrimination against Black people in Brazil be repealed? They have been there since the 1950s but isn't this also 'political correctess'?

    Let's not forget the big elephant in the room, which the politically correct, regressive left-wing doesn't want to talk about, but it is affecting us all, uncontrolled Islamic immigration and the Islamization of western societies, meaning less right and freedoms for women, Jews, LGBT, animal rights, Christians, Atheists, Ex-muslims and so on...

    --There has never been uncontrolled immigration into the UK, and the UK has a noble tradition of offering sanctuary to oppressed groups of people dating back at least 1681 when Charles II offered sanctuary to French Protestants fleeing mass murder following the Edict of Nantes. It is also the case that whenever large groups of immigrants came to the UK they were accused of introducing disease, were the cause of a decline in law and order, were culturally too alien to be accommodate and so on. It happened to the Italians who migrated from Italy in the 1880s, the Jews who came here from the Russian Empire between the 1890s and the 1920s, the Kindertransport that brought Jewish children in peril from the Nazis to Britain in the 1930s, the Caribbeans, the Irish and the Hungarians who came here in the 1950s, the Bengalis who came here following the break-up of West and East Pakistan in 1971, and has continued to the present day.
    It is a complete nonsense to claim that the UK has experienced 'uncontrolled Islamic immigration' because the Border authorities can -and do- refuse entry to anyone just as people who do enter the country can be expelled. It is also a complete nonsense to argue that Muslim immigrants threaten the rights of other groups of people, they are subject to the Law of England like everyone else and do not have privileges the rest of us do not.
    This agenda of fear is the agenda of hate, it is the agenda manufactured by Nazis, Fascists and Nationalist extremists who in a second will put you on the boat back to Rio because as far as they are concerned you do not belong here. To such people it is irrelevant if Syrian refugees are Christian as well as Muslim, their only function is to fabricate fear. There is no doubt that the Leave campaign for some of its zealots was a campaign to 'make Britain white again', a campaign that at its heart believes that Hitler was right and that the British Empire fought on the wrong side in World War II. And just as these people want immigration reduced to zero, so they then want to move to 'phase two' which is the repatriation of Muslims, then the Blacks, and in time of course, the Jews.
    We have seen and heard all of this before, and we have rejected it.

    You did not win anything when the UK voted to leave the EU in July, you merely substituted one set of problems for another. What I find so deeply depressing is the ease with which people appeal to the worst of human nature to promote an agenda they probably do not understand and definitely do not control. That in a world where people believe killing others is an achievement, we cannot find the language and the feeling to respect each other and work as closely as possible to create spaces where life can be enjoyed in all its diversity, free of prejudice and false anxiety, willing to adapt and be creative, and look for practical solutions rather than create problems that cannot be solved because they are based on a lie.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Junior Poster Lauren_prado's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Stavros which planet are you living on sweetheart? Come back to earth, get out of your left wing wonderland lunacy and wake up. The Anti prostitution laws have not devasted the life of escorts? Really? I have friends there and their lives are hell, with muslims robbing them all the time but they can't contact the police as they will know her address and pick one her good clients and jail him/fines.

    Sweden 5% muslims? You know the city of malmo? Where Swedes are already a minority.

    Everything you said is mix of left wing lies mixed with little truth to try to make it sound factual. That is why labour and left wing across Europe is dying, the more regressive lefties islamist apologists like you try to hide the truth with political correctness, the more we vote right as our last hope to stop Islam.

    Trump is next and Le Pen after, sit back and watch.


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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    The "RULES" for living your life, and the "RULES" of Politics are quite different.
    just like learning Physics, or showing up day after day at your shitty job is not really what life is supposed to be about.
    When it comes to Physics, I kinda have to trust that Albert Einstein knows a lot more than me, and when it comes to Brexit, I have to kinda figure the smart people who know so much more than me might know what they're talking about.

    Nobody gives a shit about England anymore, except as a tourist destination, so in that sense Brexit is a big win for everyone.

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    World Class Asshole

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauren_prado;1714023
    Stavros which planet are you living on sweetheart? Come back to earth, get out of your left wing wonderland lunacy and wake up. The Anti prostitution laws have not devasted the life of escorts? Really? I have friends there and their lives are hell, with muslims robbing them all the time but they can't contact the police as they will know her address and pick one her good clients and jail him/fines.
    Sweden 5% muslims? You know the city of malmo? Where Swedes are already a minority.
    Everything you said is mix of left wing lies mixed with little truth to try to make it sound factual. That is why labour and left wing across Europe is dying, the more regressive lefties islamist apologists like you try to hide the truth with political correctness, the more we vote right as our last hope to stop Islam.

    Trump is next and Le Pen after, sit back and watch.

    I live here too, but unlike you I don't feel a need to panic because 80% of the population of Malmo are not Muslim which even my feeble ability in maths sounds like a majority. Cities adapt to immigration patterns, just as sex workers can adapt by changing the way they work. The laws on sex work and sex crimes in Sweden have been revised in recent years and have been as controversial there as in other countries, and it may be that in the future these laws will change, as laws do change over time when they do not work.

    I don't live in a left-wing wonderland, but I do wonder what it is about political correctness that has so antagonised you, Donald Trump, and many others whose motives in seeking 'the end' of political correctness seem to me to be desperate attempts to change reality. It is even more bizarre because you yourself have benefited from political correctness, even if in Brazil the winner of the Globaleza contest to be Carnival Queen was then dismissed because she was 'too black'. If PC was so dominant, this would not have happened in Brazil, so maybe there is still a long way to go.

    Does political correctness promote something in society that does not exist, or does it represent it?
    If you are old enough to remember what life was like before 'political correctness' became a standard means of reflecting the diversity of the societies we live in, you would recognise tv programmes where all the news readers were white males, all of the presenters of children's programmes were white men and women and most if not all of the contestants on game shows white people. When the BBC decided that it should be more 'inclusive' it was not pretending that there are Black people in Britain and that their programmes should reflect that reality, it was and it is the reality.

    People who detest PC attack programmes like the 'Great British Bake Off' because it has the token grandma, the token student, the token middle aged married men and women, the token Black or Asian and of course, the token queer, preferably one with a lisp and a wardrobe of floral shirts. Or maybe those contestants are in the programme because they baked their way into it.
    But why is it wrong to produce tv programmes that look like the people they are being broadcast to? It was not 'merely' political correctness that determined a transgendered contestant 'must' be part of Big Brother, the show was a reflection of the reality of Britain and its diverse communities, among whom live many transgendered men and women.

    The campaign being waged by Donald Trump and Marine le Pen is the denial of a reality so obvious that one wonders what it is that they want to change. The campaign against political correctness is a campaign against the reality that our societies are diverse in colour, creed and sexual orientation, but it is a measure of our maturity that we have gay people in entertainment, politics, sport and business -as we do women, Black, Asian 'ethnic minority', Muslims, Jews and the disabled -but not because the PC world insists that every segment of society have one of the above, but because the people concerned are good at what they do and merit their position as CEOs, Gold Medal Olympians, bakers and news readers.

    Rather than embrace the politics of anger, a politics that tells us more about what it is against than what it is for, that singles out social groups, religions, the urban poor as the culprits of what we are told is a 'failed project' that means Baltimore and Birmingham are as bad as Baghdad and Aleppo (seriously, Donald?) -why not give people something to vote for, a positive vision of what a society can be if people from all backgrounds have the equal opportunity to work and take the advantages of education that should be offered to them? We have done it before, and it can be done again.

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  9. #19
    Senior Member Junior Poster Lauren_prado's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Third wave feminists, political correctness hiding massive Islamic slaughter in Europe, hiding the advance in sharia law, trying to erase European/westerners pride, history and culture. Create hate towards Israel and the West and everything white as if we had nothing good when we are a pinnacle of freedom. Leftist lunatics has hijacked the word Liberal, years left wing brainwashing and endless immigration trying to tip the vote balance to their side. Look how whites are treated in black majority countries, no equality, yet here we are all equal, yet here they complain.

    The people are revolting, Europeans want their pride, culture and lives back, we do not want islamism or sharia law.

    The people will speak, sit and watch.

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  10. #20
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feeling the impact of Brexit on TS Girls in London

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyB View Post
    This is how Brexit could affect my enjoyment of said escorts:
    IF we leave the EU, and remember we HAVE NOT yet and I don't see much evidence of it happening anytime soon, and IF following our (potential) leaving someone somewhere decides to introduce Import Duty into goods coming into the UK (which could happen) then my business is over as most of what I sell is imported and already has very slim profit margins, which would leave me out of a job and unable to enjoy visiting the TS escorts we love so much...
    only for EU citizens. wouldn't affect Russians, Turkish, Americans, Canadians, Australians, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Brazilians. I doubt most foreign escorts are mostly from France or Poland or any other EU country.

    Even if they were, prostitution is not illegal here, and i don't think Mrs. May will outlaw it. She's supposedly a Christian, but then no reason it needs to be big on her agenda. no reason if a Brazilian girl, or an American girl, can come here and work, and a French or German or Bulgarian cannot post-Section 20.

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